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Mirarora has quit [Quit: Mirarora encountered a fatal error and needs to close]
<iive> bray90820, afaik the audio and video tracks are counted separately so if you have only one audio and video, they both get number 0
<bray90820> iive: Yes but my video has 2 audio tracks
<iive> good, what do you want to do with them?
<iive> sorry gtg. n8
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<bray90820> I'm an idiot it was a typo the entire time
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<E81l7HT8T7sF9JdA> Am I understanding the documentation correctly in that I have to specify first the undistorted reference video and then the distorted video for the XPSNR filter, that is [reference][distorted]xpsnr , while the order is opposite for PSNR/SSIM/VMAF, that is [distorted][reference]psnr ?
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