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<davidlt> Hi, I just attempted to build a new ffmepg 6.1.1 in Fedora/RISCV, but got: libavcodec/riscv/bswapdsp_rvb.S:23:10: fatal error: libavutil/riscv/bswap_rvb.S: No such file or directory
<another|> and? does it exist in your tree?
<CounterPillow> If ./configure is generating a rule for a file that doesn't exist then that sounds like a build system bug worth reporting.
<davidlt> I didn't check, but I would assume it exist (it's released version of ffmpeg)
<davidlt> It exist in git AFAIK
<davidlt> It seems all others (until the fail) RVB and RVV files compile
<davidlt> Investigation will take some time.
<davidlt> ah, it's Fedora stuff most likely
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<vincejv> hello how do i pass no-rect on ffmpeg cli x265 encoder?
<vincejv> i'm getting a option not found
<vincejv> nvm i'll try using -x265-params "no-rect"
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<microchip_> vincejv: rect=0
<vincejv> microchip_ thanks!
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<vincejv> any encoders using an intel 9th gen i5 CPU? What FPS are u getting on HEVC 10bit 1080p? preset slow..
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<tomasklaen> I have a script that generates a complex filter that normalizes and concatenates multiple inputs together. It worked with no issues until recently when I updated ffmpeg, and now it only encodes the first input, and completely ignores the rest. can someone tell me what is wrong?
<tomasklaen> here's an example args list: https://snippet.host/vdcbag/raw
<marth64> tomasklaen: Hi, what version coming from and upgrade to?
<tomasklaen> Marth64: dunno which version from, but it'd be 1-2 months old maybe. current is `2024-01-14-git-34a47b97de-full_build-www.gyan.dev`
<tomasklaen> but I've had the same issue on 2024-01-11 build too
<marth64> Curious does it work if you remove format=yuv420p from both parts of the filter chain? there was some changes with format negotiation between filters recently
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<tomasklaen> I've just tried with the 2022-11-23 build I found in my old downloads, and that one works fine
<tomasklaen> I'll try without the format=, sec
<tomasklaen> no still only the first input gets encoded
<marth64> :( I am not sure then
<marth64> I will try later if I can reproduce it
<tomasklaen> version: 6.1.1 2023-12-31 works fine
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<tomasklaen> does this mean master builds are not stable? I was using them as multiple distribution providers noted that there's no reason not to use them, that they are stable. were they misinforming me, or did it change?
<marth64> i am not a team member and am not qualified to state on that, just i know there was some big changes since 11-23 but better long term
<marth64> fwiw, i use 6.0.1 a lot and it's been very good to me
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<BtbN> slightly changing the semantic of some filter option can happen sometimes. Specially with the threaded ffmpeg.c recently
<BtbN> But everything pushed to master is generally tested to not crash and burn. So it's pretty stable.
<tomasklaen> well, this doesn't crash and burn, but it silently doesn't do what it's told :) it ruined a lot of my encodes before I noticed the outputs are way too small, and that it didn't encode whole things. I think I'll switch my ffmpeg installer to release channel instead of master from now on. hopefully this bug doesn't land there
<BtbN> it's likely not a bug, so it'll be released eventually
<BtbN> no point intentionally avoiding fixes and changes
<BtbN> Find out what changed, and adapt accordingly
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<tomasklaen> if it's not a bug but a breaking change, I definitely want to fix that on my end, but I have no idea how. I don't see anything in the docs, and going through every commit is a bit too much :(
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<marth64> any warnings printed?
<marth64> in output
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<marth64> only nitpick i can see in the filter expression is writing out 23.976024 can replace with film_ntsc constant. though i doubt that's the cause
<tomasklaen> no warnings
<marth64> Can you pastebin the full output including stderr just to get an idea what ffmpeg is thinking?
<marth64> full command as well
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<marth64> i will try to reproduce it
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<rweichler> hi - using the C API, is there any way to simply parse a m3u8 HLS playlist?
<rweichler> like, is there a public API? or am i going to have to go into hls.c and do some patching?
<kron> that would be surprising
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<rweichler> to be clear i dont want any of the fancy stuff where it automatically figures out which files to download, and automatically start downloading them. i dont want any of that.
<rweichler> i just want something to parse the .m3u8 file and give me the `struct playlist` that is defined in hls.c
<rweichler> now that i mention it... given that `struct playlist` is private, this sounds like i have to patch it.
<rweichler> yeah, this seems like i need to heavily modify hls.c
<rweichler> im surprised the parser isnt decoupled from the demuxer
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<BtbN> depends on what you want as output
<BtbN> you can make it play it
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<kron> (I assumed some data structure representing the parsed playlist contents)
<rweichler> i dont want to play it
<rweichler> i just want to parse it
<BtbN> ffmpeg has no API that would give you anything like that
<BtbN> it's a generic and format agnostic API
<rweichler> whats what i was afraid of :( Ok thanks
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<rweichler> i looked all over the internet for a m3u8 parser written in C and ffmpeg seems to have the best one
<marth64> tomasklaen: I was able to reproduce it and verify your issue
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<BtbN> I mean, m3u8 is a pretty trivial format
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<marth64> with the second
<marth64> instead i see it EOF right after the first input and not bother
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<BtbN> likely fallout from the multithreading series
<BtbN> reply it as a reproducer on the ML
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<marth64> will do
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<marth64> BtbN: will bisect it real quick to be sure but I'll bet it's the same
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<BtbN> -ss and -to before the input has always been kinda janky though
<BtbN> if you're re-encoding anyway, I'd never use it
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<marth64> Yeah, good point here. Can't something like select filter do this much more cleanly?
<tomasklaen> I want to prevent ffmpeg reading the whole file until -ss. is there a better way tah putting -ss before -i ?
<BtbN> It has to read the whole file anyway. It'll skip decoding, but that's typically cheap anyway
<BtbN> The main problem is, that it's incredibly imprecise
<BtbN> if your input has 10 seconds GOPs, I'm not sure what -ss 2 would even do. Either nothing, or skip the first 10s
<tomasklaen> it wasn't and it was slowing my cuts a lot. I was originally selecting ranges inside filters
<tomasklaen> doesn't -accurate_seek fix that?
<BtbN> no, nothing "fixes" that
<BtbN> it's simply the nature of seeking pre-decoding
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<marth64> tomasklaen: After I validate some details on the issue I can try help you come up with alternative. Since you're re-encoding anyway like BtbN said IMO you have better options
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<tomasklaen> Marth64: I'd be very grateful for that :) but it's midnight here, so I'm going to bed for now. I'll be here in 10-ish hours. thanks again for your help thus far
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<marth64> tomasklaen: np, basically take a look at select/aselect filter when you get a chance
<tomasklaen> that's what I was using before. but in situations where you need to lets say extract like 10 seconds from the end of a 2 hour video, the seek to the beginning of those 10 seconds before anything starts encoding was just waaay too long
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<marth64> I'll report the bug
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