<Marth64> Traneptora: I was able to narrow down the threaded architecture issue to subtitles. Once I remove the subtitle streams from the transcode, everything works fine.
<Marth64> I will test this with files that have DVD sub that did not come from my demuxer
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<Marth64> wrong chat sry.
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<eldowan> Marth64: That's what I'm doing currently, changing the timezone for the local shell. The issue is that I'm seeing is that because drawtext can specify either and the commandline cannot, that I have the timezones either frame=local & name=local or frame=gmt & name=local. I can't figure out how to frame=local & name=gmt
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<eldowan> I don't think there's an integrated way within ffmpeg, so I found a solution by using faketime with the offset as negative actual offset. This will flip localtime and gmtime.
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