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<linext_> i've decided to make a black-box rewrite of streamripper using ffmpeg as the recording system
<linext_> it will take song info via stdin from various programs
<linext_> while the main program runs, it will take input from the stdin for song name, and run an ffmpeg instance for the saving of files
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<KombuchaKip> Is libswresample unable to convert to mono 96 kHz, interleaved single precision floating point? When I try I am getting "Input channel layout '2 channels (FL+SDL)' is not supported"
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<KombuchaKip> Nevermind, I figured it out. I should be using the new av_opt_set_chlayout to set in_chlayout rather than in_channel_layout as was done before the new channel layout API.
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<stevew> our first ffplay rework contribution for review.
<stevew> will send over email also as requested.
<stevew> you might not want the openAL or infinity app interfaces. provided with them so you can see how that stuff fits in & why changes have been made as they have.
<stevew> wait. messed something up, another in a minutes.
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<stevew> updated. this rework requires clock sync even for SDL audio on looping. dunno how you got away with it before, was some weird code in there I failed to comprehend & was SDL hardwired, so removed it. you might want that back the other way if someone can figure out how.
<stevew> was a bit confused previously so think its more maintainable this way.
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<stevew> another tiny update. removes some unnecessary construction code. should function exactly the same as previously for you if I haven't messed anything up.
<stevew> another tiny necessary change. removes weird windows specific code that's unnecessary with new audio sync code.
<JEEB> if you want to contribute then #ffmpeg-devel is the more on-topic channel for that, many developers specifically aren't on this channel due to end users being annoying
<stevew> I'm not on #ffmpeg-devel due to being apparently annoying :)
<stevew> for which I apologize :)
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<stevew> will forward to mailing list as per patch process.
<stevew> done.
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<Bombo> hi
<Bombo> i want to stream a x11grab to a rtmp server, but the examples i got for recording to a file is -f x11grab but for rtmp i got -f flv, can there be both?
<JEEB> one probably was before input (input option), and the other was probably after input but before output path (output option)
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<stevew> set loop to 99 in that page. arguably should be set to 1 to match original. important that looping is tested thoroughly first to ensure no regressions.
<stevew> in that patch.
<Bombo> it worked ;) with both -f
<Bombo> now audio is missing, i see there is -f alsa -i hw:1'
<Bombo> but i don't have alsa, nothing shown with arecord -l, there is pipewire running on debian bookworm, is there a -f for that?
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<Bombo> -f pulse -i $n works -i full output string too, but default doesn't
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<Bombo> seems to work, it uses the codec flv1, how can i increase the bitrate for that codec?
<furq> you probably don't want flv1 over rtmp
<furq> add -c:v libx264
<Bombo> looks better now, but even with -profile superfast it stutters, cpu is maxed (it's a pi3)
<JEEB> preset you mean?
<Bombo> yes -preset
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<Bombo> -c:a aac seems to use more cpu than libmp3lame
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<Bombo> flv1 needs less cpu, but seems to encode bigger bitrates ~800k
<Bombo> looks crappier though
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<another> doesn't the pi3 have an avc hw encoder?
<sonicrules1234> I was under the impression that pi3 didn't have hardware encoders
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<sonicrules1234> I think it was just hardware decoders
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<another> except for the Pi5 all models have some hw encode AFAIK
<sonicrules1234> I wonder why they took it out of the pi 5
<JEEB> &41
<another> licencing cost probably. and the pi5 being fast enough to do it in software (probably)
<another> JEEB: I once again would like to introduce you to weechat + :D
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<Bombo> so how would i use hw encoder on the pi3 then if it exists
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<another> not sure. never used it. google around
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<BtbN> I think it's behind some horrible semi proprietary API, OpenMAX or MMAL or what it's called
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<linext_> can ffmpeg output ICY metadata as it comes in?
<linext_> ffmpeg -icy 1 -icy_metadata_headers 1 -icy_meta
<linext_> data_packet 1 -i output.mp3
<linext_> ffmpeg -icy 1 -icy_metadata_headers 1 -icy_meta
<linext_> data_packet 1 -i output.mp3
<linext_> one line: ffmpeg -icy 1 -icy_metadata_headers 1 -icy_metadata_packet 1 -i output.mp3
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