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<linext_> is it possible to press a keyboard key and have ffmpeg start a new file?
<linext_> or to send the filename via stdin while a stream is occuring?
<linext_> i want to chop up a stream into files based on content changes
<linext_> without having to reconnect
<BtbN> still no
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<linext_> can ffmpeg divide mp3s into frames?
<linext_> so they can be joined back cleanly later into one file?
<linext_> i don't want to reinvent the wheel rewriting streamripper (2008)
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<BtbN> mp3 is basically compressed wav in how it behaves
<BtbN> so just cat it back together as you like
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<KombuchaKip> Is libswresample unable to convert to mono 96 kHz, interleaved single precision floating point? When I try I am getting "Input channel layout '2 channels (FL+SDL)' is not supported"
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<aaabbb> what's the more reliable way for ffprobe to put out only the pict_type for a video? i use "ffprobe -show_frames -show_entries frame=pict_type -of csv=p=0" but it does not work properly for mpeg1 because it tries to show side data as well
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<stevew> > mpeg2 is just not a good format by today standards
<stevew> modern equivalent would be awesome.
<stevew> compression ain't great, but it doesnt' eat a ton of vram with reference frames :)
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<stevew> happy new year all. lets see if I can nail that audio looping bug today.
<CounterPillow> You can set avc to have less ref frames as well
<stevew> yeah, I've experimented a bit with that. needs more work.
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<aaabbb> stevew: there are various avc/hevc parameters that you can tweak to reduce the memory required for decoding
<aaabbb> it may never be able to get as low as mpeg1 or any other codec without mvs, but it can certainly be competitive with mpeg2
<aaabbb> counterpillow is right and reducing reference frames reduces memory consumption, you can also turn off b frames which helps a bit too
<stevew> yup. like I said, experimented a bit, couldn't get it as low as I wanted but got it down. needs more work.
<stevew> one step at a time, first I need it stable, so gotta nail that looping bug, then we can look at perf.
<aaabbb> -benchmark_all is pretty wonderful too :)
<stevew> bugs first. can you guys repro the bug I'm experiencing. set ffplay loop=99 or whatever, play locally (download it).
<stevew> after a few runs, audio stops working for me. running a different audio engine than the default but bug is bcoz clock serial & stream serial get out of sync in the various threads that read that other than the one that changes them. sanity checks on this would help. could still be bug in my audio code somehow.
<stevew> ffplay.c sync_clock_to_slave has isnan check in there which looks like a dodgy way of trying to work around what's not properly sync'd.
<stevew> sorry to inflict that awful ad on everyone. just ended up my stanard test vid somehow.
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<slydacyfa> so ffmpeg is command line based?
<slydacyfa> is it any good?
<JEEB> core of FFmpeg are the libraries, and the command line application(s) are just API clients
<antto> i found what the junk pixels were btw, it was a slight glitch in my drawing code, fixed it and now avcodec encodes without funny errors
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<stevew> is->audio_clock_serial = af->serial;
<stevew> is set in audio_decode_frame which is audio decoder thread so can get out of sync there. almost nailed it.
<stevew> ffmpeg is the best of wouldn't be here :)
<stevew> * or
<stevew> if I push a patch back, are you guys ok with an ffplay.h in addition to this bugfix ? can maintain that out of tree if preferred.
<aaabbb> stevew: #ffmpeg-devel would be the best place for that question
<stevew> I'm banned :)
<aaabbb> oh shit haha
<stevew> not a problem. let me fix a nasty then maybe we all get on a little better :)
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<stevew> this one is not easy. fixed it but has a side effect.
<antto> smplayer doesn't quite like my .mp4, altho it does play it... it doesn't know the length and the transport slider thing is disabled
<BillTorvalds> Does FFMPEG have the ability to quickly analyze a video file and tell me whether it starts with an annoying "nagscreen"/logo sequence, if I first "train" FFMPEG somehow by showing it an example file?
<BillTorvalds> My ultimate goal with this question is to attempt to automate the detection and removal of all such obnoxious "nagscreens".
<BillTorvalds> So that I never have to manually remove them when new video clips arrive to my system.
<BillTorvalds> Nothing worse than loop-breaking sequences in the beginning.
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<stevew> nailed it. next to back-port to vanilla ffplay.c & see what the rest of you make of the fix.
<stevew> its video processing not decode so not entirely on topic.
<stevew> (or encode)
<stevew> could be a filter of some kind, I guess but dunno if there is one. see what vlc is doing.
<stevew> you want opposite - detect lack of movement which is negate result.
<BillTorvalds> :(
<stevew> that looping problem. just tried vanilla ffplay with SDL audio & it works just fine as it is. very weird. all the same, rework of that code is more robust.
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<antto> yey, i got fancy colors at last:
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<John_the_Guest> Hello, a small question, are ffmpeg/ffplay able to stream live HLS with fmp4 segments? When trying to read a live fragmented fmp4 HLS stream with ffmpeg I can read two segments, then ffmpeg stops and complains about a Muxer input error - however the live stream is complete and the EXT-X-ENDLIST tag is present it has no problems reading the same
<John_the_Guest> stream segments without errors. If the live stream has mpegts segments in stead of fmpg it will read it without complaining even if the EXT-X-ENDLIST tag isn't present - I'm not sure if it's a bug, if I'm doing something wrong, or if it's simply not supposed to be able to read a live HLS stream with fmp4 segments before the EXT-X-ENDLIST tag is
<John_the_Guest> present.
<JEEB> I don't think there should be any explicitly added difference between TS and fmp4 segment HLS in the HLS reader module, so any difference should be taken as "let's see the code what it does"
<JEEB> so if you with the current master (f.ex. via BtbN's auto-builds) can see that this is still occuring, then I recommend you checking the code
<John_the_Guest> Thanks for the reply, unfortunately I'm not proficient in reading C code, the version I use is 6.01
<JEEB> are the auto-builds and it contains master builds
<JEEB> you can extract to homedir or so, then just execute with the full path
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<John_the_Guest> Thanks, I'll have a try see if I can figure it out. The issue is that I want to stream live tv to users on vsat connections, ie low bandwidth and extremely high and variable latency, it seems to me that HLS with AV1 is the best solution both due to latency and low bandwidth, and I can read the stream with VLC, but I'd like to be able to use ffmpeg
<John_the_Guest> to read the stream to redistribute on the sites behind the vsat connections.
<John_the_Guest> If anyone has a suggestion to something that could work better for this scenario I'm all ears. :)
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<John_the_Guest> Interestingly enough, version 6.1 is able to play the live HLS stream, though it says: "Found duplicated MOOV Atom. Skipped it" and keeps streaming, when the live stream is finished, that is the EXT-X-ENDLIST has been written in the m3u8 file, ffmpeg will play the stream again without complaining.
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