SiFuh, the "education" guilds have been so trending my entire life. Without an across-the-board return to credit for quantifiable excellence, they're doomed. The only solution I see is self-education.
ivandi has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.5.1]
ivandi has joined #crux-social
zorz has joined #crux-social
SiFuh_: Your LCD is nicer. 2-in-1 products are bad idea.
Based on that timeline and the git log for the core/glibc port, it looks like there were a few glibc releases (2.13--2.15, 2.17--2.20) that enjoyed just as much official CRUX endorsement as the current fad of ripping out glibc and replacing it with musl (i.e., no endorsement whatsoever).
The first reply to a #crux newbie's question "What is IRC" comes from a guy who bridges into IRC from Matrix, and there's no reaction from the spectators in the other room? It must be a busy weekend if we can't even be bothered to point out the irony here.
it is ironic farkuhar
farkuhar: wait, there is another channel where people discuss Crux?
and i have no idea what matrix is and i really do not care
ukky, :)))
ppetrov^: me, too I have no idea what Matrix or Matrix-Bridge is. Probably a layer to some fancy GUI software.
i have enough on my plate already. to worry about that crap
but it was olutmies himself who answered
maybe farkuhar can enlighten us about that matrix thingy and why it is so fancy
ukky: #crux is the channel that newbies tend to join if they have any questions. They don't come here because the official website doesn't mention #crux-social.
A layer to fancy GUI software, in some instances, might be a better workaround for an upstream decision to rewrite the base functionality in $TRENDY_LANGUAGE. r0ni reminded us that building ncdu from source now requires Zig, which seems to break with every LLVM version bump. Meanwhile the fancy GUI equivalent, xdiskusage, doesn't introduce such a fragile tool into the dependency tree.
Unfortunately, that happens in every, or most, projects. Some new guy, or new team, has brilliant idea to rewrite old code which uses obsolete language (C for example). And new code will use a new programming language just created, and this new code will be perfect.
ukky, isn't the linux kernel written in pure C?
ppetrov^: I am in favor of C. It was sarcasm that C is obsolete.
ah, stupid me
imho, even C++, if not using just basic/original/simple features, is a bad language. But C++ is good for educational purposes, as a theoretical programming language nobody should use in real life.
good thing i am not in #crux to get upset.... enjoy your bridge chat :-P
ppetrov^ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
After the latest sync with the repos, a quickdiff tells me that gvim was somehow installed. I don't see any obvious port claiming gvim as a dependency, so maybe I fat-fingered an install command at some point. Because unlike Markus (chiming in late to an otherwise very serious thread about distro tooling, https://lists.crux.nu/archives/list/crux-devel@lists.crux.nu/thread/CW7FMOR2QZYUY5BU3GNKMY3G6BMP7Q3U/ ) I can't recall ever using gvim here.