Yes, no swollen spliting batteries anymore
zorz: Problem is it doesn't screw together. It uses clips. So when I want to replace the batteries it will be a prick to open.
its next gen man!
No, it is heavy and big
you know, malaysia summer, heat + summer + woman bag in the sun.... powerbank can explode.
this no
so security first1
All it needs is to split open the battery and moisture form the air comes in contact with the Lithium
SiFuh: in 90s greece people used to forget bic lighter in the car upfront on top, hihihi
going to buy cigarettes
zorz: When I had no indicator lights, I was using the old fashion way by using my hand to notify the traffic where I am going. Bloody hell! Motorcycles zipping past. Had to make sure I didn't lose an arm.
I was using the Angle-Grinder today. The dog ran away because of the noise, but a few minutes later it comes back and wants to smell the cutting disk. So stupid. Hahaha, because it was still running.
Reacher! Cool! I got an episode to watch tonight.
zorz: You didn't stop off in New Mexico on the way to get your fags?
no... I by pass that ;pP
Hmm okay, so you had nothing to do with Gene and his wife then?
SiFuh: on Friday, tomorrow... Trump is expecting Zelensky in White House this is a nice bet for polymarket Is Zelensky go back to Ukrania after the meeting? hahaha
History will write his name as the traitor of Ukranian people. Half to US the other Half to Russia.
He was suppose to high-tail it to France. Probably end up in Australia though.
in France they will kill him.
ppetrov^: There's nothing stopping users of CRUX 3.8 from installing python2 (and then the gpgme breakage would need some kind of workaround). What if they have a specific workflow that involves a python2 application?
It's been years since I used offlineimap for my email, but I seem to recall that it was python2-only (not yet rewritten for python3).
farkuhar, i will probably need python2
ppetrov^ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
SiFuh: nice powerbank
ukky: Still charging and still says 100% :-P guess it can't handle such high mAh batteries
Does anybody use tmux? Why irssi repeats each line twice in the log?
ukky: I use it with irssi and it doesn't do that here. Sure you don't have two sessions open?
* ukky
is checking running processes
* ukky
feels stupid. There are *two* sessions running.
python2 was dropped from opt ~15 months ago, and ppetrov^ keeps it alive for his system. pjproject was dropped from contrib ~49 months ago, and joe9 resurrects it for his system. I'm continually impressed at the variety and longevity of software maintained by the CRUX userbase.
ukky has quit [Quit: Restarting irssi]
And I'm glad we don't have more CRUX users boasting of following that podcaster's example, by reaching for pkgsrc or SlackPkg whenever they can't find a native CRUX port.
Guest249 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Not hard to make your own port
That HPR podcast still hasn't received any comments, but the same is true of most HPR podcasts.
ukky has joined #crux-social
ukky: Wife says 3 weeks for travel is too long. She is older than me by 268 days. How young does she think she is?
3 weeks goes in a blink of an eye at my age.
It seems like you are staying home, or travel alone
I don't give shit to be honest what she does. But I wanted to take her the jungle i lived 2 years alone and some other places.
Plus runs some errands
And poach some of my stuff in AU I want to bring back to MY with me
Like my home made custom geiger-counter that is so sensitive it can detect alpha radiation correcly.
And my slide rules, oh and my Texas Instrument fluke, oh and some other tools. I plan to fly there with pretty much nothing
if you plan of bringing your tools back, of course you fly without much weight there
Yes and my hacked FT-60R radio. It can talk and receive on more bands now than most Amateur radio sets
Hah! I should bring my tent too. The one I have used like twice in Australia but is the best designed tent ever.
running out of primer and I have only put on the first coat ukky. I will have to buy 4 more tins today
Metal primer with etching is perfect. It creates a chemical reaction and eats into the steel.
ukky: Also weird, I even found paint shops here that have no idea what a primer is
It seems nice product
Yeah and expensive. I will hop in the truck tomorrow and buy 4 more tins. I plant to use 3
Avoid that paint shop
I go to a an auto-spray shop. They do cars. They actually understood when I asked for primer.
Or, buy paint without asking their opinion. Paint is a paint (if has brand name on it)
Primer isn't paint ;-)
But should be in their shop if they sell paint
[ukky> Or, buy paint <-- No zorzing
Maybe they sell paint for interior job only
I don't mind to buy cheap shit paint. But priming is super important. Even the shittiest pant in the world can look good on a proper prime.
totally agree
I like the Aikka 2K enamel spray. That shit is bullet proof
I sprayed my fender flares with cheap shit paint. But I used that type of primer. After a jungle trip. Not a bloody scratch
My wife said the primer is very expensive. I agreed but I said 2K for a custom roof rack that will rust or we add 200 for primer to preserve it? She agreed
ukky: Usually she gives me 1K when I go other places. She is angry now because she realised I have been saving the left overs. When it reaches 1K I stash it.
I don't understand. It is our money and I know how to save.
I have a shit load of money saved up. Once it hits 1K each trip I go out I stash and don't spend it.
So she gives 1K I spend 900. Then next time she gives me 1K I spend 800. So I have 1K and it get stashed. The remaining 700 I keep for spending.
When we went to Japan she was complaining I spent so much on beer. Then I gave the change back. Should have see her face.
I had more money the everyone
She was like "How is that possible?"
remiliascarlet: I bough a 4 pack of 500 ml cans for 1,700 YEN. I don't know how this can be.
remiliascarlet: a 300 ml can was 400 each. But 500 ml for 1700. Something is wrong
I think she charged me 300 ml prices
I save money here and there too to buy computer parts
ukky: We flew first class home. The stewardess went to talk to my wife "You husband, will he get drunk? He'd on his 6th beer" My wife laughed and said "He's fine. He knows alcohol" I thought that was funny. Before we landed, the stewardess comes to me and says "We are landing soon, we can't serve anything. Do you need more?" Hehehehe
ukky: I first made money at school. I use to go to the teacher's office and ask them if they want me to buy them food from the tuckshop at a small fee. I did that every day for my entire school years. So even though it was small coins. It added up.
Yep, every penny adds up in a long term to a decent amount.
ukky: In Australia the price is the price. I started bargaining with them at such an early age. When I was smashed in the face with Asia. It was piss easy.
ukky: My favorite is knowing a shirt costs 60 MYR and I want it for 50. The markets sell it for 120. I would ask the price then they'd ask me what I want to pay. Then they'd say no, impossible and I'd walk away. NO DEAL. Most items I bought were more than 100 metres from the shop. They'd fold so fast.
Good for you that you can bargain
Yeah, it is an Asian thing. But for me, I started young in a non-bargaining country.
ukky: I hate bargaining. So I have my price. You want it or not. Then I don't want it if you don't like my price. Stubborness ;-)
ukky: I'd admit that knowing and paying a price is the best.
Maybe I could bargain like you.
Here there is a show that has flood damage. They sell the same destroyed shit at the same price. I have never won a bargain dispute with them. So I never bought their flood damaged items. Idiots, because there flood damaged shit ends up in the trash.
show? Shop
There is one item I want that they have but during the flood the price tag vanished.
So it is still on the shelf in the back untouched because no one can buy it.
ukky: Start young. But it can still work in local shops.
Here is a small example. '57 dollars' 'ahh, I only have 50. Sorry. Forget it' guaranteed they will bend the price for you. NEVER say you will go else where and don't directly ask for a bargain. There is one way to ask for a bargain but I consider it rude but it does work "57? I only have 50, will you take 50?"
That's for Western local businesses not Asia
ukky: Asia is weird. Price is 120. Then when you buy the price is 100. But they have an 8% subtraction which can still make profit. And if you know that, you can push for that.
ukky: I never understood the 120 on a price tag but you pay 100. Wife says the price tag is always higher than the selling price.
ukky: I ask the worker. "How much is this?" They point at the tag and say "120 boss" I go to the counter and they guy says "100 boss"
never understood it
ukky: Oh in Malaysia the boss thing is usually used in reference to customers. So when I see them or the police I call them boss. :-P
It's not normal but it is funny.
ukky: I was stopped by police at a car search check point. I wound my window down and looked at the office "Yes, boss!" He was so confused he let me drive on.
Imagine what they'd find in my truck. :-P
30 L of alcohol
60L at 84% and enough weaponary to keep the Roman army happy
ukky: I suggested Malay Muslims should get pet dogs too. Or a dog mask for their cats. Because as soon as they see a dog. They don't want to touch you car.
But I have never been searched yet. Dog or no dog.
Or, they should say 'Hi boss!' to police
ukky: I don't know what you call them in Canada. But I was stopped in the wifes car by the JPJ (Transport department) the dog lifted its head and looked at the guy. He then said "You can go" Bahahahaha I was laughing so much because I knew what happened.
ukky: I think the 'hi boss' only works for white guys
ukky: The story. I came out of the jungle. We were pulled over. I wound the window down and said "Yes boss!" He looked at me, the truck and asked "Where are you from?" I said "Australia" He said "No, where are you from?" I said "Oh Temerloh, boss" He looked at me and said "Temerloh? Where are yuou going?" I said "KL" He said "Oh, KL. Okay you can go"
He was so confused
My friend 'mafia' was laughing and said "Why did yoy call him boss?" I said "because it was fucking funny" then we bothed laughed
Of course police is confused, why would a guy from AU fly over to Temerloh to visit KL, when he can fly to KL straight from AU.
I am confused now
Why would I fly? There is no airport. I was in a jungle truck
Illegal jungle truck by the way
That's why police is confused
We all knew it was the language that confused him. 'boss'
It was funny though. I popped out of the jungle right beside a police checkpoint.
Then he let me go, and I went back off-road into the jungle.
Do locals say 'boss' to them?
That is reserved for customers
Did you try 'Yes, sir'?
That is why the Mafia guys laughed. Who talks to police like that?
Fuck no
They are younger than me.
But you can say it to the police to let you go at checkpoint
I did, they probably can't
So, only 'Yes, boss' works then
We had two officer back around 2010 come to me demanding shit. They were like 25 years old. I made those pricks walk up 14 flights of stairs to get something, I had in my pocket.
Fuck these children. I have lived in Malaysia longer then they were alive.
ukky: For me it worked. Yes.
I even told the officers. "You should respect me, I am you senior" My friends were shocked.
They might be children, but they still can arrest you for no reason
They can, but they won't. I read the laws of every country I have ever lived in.
You start speaking laws. They back away.
You need all tricks to keep police away
Incident where I was teasing some officer kind of guy at a petrol station. I was with Rajan (Farkuar, he died already). They attempted to arrest me. When I started questioning them about the laws. They backed off.
Police are humans and paper work sucks.
In Australia I say "Sure, you can give me a ticket, but I will be seeing you in court" It works like 60% of the time. Then if not, I take them to court
But say it before they start writing.
If they write, you are taking them to court.
That doesn't work in Canada
Yeah, I saw your border security series. What cunts
Australia has flexibilty. Discression of the officer. But Canada. What fucking cunts
ukky: I actually planned to go to Canada in the early 2000's but when I saw that series, 'fuck these cunts' and I never went
US was similar to AU but CA what shit is that
SiFuh: depends, canada is 3 parts. vancouver, montreal, toronto. not the same
zorz: Stop zorzing
ukky: I was going to go to the wilderness. Canadian cowboys. Do sasquatch research. That TV series was enough for me to say, 'Yeah fuck that, what a shit hole'
Wilderness is okay, there is no police
Have but not much. But the airport. They can fuck ducks screw those pricks.
911 whores.
No flexibility
Just self centred arrogant cunts that want to beat visitors down.
If I was PM of Canada, I'd overhaul the system and that series would have been banned from air
ukky: Example. Foreigners brought food in. There friend was searched and arrested. So the others threw their food into the bin for food that is banned. ALL got arrested. WTF?