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<SiFuh> I have returned to bless you all with my presence
<farkuhar> SiFuh: You asked for the dmesg output when I inserted the problematic 8-year-old CD-R. Here are the kernel messages on my CRUX-glibc laptop.
<farkuhar> Hmm, power-cycling the external optical drive and reinserting the disc reveals new messages. "scsi_io_completion_action: 126 callbacks suppressed" and "buffer_io_error: 244 callbacks suppressed"
<SiFuh> [ 6482.297851] sr 1:0:0:0: Power-on or device reset occurred
<SiFuh> [ 6584.693218] I/O error, dev sr0, sector 1432824 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 1 prio class 2
<SiFuh> So it get's stuck at sector 1432824 then Linux recycles the drive.
<farkuhar> Ignoring these warnings, I went ahead and issued the mount command. This time it completed successfully. I was able to list the contents of the root directory, but then I try tab-completion under a subdirectory and the shell hangs.
<SiFuh> Line 11. The device resets before it even errors out
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I'd dd_rescue it if you needed the data on linux. Make sure it retries 1 to only 3 times. I'd just set it to one myself. No point fighting it.
<farkuhar> I already copied the data onto a Mac Mini, which had no problem reading the disc. I'm just curious how I managed to burn something so incompatible with Linux, despite other CD-Rs of the same vintage remaining readable all these years later.
<SiFuh> According to your error messages it isn't incompatible. The disk has and error. Most likely due to age.
<SiFuh> I'd check the metal side for pin prick sized holes and the plastic side for any minor scratches
<farkuhar> If it's really a disc error, then why does the same optical drive allow successful reading of the disc, when plugged into the Mac Mini?
<SiFuh> Driver handling.
<farkuhar> Maybe I should follow zorz's example, and upgrade my kernel more often than every few years. There could be improved drivers that I'm not taking advantage of.
<SiFuh> zorz's example would be to install a new distro
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: This asshole decided it would bite into my elbow.
<SiFuh> And I am literally talking. Bite! It grabbed my arm with its femur and tibia. Then decided to have a go at munching on me with its mandibles.
<SiFuh> I was like. WTF is chomping on me. I turned and looked down and saw this. Bloody hell. How small does it think I am, or how big does it think its stomach is?
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<ppetrov^> farkuhar, the update of fltk broke my seaview and lalnview ports
<ppetrov^> id the 1.3.* -> 1.4.* critical?
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: According to upstream, fltk 1.4.* is supposed to be API-compatible with the 1.3.* series. But not ABI-compatible, so you still have to rebuild any dependent ports.
<ppetrov^> they break
<ppetrov^> upon compilation
<farkuhar> Oh, that's not good. I did get a successful build of xdiskusage, but that port probably wasn't using all of the fltk API, the way seaview and lalnview do.
<farkuhar> After reading it looks like fltk 1.4.2 has some bug fixes we could try. I'll test this latest version with your seaview port, to see if it fixes the build.
<ppetrov^> that'd be great
<ppetrov^> also lalnview breaks, but it's from 2005 and can't blame fltk for it...
<ppetrov^> btw, i still use it
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, bumping fltk to 1.4.2 does not fix my issues
<ppetrov^> in such cases, i usually make a port for the old version of the lib and adjust paths accordingly
<farkuhar> Thanks for reporting. I might have to revert fltk to the 1.3.* stable branch, if the 1.4.* series is causing so much breakage with older software.
<ppetrov^> seaview is not old
<ppetrov^> however, do not revert just because of me
<ppetrov^> and now i see i can't access seaview's site, i was looking for a potential update or sth
<farkuhar> Not old, but you could patch it yourself by following this guide:
<ppetrov^> dude...
<ppetrov^> i am flattered by your high expectations of me
<farkuhar> Patching seaview yourself is the stopgap measure, until the upstream project comes back online and starts accepting bug reports/feature requests again.
<ppetrov^> heh
<ppetrov^> the issue is with pdf output, which depends on pdflib-lite and svg output which depends on sth i am not sure of
<farkuhar> Yeah, I can't even begin to test the seaview build until all its dependencies are satisfied: muscle, gblocks, clustalo, treerecs, pdflib-lite. And treerecs is a surprisingly long compile job, so I haven't yet gotten to pdflib-lite.
<ppetrov^> for compile time you need just pdflib-lite
<ppetrov^> i have listed the others because seaview drives them, but they are not needed to build
<farkuhar> Heh, good thing you told me before I started to build those other deps.
<ppetrov^> well, i do need them anyway, so i listed them as depends on, rtaher than optional
<farkuhar> pdflib-lite seems to need patching to compile on CRUX-MUSL. I'm hitting this build error "invalid application of 'sizeof' to incomplete type 'FILE'". It might be easier to run these tests on CRUX-glibc.
<farkuhar> Okay, pdflib-lite is successfully installed on my CRUX-glibc machine. But I'm getting a 404 from the upstream seaview site. ppetrov^: Do you know any other URLs where the seaview source can be found?
<ppetrov^> just a moment
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: Thanks
<farkuhar> What's weird about the seaview build errors is that the problematic declarations are shielded behind a test of the fltk version, and only take effect when fltk >= 1.4.0 is found. It's as if they started adapting to upstream fltk development, but missed out on the most recent changes (1.4.0 -> 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2).
<farkuhar> It makes me wonder if dropping to fltk 1.4.0 would enable seaview to build again.
<ppetrov^> what if we 'lie' somehow to seaview that fltk is still 1.3.*?
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I've done that stuff before. :-P
<SiFuh> configure or automake if I remember correctly. You change the version numbers
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: You'd have to redefine FL_{MAJOR,MINOR,PATCH}_VERSION *after* the /usr/include/FL/Enumerations.H was sourced. If you define them earlier, then sourcing Enumerations.H will correct your lies.
<farkuhar> Anyway, downgrading to fltk 1.4.0 does not fix the seaview build. It's probably best if I revert fltk to the stable branch, 1.3.*
<ppetrov^> just for me?
<ppetrov^> we don't deserve you
<farkuhar> Do you know anyone else whose ports depend on fltk?
<ppetrov^> no, but i assumed something in contrib did
<farkuhar> Well yes, but that port doesn't use the entire fltk API, the way that seaview does. So of course it continued to build fine after bumping the fltk version.
<farkuhar> Unfortunately I cannot even bump fltk to the latest version in the stable series, because seaview assumes that in $major.$minor.$patch there will never be a $patch >= 10. So their brain-dead calculation for fltk 1.3.11 will test 141 >= 140, return true, and try to include a header that doesn't exist under fltk 1.3.*
<farkuhar> In semver is there a rule that $patch cannot be >= 10? Because that's what seaview seems to be assuming in its tests for determining which headers to include.
<SiFuh> Jika masalah tidak ada jalan keluarnya maka kita yang keluar jalan jalan.......
<SiFuh> cari orang asli perumpuan
<farkuhar> I'd rather downgrade fltk to the latest stable release (1.3.11), but then ppetrov^ will have to fix those brain-dead tests in the seaview code. Something like #if 100*FL_MAJOR_VERSION + 10*FL_MINOR_VERSION >= 140 ... (in other words, don't bother to add FL_PATCH_VERSION when setting up the comparison).
<SiFuh> No camping or jungle during March. So I will do the spray painting of my roof racks. Anyone touches it. I will send them to hospital
<farkuhar> ppetrov^ would have to patch pdf_or_ps.h, FL/Fl_SVG_Image.cxx, and svg.h, if I bumped fltk to 1.3.11; otherwise the seaview build will try including headers unique to the fltk 1.4.* series.
<SiFuh> Bloody women. I am packing up the truck. She wants to listen to music. Apparently she can't do both at the same time. Then goes into a bad mood. I said "I want to pack up almost everything then take a swim so I am not hot" She says "Go for a swim now" "What? I said I wanted to pack everything as much as possible first"
<SiFuh> Later we go to a restaurant. I slide the food towards her and she snaps at me. Tells me it is rude. Huh? How is that rude? So I said "Rude is me offering you food and you shoving it away and abusing me for it"
<SiFuh> I actually thought about eating it all and leaving her with none.
<SiFuh> So I go for a swim, then she comes over and yells at me because nothing is packed up.
<SiFuh> That's kind of out of order
<SiFuh> Think that is bad? I have a better one for you. I said 0900 we leave. She said 1000 is better. I said "Okay 1000 it is" So I get in the truck, it is full packed. I start the engine at 1000. She is with the dog. When she gets into the car she asks why I am angry. I said "1000 is the time. I have been running the engine for almost 30 minutes. It is now 1029." She says "But the dog is barking at the
<SiFuh> council worker. I need to stop her from knocking over the clothes line." "Move the bloody clothes line. It is on wheels. How can this dog become priority over everything"
<SiFuh> On the way home. She says "I don't want you to be angry. So what I will do is open the gate, open the door for the house and then talk to Aunt Sally. Then after a few minutes, I will move the car and you can come in" I was like "WTH? No, you will leash her. Open the door, move you car and I will come in. Then close the gate and you do whatever with Aunt Sally" She said "But you don't understand. It is
<SiFuh> only for a few minutes" "EXCUSE ME WOMAN. I DROVE OVER 300 KM WHILST YOU SLEPT IN THE CAR AND NOW YOU WANT ME TO WAIT OUTSIDE BECAUSE OF A BLOODY DOG?" "You don't understand" "I BLOODY UNDERSTAND" Then when we get home the neighbours car is blocking my driveway.
<SiFuh> So not only am I super mad. She is now mad too and slams the door of the car so hard the glass window was vibrating.
<SiFuh> But I am the reason she is mad.
* SiFuh is waiting for farkuhar to spam the channel with stuff for ppetrov^ and completely ignore everything he has said.
* farkuhar ignores the posts in Malay, but reads ppetrov^s posts which are written in English.
* SiFuh wonders how farkuhar knows the difference between Indonesian and Malay.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Bit pissed off today. I went to check out a campsite for KKM (Malaysian CDC) and I spoke with them, took a walk around the site, took many photos and waved good bye to them as I was leaving. Only to find out they took a video and now I am in their fscking Islamic advertisement on facebook.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: Why are you even aware of their Facebook advertising campaign? Can't you create an entry in /etc/hosts that resolves to, and then you never have to see anything in that rubbish dump of a social media site?
<SiFuh> My friend from KKM asked me if I remember the link to the facebook page for that campsite. So I typed it in and saw ME!
<SiFuh> They didn't even censor my licence plate
<SiFuh> Which is actually illegal here.
<SiFuh> Also they need my permission to post anything about me but that is not law, that's more of a rule.
<farkuhar> Oh, I guess if you provide tech support to friends who still haven't weaned themselves off social media, then you can't really make unreachable on your own devices.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Actually I was a little annoyed to begin with. Because they came to our campsite to sell their campsite to us. But KKM insisted I check it out on my way home. They all left early because of work. So not only did they hawk their campsite to us. They stole my appearance to sell their campsite.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Actually most shit here is facebook or whatsapp. I have neither.
<SiFuh> You call any business and they tell you to whatsapp them. Then get upset when you say you don't use that shit.
<farkuhar> On the bright side, at least they thought your appearance would attract more visitors to the campsite. You could take it as a compliment on your looks.
<SiFuh> One lady asked permission to take a photo of my BMX. I said sure no problems. She then asked me for my Instagram. I said I don't have. Then facebook... then whatsapp. I said. "I have nothing. Only Telegram" Then later that lady met my wife and asked if it was true and my wife said "Yep, he has no interest in it because he thinks it is garbage" They couldn't understand it so my wife said "He's old
<SiFuh> school" Then they understood
<SiFuh> farkuhar: This area makes my wife jealous. The jungle tribes all know me. So when they see me. Even over 200 metres away they are waving and shouting hello to me.
<SiFuh> I find it funny that they learn 1 or 2 sentences in English. Come over to speak to me. Ask me these questions and then when I speak they have no idea what I am saying.
<SiFuh> Roughly saying "60% girls come and 40% guys come"
<SiFuh> But the girls are funny. Today a girl came and said "Hello, I miss you" and I said to my wife "Watch the next hour. Many girls are going to come. And they are going to dress nice" HAHAHA and it happened.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Wife went to a small shop yesterday and the staff saw her and jumped up and said "Your the wife of the cowboy" and then they treated her like royalty.
<SiFuh> She was happy. Jumps in the truck and says "They remembered me!"
<farkuhar> zorz: New python3-* ports just landed in contrib. Apparently the maintainers don't regard pipx as the ultimate solution for managing python packages.
<zorz> farkuhar: pipx is better. if the python is executable best way is to use pipx.
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<zorz> farkuhar: look some of the programs are installed with python 3.13.1 and some with python 3.13.2 there is a reason for that
<farkuhar> It's always amusing to see the firefox build start off with a bunch of error messages about python packages that failed to download, and then proceed anyway to a successful completion. When the unavailable python packages actually start breaking the build, then I'll get annoyed.
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<zorz> plus dont forget, you mess up you go and rm rf /home/zorz/.local/share/pipx/venvs. I see no point of having python programs in /usr/bin. just place them in path with their own build + dependancies.
<farkuhar> Hmm, solipsism is not the right word to describe the assumption that everyone else will have $HOME expand to /home/zorz, but it's close. On the other hand, zorz could be inviting us to clean out his home directory whenever we're frustrated by something on our own machines. That's very generous of him.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Been playing lateral thinking puzzles with ChatGPT for fun. It only figured out two out of more than 50.
<zorz> SiFuh: still using us gpt? china man china.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: farkuhar: With a clue it managed to figure out one I made up. "A man in the ocean finds an octopus. He takes it to hosptial. Why?"
<SiFuh> zorz: I am not using it. I am playing with it. Learn English
<zorz> yes still playing with us made gpt. china.
<SiFuh> Because it is claerly stupid
<SiFuh> Here is one it could get. "You are in the desert. Sand for miles. You have a bottle of whiskey. Nothing else. You can't drink the whiskey because it has alcohol in it. What do you do to quench your thirst?"
<SiFuh> It kept adding shit. Like making fires and stuff.
<SiFuh> The other one that the answers were funny was "A man is trapped in a box underwater. An octopus sees him. Now he is free. Why" and the ChatGPT kept adding shit that I never even had said
<SiFuh> ChatGPT was convinced the box was open or partially open. Then added a crab and later an oyster to the box.
<SiFuh> Here is one it could NOT get.*
<SiFuh> zorz: I answered pretty much everyone ChatGPT said. But fucking hell. A man is trapped in a room with no windows or doors. The door is locked.... HOLD ON, you said no doors, how can the door be locked?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: zorz: Sometimes the lateral problems it would ask me were censored due to policy agreements. HAHAHA
<SiFuh> And I noticed it would try trick me
<SiFuh> A man is found dead in a room. He has a hole in his chest. There is no bullet. He is laying ina puddle of water. His hands in his pockets and a piece of paper.
<SiFuh> Dude, he was killed by ice. YES YOU GOT IT. So what was the point of the paper in his pocket? It was to distract you.
<zorz> heh
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<zorz> mega vs maga
<zorz> new episodes :P
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