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<remiliascarlet> dlcusa: If that were the case, it would make every C, C++, and Objective-C program not compiled with LLVM or MSVC GNU. I don't think that you should be obligated to credit the compiler for every piece of software you publish.
<remiliascarlet> I don't hate C++. It's inferior to C, but still way superior over Rust.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Hmm Cliff High gets a mention on Infowars.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: I almost misread that username as "Free_Troons".
<SiFuh_> Clif High's Web Bot is a computer program developed in 1997 that claims to predict future events by analyzing internet data and keywords. It generates reports based on its findings, but many consider its predictions to be vague and pseudoscientific.
<SiFuh_> According to the software, it predicts that 39 days after Joe Rogan interviews Donald Trump there will be a massive battle in the skies above Earth.
<SiFuh_> The predicted date will be December 3rd 2024 (US Time)
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Hahaha I actually misread it too when I first came accross them
<remiliascarlet> At least C++ isn't infested with trans-faggots in furry suits insulting you for not using C++.
<SiFuh_> In 2017 you will see the beginning... In 2022 you will see the beginning of the end. Unless you all change...
<remiliascarlet> Really seems like the current US admin tries to provoke WWIII as much as possible by January 20.
<remiliascarlet> "Hey Orange Man, you know, we created all this mess, but now it's your job to fix it. Come on man!"
<remiliascarlet> I think all this will do in the long run is that many of the Democrat voters get turned into Republican voters because of all that.
<remiliascarlet> Maybe in 2028 we'd see 1 blue spot on Washington DC, and the entire rest of the US will be all red.
<remiliascarlet> And then they will blame the Russians for that.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: "According to the software, it predicts that 39 days after Joe Rogan interviews Donald Trump there will be a massive battle in the skies above Earth." Sounds like that software was high on cocaine.
<SiFuh_> I have returned!
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I personally think Cliff High is a moron.
<SiFuh_> I have friends who are fans of his. Annoys me when they send me an obviously bullshit paper written by him. I always say 98% of what he says is bullshit and for Jeff Berwick, 85% is bullshit.
<SiFuh_> But I like Jeff Berwick, think he is a cool guy.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: Who the fuck is Cliff High?
<remiliascarlet> Als, fitting name for a bullshitter.
<remiliascarlet> s/Als/Also
<remiliascarlet> watch?v=cposs4CyOFQ
<remiliascarlet> Jeff Berwick and Max Igan are both talking bullshit most of the time, but at least Jeff's videos are entertaining to watch. Max's on the other hand are always very depressive.
<remiliascarlet> Max is more like "it's the end of the world, we're all doomed!", while Jeff is more like "it's the end of the world, let's party y'all!"
<SiFuh_> It's all bullshit though.
<SiFuh_> I remember explaining it here. I think it was farkuhar I was talking to about it
<remiliascarlet> And that meme makes that point exactly.
<remiliascarlet> Climate change has always been just a fear mongering technique just to steal more money from you, I mean, to tax you harder.
<SiFuh_> Like I said "We were taught in 9th grade about it. But when they switched from CO to CO2, I realised, this is fucking scam. So I looked into it. Then came to the conclusion they are lying or they are morons."
<remiliascarlet> They are lying, but not morons. The morons are the ones actually believing the lies.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: What is interesting is that everything they say is to instill fear into people. But the most common phrase in the bible is 'be not afraid' or other forms of the same phrase.
<SiFuh_> "Do not be afraid." That's right, "do not be afraid" appears in the NIV 70 times. This doesn't include variants such as "fear not," "do not fear," and the like.
<remiliascarlet> The only time being afraid is justified is when somebody's standing there with a gun some other weapon pointed to your head, and about to kill you.
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<SiFuh_> I don't consider that justified though
<SiFuh_> Death is inevitable. When you are dead then you have nothing to fear.
<zorz> I agree with SiFuh_GNU
<zorz> :-D
<SiFuh_> I'd justify fear as being strapped to a table alive while someone is slicing your body apart.
<remiliascarlet> GNU/zorz.
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Publish your zorz code.
<zorz> hahha
<SiFuh_> Fuck you zorzy/GNU
<zorz> I need a GNU/Fuck
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh_> zorz: read that a a week or two back
<SiFuh_> a a/a
<zorz> rememeber when i called her bitch
<SiFuh_> No
<zorz> does not matter.... who cares
<zorz> from advocate... now systemd is not bad... red hat for games
<SiFuh_> I need some help in Japan but I don't think remiliascarlet will be able to contact them. I was thinking of leaving the tourists and going off to another place
<zorz> remiliascarlet: stay away! be safe!
<zorz> :P
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: This is the closest to Tokyo I can find.
<remiliascarlet> Oh, that's very far away then.
<SiFuh_> If they had an email direct, I would email them and ask them if I can visit.
<SiFuh_> I was trained under the same school but from another location and Tanemura is a legend
<SiFuh_> And since I haven't kept up training in years, they may not allow my visit.
<SiFuh_> zorz: It is amazing how freaking big Tokyo actually is
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: There must be a school in Tokyo somewhere though.
<SiFuh_> Togakure-ryu/Bujinkan
<remiliascarlet> How the fuck does Belgium have far more locations than Japan?
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
<SiFuh_> Good fucking question
<zorz> SiFuh_: it is amazing how citizens of Tokyo live without psycho drugs
<remiliascarlet> Far more than all of Asia combined even.
<zorz> hahahahhaa
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: We had 7 in Australia. But now I think there are 4.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: ahhahahaa
<SiFuh_> My school shut down in mid 2000's
<zorz> remiliascarlet: in Belgium are Hondu-dojo/GNU
<remiliascarlet> The other 2 with lots of dojo locations are Ireland and the US. At least the US makes more sense, given the amount of space they have.
<zorz> SiFuh_: visit a sex-dojo you will be better off
<SiFuh_> Fuck off zorz
* zorz heads to sex-dojo
* SiFuh_ slaps zorz in the face with the Kama Sutra
<SiFuh_> zorz: You need to free Willy from the denim wrapping?
<zorz> pyjamas now:P pyjamas party
<SiFuh_> No idea, never wore that shit since the 90's
<SiFuh_> So does the Greek army wear pyjamas zorz?
<zorz> dont know what they do now
<zorz> it has been 25 years ago
<SiFuh_> Were you in the Navy?
<zorz> armored
<zorz> scout
<zorz> M48 molf
<zorz> molf is israel tower for the m48
<zorz> first photo, i am the on in the jeep
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> scout
<SiFuh_> New House Documents Reveals Covid Did Come From Wuhan Lab And Covid Vaccines Were Never Vaccines
<zorz> why i have the impression covid came from a canadian lab
<zorz> ok vaccines were never vaccines... was a way to make money
<zorz> what do you expect people selling you viagra selling you the covid vaccines
<SiFuh_> First photo?
<zorz> fuckin joo joos
<zorz> yes
<zorz> you see ahead of the tank the jeep
<SiFuh_> That's the first photo you clown
<zorz> this was my job in army
<SiFuh_> The last photo has an idiot wearing bright yellow
<zorz> when you visit greece?
<zorz> :P
<SiFuh_> Two idiots in yellow
<SiFuh_> zorz: Why the heck would I visit Greece, a country that shoots mountains
<zorz> we need to be prepared
<zorz> hahahah
<remiliascarlet> zorz: RMS is such a hypocrite... He demands you call Linux "GNU/Linux", then he makes his own Linux distro, and refuses to call it "GNU/Linux Guix", even though Guix is using the Linux kernel instead of GNU's own Hurd kernel.
<SiFuh_> zorz: That's the second photo and no one is _on_ the jeep
<zorz> remiliascarlet: like the wind... sometimes blows north, other times south
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: I don't think RMS hurd you ;-)
<zorz> hahahha
<remiliascarlet> LIES! The GNU community is not a kind community at all!
<remiliascarlet> I once defended RMS in their IRC channel, and they all started calling everything I say "cringe".
<zorz> remiliascarlet: when you say RMS in my mind comes US Navy aircraft carrier or battle ships
<SiFuh_> zorz: When is this space alien battle suppose to begin?
<SiFuh_> zorz: I thought it meant Read My Shit
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Rough Masturbation System.
<SiFuh_> Remote Management Systems
<zorz> remiliascarlet: and not only
<zorz> sexual harrasment
<SiFuh_> Real Motherfucking Scenario
<SiFuh_> Roll Me a Smoke
<SiFuh_> Remiliascarlet Makes a Statement
<remiliascarlet> So mentions appear to be case insensitive.
<zorz> Retard Masturbating SiFuh_
<remiliascarlet> Retarded Murder Sight.
<zorz> Root Mean Square,
<zorz> :P
<remiliascarlet> s/Sight/Site
<remiliascarlet> "Remote Management Systems" is the most perfectest, given his stands on it.
<SiFuh_> I remember when Australia Post was called the Royal Mail (Service)
<remiliascarlet> Rickroll Means Something.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Hahah Rocks My Socks
<remiliascarlet> Rigs My Selection.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_ | zorz: Which reminds me, nowadays some places started banning the word "retarded", so their users have replaced the word with "regarded" to get around the censorship.
<SiFuh_> I just say retarded, I don't give a flying fuck
<remiliascarlet> Then RMS shows up, and says: "akturry, it's GNU/retarded!".
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Usually when someone attempts to tell me off for saying it. I reply with "Are you retarded? We've used that word since the 1600's"
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<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: You know what is really funny that the people haven't figured out? If I am still stuck using words from the 1600's then my vocabulary is technically retarded ;-)
<remiliascarlet> Better than using current year vocabulary, which is more like blending in total gibberish into the English language.
<SiFuh_> 100%
<remiliascarlet> Things like "bc", "bcus", "afaik", "app", "transphobia", and all that bullshit.
<SiFuh_> I hate modern English and beerman's overly excessive use of acronyms
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Malay is just as bad. They often drop the vowels saying "It's short form" Well fuckers, no one uses SMS anymore except maybe me. Stop using shortform
<remiliascarlet> I once trolled someone who said "bc makes no sense" instead of "because it makes no sense" by saying "Before Christ makes no sense?".
<SiFuh_> And they mix up vowels to. So Tomorrow becomes tomolo and What becomes wat and Okay becomes wokie
<remiliascarlet> SMS has been replaced by Twitter.
<SiFuh_> Wat u all doing tomolo vesak day? can advise me wat to do tomolo? Vesak is for Lepak lor. Build time machine go back to Qing dynasty. rem last year was very hot in the evening.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Each sentence is a different person replying to the first sentence
<SiFuh_> I don't bother with it. If anyone sends me a short form email or SMS or message, I just refuse to reply. I don't want my IQ to drop 100 points trying to read their shit.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Where is this freaking alien invasion?
<SiFuh_> It's 06:27 in New York now. Maybe too early for the EBEs
<SiFuh_> It's 06:27 in New York now. Maybe too early for the EBEs
<SiFuh_> Maybe they sleep unlike r0ni
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: They probably dropped it somewhere on Jupiter, and didn't bother going back to pick it up again.
<SiFuh_> I must be zorzing by repeating what I said. Hmmm
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: That Malenglish is vry hard to follow.
<remiliascarlet> s/vry/very
<remiliascarlet> Chris Lattner made LLVM so that he could make Swift during his time at Apple, then everyone and their mothers had to use LLVM to make their own crappy programming language, including Rust, which hates C++ so much, yet use LLVM, which is written in C++, which created Rust. Then Chris went into the AI craze, and used his LLVM shit to create the Mojo language.
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: That's an easy one. The one I posted back in 2004 was just lunacy
<SiFuh_> Nabey,i pity ur cousin,having u as her relative. Dun wait la,no hope for u...just make sure u come on Sunday lol. Hey,by the way,how come u hv got such a big age gap with ur cousin??Or is it ur daughter?Is it ur niece???
<SiFuh_> Can I tack along oso.....pls ?? I can gel(or 'seow') my hair, dye red & green, etc then 30 yrs younger liao
<SiFuh_> ooi na bei superb, still don understand wtf you talking. i tot uncle sim wants to play at port and they cater a coach too
<SiFuh_> yup as our wen piao goin 2 miri world race 55699? quick quick drink milk
<SiFuh_> hello pls don anyhow quote, is not world race ho ! me is just a small fly not like you MT champion lei
<SiFuh_> I hate it... Can't stand it. I usually say "I don't speak retard"
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: My favorite is when I was told in 2003 "I don't cakap (Malay for speak) English, it is like vomiting" and I laughed and said "Cakap (Pronounced Chuck Up) literally means in English to vomit. So when you say you cakap Malay you are saying you are vomiting Malay."
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<uwumeowmeownyaa> remiliascarlet: skibidi rizz is kinda flex doe...
<SiFuh_> uwumeowmeownyaa/GNU is here ;-)
<uwumeowmeownyaa> Hi :-)
<uwumeowmeownyaa> How are you?
<SiFuh_> uwumeowmeownyaa: My wife says I am good.
<SiFuh_> The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation no longer has diplomatic immunity and privileges in Kenya, at least for now. Kenya’s High Court suspended the immunity after the Law Society of Kenya filed a legal challenge against the government.
<SiFuh_> Gates “operates from a position of immense financial wealth and thus political clout. Through using mechanisms of the carrot (funding) and the stick (withdrawal of funding), he holds governments ransom.” “The negative consequences of this shocking decision are far-reaching. They include the erosion of accountability, unequal treatment in the law, damage to national sovereignty, the mockery of
<SiFuh_> public transparency and participation.”
<remiliascarlet> uwumeowmeownyaa: My cat said I am GNU/good.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: (About cakap = vomit) PERFECT!
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Yep, and the poor guys face dropped and everyone was laughing.
<SiFuh_> Well, looks like I am going camping alone on the weekend. Cool! No wife, no dog, no friends... Just me and the jungle
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: Seen the news in South Korea? Martial law. The excuse? People support North Korea. What a load of bullshit.
<remiliascarlet> I didn't, I was busy all day.
<SiFuh_> Wow such a blessing that you took time out of your day to join us
<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: lavaball says to send his regards.
<SiFuh_> farkuhar: You gave me an idea to write the nvidia-dkms port so that it builds the nvidia port from contrib but installs it as dkms rather than me doing a complete rewrite of the Pkgfile.
<SiFuh_> That way as long as nvidia is updated in contrib it will rebuild it from my repo as dkms. Now, I just need to think about how to go about it
<farkuhar> SiFuh_: Do you have an example of "beerman's overly excessive use of acronyms"? He doesn't seem to be the worst offender when it comes to incorporating shortform into his posts.
<farkuhar> The other extreme is just as obnoxious, when you have people relying on LLMs or auto-complete to produce text with everything spelled out in longform, with maximal redundancy (e.g. uwumeowmeownyaa's constant use of "CRUX GNU/Linux").
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