jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
<josrr> I know what happened, when you run make in the recently cloned cl-cairo2 tutorial, the generated files are saved where ASDF finds the cl-cairo2 system (~/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cl-cairo2-20211020-git/tutorial)
<josrr> yates_work: look at the start of example.lisp
<yates_work> you mean (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :cl-cairo2)
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<josrr> (setf *default-pathname-defaults* ...
<yates_work> do you know of any other cairo2 demos/examples?
<josrr> I'm sorry, I've never used Cairo, but maybe this will be useful to you: https://cairographics.org/examples/
<ixelp> Examples
<edgar-rft> CLiki says there's cff-cairo but I haven't used it yet -> https://www.cliki.net/cffi-cairo
<ixelp> CLiki: cffi-cairo
<edgar-rft> somebody ate my i :-(
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<edgar-rft> cffi-cairo homepage -> https://mr-co.de/projects/cffi-cairo/
<ixelp> CFFI-CAIRO · Christian Haselbach
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<green_> yates_work: my repo here: https://github.com/atgreen/buildchart-ag has some cairo2 code if you still need examples.
<ixelp> GitHub - atgreen/buildchart-ag: Build interesting charts from Jenkins and Kubernetes logs
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<Josh_2> Hi :sunglasses:
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<yates_work> thank you green_ et al.
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<yates_work> are are the .asd files, e.g. https://bpa.st/R2OQ
<ixelp> View paste R2OQ
<yates_work> ?
<yates_work> i don't see how to run the demos in demos/
<olnw> yates_work: If you're using quicklisp: (ql:quickload :cl-cairo2-demos) (cairo-demo:run #'cairo-demo:arc1)
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<yates_work> what does the leading ":" mean in ":cl-cairo2-demos"? does it mean look in the current directory?
<beach> In which context does it appear?
<yates_work> beach: 22:41 <olnw> yates_work: If you're using quicklisp: (ql:quickload :cl-cairo2-demos) (cairo-demo:run #'cairo-demo:arc1)
<beach> Oh.
<beach> That's just means that cl-cairo2-demos is a symbol in the KEYWORD package.
<beach> But QUICKLOAD uses only the symbol name, so it gets transformed into "CL-CAIRO-2-DEMOS" and then by ASDF into "cl-cairo-2-demos".
<beach> s/-2/2/
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<beach> Or maybe ASDF does both transformations. I forget.
<yates_work> ok
<beach> ,(symbol-package :cl-cairo2-demos)
<ixelp> (symbol-package :cl-cairo2-demos) => #<Package "KEYWORD">
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<yates_work> beach: ok with your syntax, the (cairo-demo:run #'cairo-demo:arc1) completes without error (returning nil), but I don't see anything. i thought ti would pop up the graphic
<yates_work> i tried mesh1 too - same result
<beach> I know nothing about cairo. Sorry.
<yates_work> i appreciate your help, thank you
<beach> Sure.
<yates_work> what is the "#'" syntax mean?
<yates_work> s/is/does/
<kenanb> yates_work: Assuming you are not familiar with CL already, you will probably have an easier start to the language if you start with a book like PCL ( https://gigamonkeys.com/book/ ) rather than directly testing the library ecosystem. Because there are too many layers between what you are testing and the core language primitives. So you will be constantly encountering issues that feel diffucult to figure out.
<ixelp> Practical Common Lisp
<beach> It is a reader macro, so that #'foo is turned by the reader into (function foo).
<beach> ,(first '#'foo) ,(second '#'foo)
<beach> Hmm.
<mfiano> ixelp: ,42
<beach> ,(first '#'foo)
<ixelp> (first '#'foo) => FUNCTION
<mfiano> ha
<beach> ,(second '#'foo)
<ixelp> (second '#'foo) => FOO
<mfiano> ,(first '#'foo) ,(second '#'foo)
<ixelp> (first '#'foo) => FUNCTION, and then (second '#'foo) => FOO
<beach> yates_work: So (first '#'foo) is turned by the reader into (first '(function foo)) and (second '#'foo) is turned by the reader into (second '(function foo)).
<mfiano> and yet it works for me
<beach> Oh well.
<mfiano> the process has like 1s or something to complete. it could have just been an OS scheduling problem
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<yates_work> kenanb: point taken
<beach> yates_work: And FUNCTION takes the name of a function and returns the function object, as in ,(function +)
<ixelp> (function +) => #<Compiled-function + #x14036D36>
<beach> yates_work: But I agree with kenanb. You are going to run into a lot of problems, especially with a library like this, which I assume is using foreign code.
<olnw> yates_work: The function cairo-demo:run simply creates a png file containing the graphic
<yates_work> ok well it's been a LONG day. thanks everyone. time to watch a Twilight Zone (TOS) episode..
<yates_work> olnw: ah.
<mfiano> Yes, start with PCL to get these basics solidified, and confirm them in #clschool
<yates_work> aha.
<yates_work> right now i'm drinking from a firehose
<yates_work> also learning emacs slime
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<cage> Hi! Someones know how to contact a person that is able to write on the cl-smtp repository? I have sent a small patch to the email address written in the README but my message was rejected because the address is unknown.
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<olnw> cage: Have you tried opening a merge request on the project's GitLab page? I would assume that this is now the preferred way to contribute.
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<cage> olnw: thanks!
<cage> I did not because the gitlab of commonlisp.net asks for a second factor autentication with OTP and that is a bit an inconvenience for me, but if this is the only way I will go that way
<olnw> OK, looking at Jan's commits reveals a different address: <ji@knowledgetools.de>. Perhaps you could try contacting them there?
<cage> olnw: thanks again, i just filed an issue report but i am going to send a message to the address you provided, just in case
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<Josh_2> Hi hi
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<Josh_2> Can I split a sequence by n elements? say I have a list of 100 items. (some-fun 10 <my sequence>) -> sequence of sequences of length 10?
<Josh_2> Dont wanna write it myself :O
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<beach> But it's not hard: (loop for i from 0 below (length sequence) by n collect (subseq sequence i (+ i n)))
<Josh_2> :D
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<Josh_2> :(
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<edgar-rft> ...must be "below (- (length sequence) n)" otherwise you get "bad bounding index" errors
<Josh_2> Yep
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<edgar-rft> still incorrect, must be "from ... to" -> "for i from 0 to (- (length sequence) n)"
<Josh_2> Turns out I can just do it with :column-count :O
<Josh_2> (css)
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<Josh_2> edgar-rft: this?
<Josh_2> (loop :for i :from 0 :to (- (length sequence) n) :collect (subseq sequence i (+ i n)))) that doesn't work :thinking:
<Josh_2> If I have (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) then #'group-by would be (group-by 5 <seq>) ((1 2 3 4 5) (6 7 8 9 10))
<Josh_2> I have a total hack of a solution working now which doesn't use that :O
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<edgar-rft> your loop code gives me ((1 2 3 4 5) (6 7 8 9 10))
<Josh_2> hmm
<Josh_2> hmm
<Josh_2> I get ((1 2 3 4 5) (2 3 4 5 6) (3 4 5 6 7) (4 5 6 7 8) (5 6 7 8 9) (6 7 8 9 10))
<edgar-rft> here is what I typed into SLIME and what it returned -> https://bpa.st/D42A
<ixelp> View paste D42A
<Josh_2> These are not the same :O
<Josh_2> mine was missing the :by n
<Josh_2> Now it works :sunglasses:
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<edgar-rft> and I was missing to see that your code missed the :by n :-)
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<pakala> Hello, I'm trying to solve AOC23 day 8 in CL (for learning purposes). I'm using list as data structures but the execution takes too much time... I guess that I have to use tree structures but I cannot find documentation about them. does such a library exist?
<Josh_2> nested lists
<Josh_2> there ya go, there is your tree
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<pakala> but how is it performance wise?
<Josh_2> idk what you are doing :shrug:
<aeth> there are libraries for data structures, yes
<tyson2> how long is a string?
<aeth> including some tree stuff in https://www.quicklisp.org/beta/releases.html
<ixelp> Quicklisp beta releases
<aeth> tyson2: length
<pakala> there are 752 elements
<aeth> doens't sound like a lot
<Josh_2> pretty quick to get from one side to the other
<pakala> and 269 directions. I have to find a way to go from AAA to ZZZ in multiples of 269 steps
<younder> hh-redblack?
<pakala> I let it run for one hour but I got no result
<pakala> algo works on simple cases
<younder> Just sying ordering the tree makes it drom from O(n) O(log n)
<younder> Just saying ordering the tree makes it drop from O(n) to O(log n)
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<pakala> here is the input data : https://termbin.com/k1k8m and the code : https://termbin.com/zckd
<pakala> younder: ty I will look into that
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<josrr> pakala: using lists and a different program took .037 seconds. 12643 steps.
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<pakala> josrr: could you please send me your source code?
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<josrr> pakala: the code https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/4056#
<josrr> I didn't write code to read the data; I cheated a little by formatting the data.
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<pakala> josrr: thanks a lot, I will have a look tomorrow
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