jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<jobhdez> hayley, beach: what you both think about racket? you two are good common lisp programmers so im just wondering what you think about racket given you common lisp experience
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<beach> I don't think I ever used Racket, but I am sure it is good. However, as I often repeat, I think it is important that the programming language used has an independent standard, published by some reputable institution. Not that it matters for hobby use, but it does (or should) for professional use.
<hayley> Is the toplevel any less hopeless yet?
<jobhdez> hayley what do you mean?
<jobhdez> beach thanks
<hayley> It seems Racket tries very hard to stop you from redefining functions at runtime.
<jobhdez> yea thats true. im really curious about racket's philosophy regarding dsls and the whole infrastructure theyre building around this
<jobhdez> but sbcl is faster, better interactivity
<jobhdez> and it also seems more low level
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<beach> I suspect free Common Lisp implementations have a disadvantage compared to Racket in that their development environment is probably more sophisticated. At least that's my guess.
<beach> ... which is why we are (slowly) working on improving the situation.
<beach> But it is hard to create a development environment that works well for different implementations.
<beach> "their development environment" being that of Racket.
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<jcowan> I have been trying to think of plausible restarts for the condition ATE-TOO-MUCH-ICE-CREAM
<jcowan> so far I have DRINK-WATER, TAKE-A-WALK, WORK-OUT, VOMIT
<jcowan> but none of these carry additional information, which is not so good from a pedagogical standpoint
<jcowan> I guess DRINK-WATER could take an argument which is the amount of water drunk (250 ml good, 1000 ml bad)
<Ellenor> I would suggest a walk, jcowan, unless you feel too ill to because of a lactose intolerance
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<jcowan> actually, all of these except VOMIT have their virtues; the restart handlers will explain this
<jcowan> anyhow, I am no longer physically capable of overeating.
<yitzi> jcowan: Time travel and eat less ice cream...i.e. modify place restart.
<Ellenor> I thought this was a coded appeal to the channel for help in dealing wth the condition of having too much ice cream
<Ellenor> I'm deeply confused as to what you mean by physical incapability
<aeth> what happens when you press 'a'
<jcowan> see DEFINE-CONDITION in the CLHS
<yitzi> I think jcowan is trying to understand restarts more and want to apply them to the exampl in the spec
<aeth> is pressing 'a' the equivalent of laying in bed all day
<jcowan> exactly
<Ellenor> I forgot, Lisp was the AI language
<jcowan> I lie in bed and work a lot, as a change from sitting
<Ellenor> ah
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<jcowan> Well, "physically incapable" is a slight exaggeration: if I overeat I vomit more or less automatically (and painfully) as the result of a roux-en-Y gastric bypass operation
<Ellenor> aha.
<jcowan> so I'm pretty well conditioned not to do it
<Ellenor> is the Y in that pronounced "y-grec" or "wye"?
<jcowan> the latter
<Ellenor> ah
<jcowan> your upper GI tract rather than being linear assume the shape of a Y
<jcowan> one branch leads to the stomach but no further, the other branch goes directly into the small intestine
<Ellenor> ah
<Ellenor> EAT-MORE-ICE-CREAM, depending on the person with the condition and the nature of the condition?
<jcowan> hmm, really?
<Ellenor> TAKE-WALK could be argued with a quantity of steps and time taken?
<Ellenor> but I am at this point trolling
<jcowan> I see now it should be Roux-en-Y, being named after César Roux, the first surgeon to perform it.
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<Ellenor> I'd like to apologize for insinuating myself into this conversation
<jcowan> Not at all. The suggestion for TAKE-WALK is a good one which I shall adopt
<jcowan> aeth: by "a" do you mean ABORT?
<aeth> yes
<aeth> I just press 'a' every time an error comes up
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<Ellenor> (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)gnore?
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<aeth> retry is a weird one... I guess because of networking
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<BrokenCog> I'm trying to learn how to use dexador or any of the client side package libraries ... I want to submit a username/password, I've tried using dex:post with :content '(("username" . 'user') ("password" . 'pass')) however the server doesn't seem to be processing this as POST to the form. the <form> contains input boxes "username" and "password".
<BrokenCog> any suggestions or links to tutorials would be great.
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<edgar-rft> BrokenCog: I'm not really a web programming expert but there is a #lispweb channel and the Common Lisp Cookbook has a page about web-scraping -> https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook/web-scraping.html
<ixelp> Web Scraping
<BrokenCog> thanks for #lispweb - that sounds applicable!! I read the scraping site - it's good for pulling and parsing content, but doesn't relate at all to submitting data to a server.
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