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<Pixel_Outlaw> cl-clippy ;P
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<Pixel_Outlaw> "I see you were trying to remember the syntax for LOOP, would you like me to help you with that?"
<Pixel_Outlaw> Heh, last time I checked I think a few implementations just kind of cheated off each other with LOOP's implementation.
<Pixel_Outlaw> Or maybe it was FORMAT
<random-nick> it's both
<random-nick> also the case for the pretty printer
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<yitzi> They didn't "cheat" off each other. Most inherited the implementation of subsystem from whatever Lisp they are descended from, or chose to rewrite that sub-system.
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<ecraven> is `haulong' just a phonetic spelling of `how-long', or is there a story behind the name?
<beach> I think it is just a phonetic spelling. There were more of those in MacLisp, like (from memory) `hipart'.
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<beach> Oh, `haipart', not `hipart'.
<ecraven> hehe, thanks! I need to read the pitmanual
<beach> `baklist' I think is another.
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<beach> `baktrace'
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<ecraven> interestingly, `bactrace' is an alias for `backtrace' in CC (the CADR debugger)
<beach> I see.
<ecraven> ah, it's actually a typo in the documentation, the alias is `baktrace'
<ecraven> so that's where that came from ;)
<ecraven> hehe, looking at the implementation, `baktrace' is the command, and `backtrace' is the alias :D
<beach> I used Multics Maclisp a little at the time. It was pretty fast, but very primitive compared to Common Lisp.
<beach> Multics Emacs was written in Multics Maclisp.
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<beach> Speaking of which, they made what I consider a pretty dumb design decision with Multics Emacs. Realizing that characters needed to be inserted and deleted in arbitrary places in a line, they added a new Multics instruction to move all the characters following an insertion or a deletion.
<beach> So if you had a buffer with very long lines, like if you load some binary file. Editing a line was extremely slow. Plus, it must have been difficult to add a new instruction.
<beach> I still don't understand why they didn't use some (perhaps simple) data structure for a line, like a gap buffer.
<beach> So the design of Cluffer is the result of more than 50 years of thinking about how to represent editor buffers. :)
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<hayley> Such an instruction would never fly now. Oh wait, REP MOVSB does a fast memory copy on x86.
<hayley> Well, it'd never fly on a RISC instruction set. Oh wait, ARM now has CPYP/CPYM/CPYE for copying memory too.
<beach> Heh! ARM is not really RISC though.
<hayley> Yes, David Patterson didn't design ARM, so it is just a sparkling load-store architecture.
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<moon-child> it's 2023; risc is a meaningless designator
<hayley> No, RISC means that David Patterson designed it. For example, doing tag checks and write barriers in hardware is RISC because David Patterson designed that.
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<moon-child> brb getting intel to hire david patterson to add some more extensions to x86
<hayley> Surely RV64GCZtso gets pretty close to the x86 experience.
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<White_Flame> hayley: including instruction encode/decode complexity?
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<hayley> White_Flame: If you make moon-child happy by using instruction fusion, why not!
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<edgar-rft> (complexp <lisp-forms>) => T
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<Guest6> hello everyone i wanted to use this library "https://github.com/kraison/cl-neo4j"
<Guest6> but i cannot find any docs or any other info, how does one proceed in these cases?
<Guest6> i am quite new to lisp, halfway through PCL
<Guest6> but have other experience with scheme
<Guest6> what is the approach one follows with these libraries?
<Guest6> i insrtalled it with quicklisp what now?
<Guest6> what are for example the exposed symbols/functions?
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<beach> Guest6: I suspect you are going to get in trouble when using this library if you are new to Common Lisp.
<Guest6> Shinmera ok and what about the docs related  to those functions?
<Guest6> how do i use them?
<Guest6> beach why ?
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<beach> This library might even use some FFI, which is tricky if there is some bugs in your code.
<Shinmera> look at the source? idunno, what do you expect me to do
<Guest6> Shinmera i am just asking
<Shinmera> beach: there's no cffi
<beach> Guest6: Lack of documentation, few people to ask for advice, problems debugging your code.
<Guest6> i don't know i expected something query-able from the repl
<beach> Shinmera: OK.
<Shinmera> Guest6: apropos, documentation, describe
<Guest6> like give me the exported symbols
<Shinmera> do-external-symbols
<beach> ::clhs do-external-symbols
<Colleen> Clhs: macro do-symbols, do-external-symbols... https://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/m_do_sym.htm
<Shinmera> Like, there are repl tools, they just usually aren't as useful or fast as M-. ing around the source.
<Guest6> Shinmera i see thanks
<Guest6> Shinmera actually, how do i browse the code from my emacs/repl once i have installed the package with ql  ?
<Guest6> i did a quickload, but how do i explore the code from emacs?
<Guest6> seems like the apporach you are suggesting
<Shinmera> What I usually do is start typing (neo4j: and then M-. on the partial name.
<Shinmera> or whatever the package name is
<Shinmera> quicklisp should have printed the package name at least
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<Guest93> Hello, anyone knows if it sometimes happen that Quicklisp is down?
<Shinmera> if it's down then AWS is having issues.
<Guest93> Must be a system/SBCL issue, since I can curl the files in the client-info.sexp file
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<Guest6> Shinmera i am on evil-mode do you know what is the equivalent of M-. ing ?
<Guest6> oh it is the same
<Guest6> sorry
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<Guest6> ok now that i am on the export, how can i jump to the function?
<Guest6> like if i see the function -#set-node-properties and i try to M- . ing it doesn't work
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<Guest93> So, both ECL and SBCL fail to fetch the quicklisp install files, but curl manages... what the? Is it maybe a MacOS bug? Anyone else using macports on Sonoma?
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<Shinmera> Guest6: I just start opening files at that point.
<Shinmera> or complete a name I'm interested in at the repl and M-. again.
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<Guest6> Shinmera i am using evil mode and that M-. does not work
<Guest6> i have to load the code
<Guest6> how do i do that ?
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<Guest6> does common lisp have something in its standard library to load json ?
<Guest6> like python
<pfdietz> Yes, several packages for that.
<younder> yason is what I use https://phmarek.github.io/yason/
<ixelp> YASON - A JSON encoder/decoder for Common Lisp
<pfdietz> also cl-json and jsown.  The last is noted for its speed.
<pfdietz> Available through quicklisp.
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<random-nick> no, the standard predates javascript, let alone JSON
<random-nick> and one could argue that CL doesn't have a standard library because the standard doesn't make a distinction between "language" parts and "library" parts
<younder> The 'standard' is from 1994. There are a lot of things you will want to complement CL with.clparalell for threading, alexandia contains common functions that didn't make it into the standard. CFFI for a portable C interface etc.
<pfdietz> Standard in this case could mean "de facto standard", the extension library that a community has mostly settled on.
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<beach> I would argue that Python doesn't have a standard library because it doesn't have a standard.
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<aeth> CL's standard predates XML, let alone JSON or YAML. If it supported anything, it would have been SGML or perhaps some of the various text-based configuration formats used by DOS and UNIX.
<aeth> But "batteries included" wasn't a thing yet and Python has backed away from that in recent years because the included batteries tend to be worse and more out of date than third party libraries
<aeth> There's no de facto standard JSON library because there are a lot of ways to map CL to JSON (and most of the libraries do it improperly imo)
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<beach> aeth: Why is that? I mean, how hard can it be?
<bike> careful, that's a question that leads to making your own json library.
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<beach> Me? I don't think so.
<bike> there are various ambiguities, like json has separate false and empty list types. none of it is very severe but that just means you get some bikeshedding
<aeth> beach: About the JSON libraries? The biggest problem is NIL, and the ability to make that represent {} (if empty plist/alist), [] (if empty list), false (if boolean), or null (if you simply go off of the name NIL without understanding its role in the language, which... some JSON libraries do!)
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<younder> Yason leaves it to you. That's why I like it
<bike> https://github.com/yitzchak/shasht you can see yitzi's library has like a dozen control flags at least
<ixelp> GitHub - yitzchak/shasht: Common Lisp JSON reading and writing for the Kzinti.
<beach> aeth: So just map everything to an instance of a standard class.
<pfdietz> I've mostly used these libraries for reading json, not producing it.   The ambiguity doesn't arise as much then.
<bike> and some things are non obvious, e.g. json does not specify (somewhat to my surprise) what a number means. like, there's no defined distinction between floats and integers, for example, you can write them out the same
<bike> (probably because everything's a double in javascript)
<younder> I like JSON represented as a nested plist with vectors. Needs some tooling to make CL support that, but no biggie.
<aeth> pfdietz: yes, most issues exist if it doesn't roundtrip
<aeth> nil<->false and :null<->null (or similar for the latter) is probably how you round trip most easily
<aeth> [] being vectors makes the most sense, too, because now you only have nil-as-false and nil-as-empty-plist (if you use plists for {}) ambiguity
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<beach> aeth: I am beginning to see why you think they are all doing it wrong. But I suspect the analysis is not right.
<bike> beach: using standard classes for {} is also a little weird since javascript uses a prototype-based OOP system. cl-json has a mode where it deserializes {} to instances, but they're custom "fluid objects" to match how JS works.
<beach> I see.
<aeth> beach: to be fair, this is "they are all doing it wrong" applied as of maybe 2015 or 2016 but since then there has probably been another 5 new JSON libraries
<aeth> and some have taken these concerns into account
<bike> (it's pretty cool in concept, i think, and seeing another use of MOP is always interesting, but i've never really had to use it)
<aeth> but, yes, {} is the other thing that doesn't cleanly map to a CL concept (NIL is just simpler)
<aeth> I think the closest thing to JSON {} would be a string-keyed hash table that kept its order? As opposed to the unordered hash table in CL.
<younder> Obvious pits: double -> float, truthy -> nil,t
<aeth> Numbers are tricky, too, yes, because they're vaguely JS in that there's no float/integer distinction, but the JSON could be generated by and for languages that do have such a distinction
<younder> plist keeps the order
<bike> it's also "pretty cool" that the JSON RFC doesn't define any limits for number size or precision, but awkwardly suggests not exceeding doubles
<aeth> younder: plist keeps the order, but it's not an object (though the simplest thing to do would be to add a CONS in front and the most correct thing to do would probably be to put it in a class) and perhaps more importantly, a plist isn't O(1) but O(n)
<aeth> and JSON {}s could in theory be very long assuming hash-table-like behavior
<beach> aeth: In what way is a plist not an object?
<aeth> beach: a plist is not a type, I mean. It's just a CONS
<beach> aeth: Perhaps you mean that a plist is not an instance of an abstract data type?
<aeth> s/just a CONS/just a CONS-or-NIL/
<younder> Again most JSON files i use the list of atributes is short, less that 10 so that is not usually a problem
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<aeth> a problem is that JSON is used for everything, even where it's not very suitable
<younder> same as XML, yes
<yitzi> plists are convient, but a bad idea in JSON in my opinion. Keywords aren'
<yitzi> t garbage collected.
<yitzi> Which is probably discussed in Sabra's reviews.
<gilberth> Just soft-intern the keywords. Use (or (find-symbol key :keyword) (make-symbol key)) and be set.
<aeth> if you implemented JSON's {} as an extensible-sequence, treated []s as simple-vectors, repesented null with :null, round-tripped the booleans nil/t (now that you're not using lists), and had a special reader macro for JSON's strings that turned into regular strings, then you'd basically integrate JSON into CL (and have written the 20th or so JSON library)... except numbers.
<aeth> Then everyone else's JSON library that bikesheds things differently could be reimplemented on top of that ;-p
<yitzi> JSON's objects more closely match hash tables anyways.
<gilberth> Reasoning is as follows: It mostly matters being interned, when you actually have some :FOO somewhere in your code. And when it's in your code, you get that keyword. If not, you don't mind in the first place.
<aeth> younder: right, they're ordered string-keyed hash tables, which would make them behave like a hash-table in some contexts but also be perfectly suitable for a new sequence type exposed via trivial-extensible-sequences
<yitzi> Unless you are reading a network protocol and you have no control over the key values.
<gilberth> This is what I do. And I prefer plists. For one thing, I am round-trip safe. For the other I can use destructuring-bind. And having interned keys also conses less.
<gilberth> yitzi: Yes, but then you won't mention it with GETF or something. You get uninterned symbols with unknown keys. As good as strings.
<yitzi> What do you mean "won't mention it"?
<gilberth> When you don't know the key beforehand, you won't say (GETF :FOO object) somewhere in your code.
<yitzi> That doesn't account for serialization situations in which you have to generate an object with hundreds of new key values and you are never going to GETF or GETHASH on it. This happens in the Jupyter protocol.
<yitzi> I acknowledge your point if reading and retreival are the primary uses, to be clear.
<gilberth> Values? I'm talking about key names.
<yitzi> I am as well talking about key names.
<gilberth> And? What's the problem then? Just say MAKE-SYMBOL then. As good as a string.
<gilberth> Anyhow, any JSON data I ever dealt with has thousands of "objects" with a small set of known keys.
<yitzi> Calling MAKE-SYMBOL on a hundred names just so you can cast them to strings during serialization and then discard them seems a bit of a waste to me. Then again, that is just my opinion based on dealing with the applications I have to deal with.
<gilberth> It seems more of a waste for me to cons 100,000 strings, when one single symbol would do. Also to hash a string over and over again, look at a table and do a string= again to get at some attribute, where EQ could do.
<aeth> beach: I think the above demonstrates why there are a bunch of conflicting JSON libraries.
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<yitzi> That is nothing compared to the number of testing frameworks.
<aeth> Imo, nobody's really wrong here since e.g. yitzi generating JSON for Jupyter wants strings (no interning) and gilberth probably reading configuration files or something wants symbols (would intern anyway)
<yitzi> And there are only 2-3 JSON libraries that actually pass the JSON test suite so there is that.
<aeth> I wonder how much JSON in the wild fails the JSON test suite
<yitzi> The test suite is pretty good at exposing the common failures in the wild.
<yitzi> IMHO
<aeth> the problem is that you have to read JSON that could be written by any library or any programming language, and write JSON that likewise could be read by anything
<aeth> at least, if you wanted to write the sole CL JSON library
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<yitzi> Well, there is a spec even if it is a terrible spec with lots of holes.
<aeth> I thought in practice the spec is the mostly-diagram description on https://www.json.org/json-en.html
<ixelp> JSON
<aeth> "number" being by far the worst part
<aeth> all syntax, no semantics
<aeth> in practice, any JSON that cares about numbers is probably using some schema to tell you what the numbers are
<yitzi> There is rfc8259
<gilberth> There also is ECMA 404.
<beach> aeth: The discussion certainly amused me.
<gilberth> Another major difference between JSON libraries is how they represent "true", "false", and "null". Some have a choice with e.g. using NIL for "null" and "false", destroying information.
<gilberth> And even you don't care, no internal representation suitable for writing JSON.
<aeth> one fun thing is that JSON has no comments, so comments are potentially very large strings you're just supposed to ignore (but in practice you're going to load them for no reason in most JSON libraries)
<gilberth> But all matter of taste as well.
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<gilberth> And JSON is tiny and quick to implement. Hence, I just wrote my own. I use soft-interned keywords, plists for "objects", vectors for arrays, and :true, :false, :null. And backquote to craft JSON. I never bothered making it public proper. What's the point of the gazillionth and one implementation?
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<NotThatRPG> One thing that would be nice would be to see a CL JSON implementation that's capable of dealing with JSON schemas. That would likely have the additional advantage of resolving some of the uncertainties about serializing NIL. And one could stuff additional hints for CL serializing and deserializing into the Schema.
<Demosthenex> if only there were a data languag with strong schemas
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<aeth> Demosthenex: well, yeah, if you have control over the data language then you can just make everyone use s-expressions
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<Demosthenex> aeth: technically s-exps don't have a schema for the data. xml had all that
<Demosthenex> but it should have been s-exps from the bottom up
<Demosthenex> ;]
<ixelp> RELAX NG Compact Syntax Tutorial
<younder> For xml
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<NotThatRPG> Really, XML is just s-expressions with an excessive number of kinds of parenthesis!
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<aeth> almost
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<aeth> <foo>42</foo> would be (foo () 42) and e.g. <foo awesome="true">42</foo> would be (foo (:awesome "true") 42)
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<NotThatRPG> aeth: Yes, for some reason they just insist on (foo () 42 foo) ! ;-)
<NotThatRPG> But yes, that's the obvious interpretation.
<NotThatRPG> My impression is that XML can actually be better at providing guidance in deserialization but, tbh, it seems like XML is one of those things where when there's a problem the solution is always more XML.
<NotThatRPG> If one can avoid having to put programmer eyes on it, all is well, but somehow something always goes wrong, you end up needing programmer eyes on it, and it's horrible, bloated and confusing.
<NotThatRPG> There's a whole class of technologies, which is ever-growing, which works great as long as nothing ever goes wrong. But when something DOES go wrong, one finds that no one has considered how debugging should happen.
<NotThatRPG> IMO one should *always* assume that everything will break and ask, at design time, how debugging will happen.
* NotThatRPG climbs down off soapbox
<aeth> everything in XML is extra verbose, even the APIs designed in it (no matter the syntax you represent it as), see e.g. MathML
<pfdietz> Any data can be turned into Big Data by encoding it in XML!
<aeth> these days Big Data uses YAML, though, which is great because YAML is a language designed to be human readable at the expense of being able to write it, parse it, secure it, etc., etc.
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<NotThatRPG> aeth: The idea of having a surface syntax for JSON is brilliant
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<skin> Surprised no one mentioned the jzon library.
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<skin> I tried to write a simplified yaml, https://git.sr.ht/~skin/nrdl . I learned a lot, like these lessons:
<ixelp> ~skin/nrdl - Nestable Readable Document language - sourcehut git
<skin> - JSON numbers are awful, but I couldn't think of a better implementation that worked well across different languages. It turns out float64's are a really good lowest common denominator; almost all languages have them.
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<skin> - YAML is awful, but was actually really, really well designed by the original designers of XML. https://yaml.org/spec/1.2.2/
<ixelp> YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML™) revision 1.2.2
<skin> They thought way harder about it than I did.
<Demosthenex> skin: solve the norway problem
<Demosthenex> "human editable" with data ruining implied assumptions instead of strict checking
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<Demosthenex> yaml tries to let humans be lazy and lax, but for anything more than a 5 line config file, it falls apart
<Demosthenex> look at the disaster of ansible configs and the devops yaml craze
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<skin> I agree with you; I am a DevOps engineer by day, and I live in yaml a lot. https://twitter.com/abock/status/1117056887072145409?lang=en
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<skin> But I also have yet to see a different human-readable language that _can_ deal with all that inherent complexity gracefully.
<skin> The killer feature of YAML is embeddable documents, and I tried to reproduce that with NRDL. https://drewdevault.com/2021/07/28/The-next-YAML.html
<ixelp> My wish-list for the next YAML
<aeth> skin: literally just s-expressions, there you go, all complexity gracefully handled
<aeth> support for all languages that have a numeric tower, which is all languages that matter
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<skin> I thought that too: https://github.com/djhaskin987/dan/
<ixelp> GitHub - djhaskin987/dan: Datat Austerity Notation
<skin> But it turns out that non-ordered k/v pairs are incredibly useful. First-class support for them as a means YAML's goal of first-class support for dynamic languages is a Good Thing.
<bike> "just write out sexps" isn't even enough for lisp's compile-file.
<bike> or printing readably.
<skin> THIS ^^^
<bike> i know everyone likes to hate on xml or yaml or whatever but please consider that the problems they are maybe failing to solve may, actually, be nontrivial.
<skin> With NRDL, I tried to stay as close to JSON as possible while still providing support for keywords and embeddable documents. This solves the Norway problem (mostly) and even the "Carpenter's square" problem.
<skin> I made commas and colons equivalent to whitespace, like EDN did, to make things look prettier/more lisp-y, and added embeddable documents, and STOPPED, because the problem is hard.
<bike> i am glad i googled "norway problem". hilarious
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<lispmacs[work]> hi, I wanted to do validation checks on the parameters to a function, but I was how/what exception to throw if the parameter values are out of range
<bike> clhs error
<ixelp> CLHS: Meanings for ERROR
<bike> is how you signal an error (this is the lisp terminology, rather than throwing an exception)
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<bike> as for what error to signal, that depends on your application i guess. you can probably do a type-error but that's quite generic, which may or may not matter to you
<bike> there's also check-type and assert available.
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<jcowan> skin: What is the "Carpenter's square" problem? Dr. Google is not helpful today.
<skin> This is the carpenter's square problem. https://twitter.com/abock/status/1117056887072145409?lang=en
<skin> I can post a link to the image if you can't view the twitter thing.
<skin> (I just made up the name for it)
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<skin> Basically: whitespace-as-structure means that for long and complicated yaml files it is difficult to determine structure depth (how many objects nested level am I at?)
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<jcowan> Sounds like a lack of tooling. It's just as easy to make a mistake with S-expressions, but we have ways to generate matching parens and to verify them. For example, using TAB (indent) and SHIFT-TAB (dedent) would make mistakes less likely, and then two commands to jump up or down to the line with the same indent level.
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<Shinmera> well yes but the point of yaml expressly is to be "human readable"
<Shinmera> if you need tools to do so, is it still really?
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<jcowan> Shinmera: Programming languages are generally human readable, but most people use tools to write them and debug them.
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<surabax> does anyone know if there is a repository for https://novaspec.org/ somewhere? is it an open-source project?
<ixelp> Common Lisp Nova Spec
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<surabax> gilberth: you're the author of novaspec, right?
<Demosthenex> https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/1 time to do CL solutions
<ixelp> Day 1 - Advent of Code 2023
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