jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<beach> Shinmera: Congratulations.
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<Shinmera> you should congratulate scymtym for this one :)
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<beach> scymtym: Congratulations!
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<scymtym> thanks. my contribution was the collision data computation mentioned in the title, the kd-tree shown in green and a bit of integration work. everything else is Shinmera's engine
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<antoszka> What's the issue with the Quicklisp ML? There's a sudden spam explosion.
<hayley> What Quicklisp ML?
<antoszka> The mailing list.
<antoszka> quicklisp@googlegroups.com
<hayley> Ah, different meaning of ML. phoe found a different kind of Quicklisp ML spam <https://i.redd.it/xvmm2216y3zb1.png> which came to mind first.
<antoszka> phoe: what's this about? ^
<antoszka> Oh, I see the comment now, nvm.
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<aeth> eww reddit is awful now... those direct links used to just open the PNG and now it decorates it with a bunch of crud around it. And probably ads, but I adblock.
<aeth> all free image hosts fall the same way
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<dnhester26> beach: Good afternoon, how are you?
<dnhester26> I updated the home page and added **search** https://lisp-docs.github.io/cl-language-reference/docs/intro
<ixelp> Introduction | Common Lisp (New) Language Reference
<dnhester26> please take a look
<beach> dnhester26: I am not doing so well today. I have a bug that I can't seem to find.
<dnhester26> I think the search is already paying off for me because even if the code blocks are not formatted, it's much easier for me to find what I'm looking for that way than with googeling "clhs +" or going through the index when google fails (which surprisingly happened to me quite a few times yesterday with the print options)
<dnhester26> beach: I hear, good luck
<beach> How does the search work. I entered `progn', and it came up with section 1.5.2.
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<aeth> dnhester26: in ddg you can !l1sp to search
<aeth> which takes you to e.g. http://l1sp.org/search?q=make%2Darray
<ixelp> make-array - l1sp.org search
<dnhester26> aeth what is ddg?
<aeth> duckduckgo
<dnhester26> ah I didn't know that existed!
<dnhester26> thanks
<aeth> I usually search through l1sp through ddg (though you can also use l1sp directly) to do a symbol search, and it also lets you search otherwise unsearchable things like punctuation, e.g. for # it's http://l1sp.org/search?q=%23
<ixelp> # - l1sp.org search
<dnhester26> how do you do it with ddg?
<aeth> ddg has a bunch of search shortcuts that begin with !
<dnhester26> ah wow that's a big help! I've wasted a lot of time looking for things like that which somehow feel through with google even with quotes
<aeth> e.g. `!clhs progn` does a body text search of the hyperspec through LispWorks' own search (but restricted to just the hyperspec, which otherwise requires going to https://www.lispworks.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi and manually selecting just the CLHS every time)
<ixelp> LispWorks Search
<aeth> but the symbol search is usually more useful
<aeth> it also has e.g. !w for Wikipedia or !gh for github
<dnhester26> ah wow, thanks, I didn't know that existed
<dnhester26> very useful for the fututre
<dnhester26> beach: sorry I missed your message. Right now not everything is fully indexed because some files are too long (the dictionary sections were not produced properly in the pdf, so I have to split a file in each chapter into two...)
<beach> Oh, I see.
<dnhester26> There's a way to give priority to search results
<dnhester26> I have to make all the standard functions have a heading level, which has yet to be done, then it should work as expcted
<dnhester26> I'm using algolia search
<dnhester26> one sec, I'll send you a link to the docs and to the configuration if you want to take a look, but I think we don't need to change that, we just need to finish parsing the text in the docs and then things will work as expected
<dnhester26> here are the docs for docusaurus and algolia: https://docusaurus.io/docs/next/search#using-algolia-docsearch
<ixelp> Search | Docusaurus
<aeth> another good resource for searching Lisp/programming stuff is this search engine that only searches long tail sites: https://search.marginalia.nu/
<ixelp> Marginalia Search
<aeth> which surprisingly contains such mainstream results as common-lisp.net and the CLHS and Cliki (the CL wiki) if you search "Common Lisp"
<aeth> and PCL even
<dnhester26> very nice, didn't know that existed
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<varjag> common-lisp.net *is* long tail tho
<varjag> it's not exactly pinterest
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<aeth> varjag: it has 2/4 links in the /topic (cliki and the common lisp cookbook), which in my personal experience are 2 of the most commonly encountered URLs... I may have been joking to call these "mainstream"
<aeth> but it matches my experience!
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<lispmacs[work]> when writing a defpackage form, can/should I export symbols for classes I have defined with defclass?
<beach> Only the ones that are part of the protocol (interface) that your module provides.
<lispmacs[work]> also, is there some difference between :EXPORT "MY-SYMBOL" vs. :EXPORT #:MY-SYMBOL ?
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<beach> The "right" way would be "MY-SYMBOL", but it is ugly because you need to type it in upper case, whereas the usage is most often in lower case.
<lispmacs[work]> so, i want the class to be useable, but am I exporting the class symbol, or a constructor for the class...?
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<beach> lispmacs[work]: If your protocol allows client code to create subclasses, then you need to export the name.
<beach> So, I use #:my-symbol rather than :my-symbol, because in the first case, you make it clear to the person reading the code that only the name and not the package of the symbol is important.
<beach> In the case :my-symbol, the package is KEYWORD, so you are providing some information that is not relevant.
<beach> If your classes are opaque and just placeholders for other stuff, then you don't export the names.
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<beach> lispmacs[work]: Does that make sense?
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<lispmacs[work]> I think so
<beach> Feel free to ask more questions if not.
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<lispmacs[work]> just trying to sort out my understanding of systems and packages and such. Trying to structure my first common lisp code base, and write an asd file
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<beach> I see. Well, the topic is not directly related to Common Lisp. It is a matter of modularity so pretty much independent of the language.
<beach> You need to figure out how you want client code to use your system, and that will determine what you export.
<lispmacs[work]> it is a bit confusing at first that there are all these functions for loading systems but you don't actually use them in any of your code
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<lispmacs[work]> I don't really have a clear idea of who the "client" is, but I was writing a gui application, and thought it would make sense to keep the non-gui stuff separate from the gui stuff
<beach> Well, the same goes for other languages. You don't call the C compiler from your C code that is meant to provide, say, an accounting system.
<beach> Yes, then the GUI is the client of the rest of the code, or the other way around.
<beach> Client is just another word for "user".
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<beach> The thing that makes Common Lisp a bit more confusing is that the compiler is part of the language specification, so there is not the clear distinction between compile time and run time.
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<lispmacs[work]> speaking as a new user, it is a bit confusing that tutorials are like "run such and such command" to load a system that your code needs, so you naturally want to insert those commands in your code so you don't have to type them over and over again, but that isn't really what you are supposed to do
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<beach> Right. Advice like that has changed over time. These days, the best solution is to use a system definition facility like ASDF.
<lispmacs[work]> so, the ASD file is kind of like the Makefile...?
<beach> Sort of, yes.
<bike> and you wouldn't leave a makefile somewhere in a C source file.
<beach> Good analogy.
<aeth> and there's no real way around this... all build systems suck because they have to have some boilerplate because of the nature of the problem, though that can be reduced if they assume a certain kind of directory structure (and ASDF has package-inferred-system for that, which has its own drawbacks)
<beach> The other unusual part with Common Lisp is this idea of an image that evolves incrementally, which is why there is this idea of loading code that does not exist in most other languages.
<lispmacs[work]> beach: can you elaborate on that some more - the evolving image part?
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<beach> Well, you start the Common Lisp system, and then you stay inside the image, defining stuff, running code, loading files, redefining incorrect code, etc.
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<beach> lispmacs[work]: In a traditional batch language, you build your executable entirely before attempting to execute it. And when you execute it, no additional files are compiled and loaded.
<beach> lispmacs[work]: The creators of Common Lisp went to a lot of trouble to make this interactivity possible and sane. For instance, it is defined what happens to existing instances of a class when the class is redefined.
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<beach> Stuff like that does not happen in a batch language, because everything is defined before anything is executed.
<beach> lispmacs[work]: I am of course assuming that you are not using Common Lisp the way you would use a batch language.
<lispmacs[work]> I'd like to take advantage of the interactivity as much as possible - with object inspection, and such. In practice it seems like that is a bit difficult with CLIM-based applications, where you've got to access the THING inside of some function once the APP-THING is actually running
<beach> You can try the CLIM listener.
<beach> But you can still redefine things from something like SLIME if your CLIM application is running.
<lispmacs[work]> do you know where that is documented exactly? I thought I had heard of a CLIM listener but couldn't find it again
<beach> I think you do (asdf:load-system "clim-listener") and then (clim-listener:run-listener).
<beach> It may require a bit of planning to structure your application so that it lends itself to being modified from something like SLIME, but it is definitely possible.
<lispmacs[work]> I'll have to do more research into that. I'm a bit confused exactly what the clim-listener provides, in relation to running and non-running clim apps
<beach> It provides a REPL in which you can execute CLIM functions like DRAW-LINE and the effect will happen in the listener window.
<bjorkintosh> lispmacs[work], are you familiar with squeak or the smalltalk environment at all?
<bjorkintosh> I don't know if that helps or confuses matters.
<bjorkintosh> Scratch, perhaps?
<lispmacs[work]> oh, so it opens up a listener window
<beach> Yes.
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<lispmacs[work]> I've heard smalltalk referenced a few times in lisp histories, but can't really say I'm familiar with either of those
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<bjorkintosh> scratch? logo?
<bjorkintosh> anyway. might not be helpful I'll shudup.
<lispmacs[work]> no, sorry...
<aeth> it does take some work to make everything redefinable (?) if your domain is complicated enough, but it can mostly be done, e.g. https://github.com/cbaggers/cepl
<ixelp> GitHub - cbaggers/cepl: Code Evaluate Play Loop
<lispmacs[work]> I wrote some guile stuff a few years ago, and I'm a Guix and Emacs user, for whatever cred that gets me
<beach> lispmacs[work]: I am off for today. I hope others can help you.
<aeth> lispmacs[work]: have you ever played Quake or an FPS on a Quake-descended engine? (most popular in the early '00s with the Quake 3 engine, but also a lot of stuff on e.g. 2004's Source (Half-Life 2) after that)
<aeth> lispmacs[work]: where in all of these (and a lot of games inspired by them) you can press ` and it brings down a console?
<lispmacs[work]> I don't think so
<aeth> well it was even copied for the Linux terminal too, e.g. https://apps.kde.org/yakuake/
<ixelp> Yakuake - KDE Applications
<bjorkintosh> guake
<aeth> (note the "kuake" instead of "quake" because it's kde)
<aeth> lispmacs[work]: anyway, that's the kind of thing you want for a Lisp application (though you probably have to implement it yourself) with a REPL
<bjorkintosh> lispmacs[work], the emacs mini-buffer.
<bjorkintosh> you can type elisp bits in and make things happen in the main buffer.
<bjorkintosh> interactively.
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<lispmacs[work]> so, does the clim-listener provide a port or something that I can make a slime connection to?
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<phoe> I don't think so
<phoe> clim-listener is in-process, so it does not need a server-client architecture or a network connection
<phoe> it doesn't need slime because it doesn't need swank
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<lispmacs[work]> I think we need to change the standard so compiler automatically adds all the parentheses I forgot
<lispmacs[work]> preferably in the places I meant to put them
<bjorkintosh> lispmacs[work], there are shortcuts for that in slime.
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<bjorkintosh> slime-close-all-parens-in-sexp
<bjorkintosh> that what you were looking for?
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<edgar-rft> M-x add-all-the-parentheses-I-forgot-in-the-places-I-meant-to-put-them
<lispmacs[work]> that is interesting, though I was wanting something that catches the "end-of-file" compile error and then automatically fixes all my parentheses mistakes
<lispmacs[work]> without introducing any bugs
<jjnkn> In SBCL get-setf-expansion always returns (#:NEW1) as a list of store variables, which is against the HyperSpec: "the setf expander must produce new temporary and store variable names every time". This has been happening since at least 2016.
<jjnkn> I've noticed this while studying the SORTF macro from Paul Graham's "On Lisp". That macro calls get-setf-expansion multiple times. As a result I get multiple symbols with the same name and the macro doesn't work as expected.
<jjnkn> I think maybe I'm missing something or this is such a rare use case that the bug has been living unnoticed for many years.
<bike> jjnkn: i believe they are different symbols with the same name.
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<bike> (equal (nth-value 2 (get-setf-expansion 'x)) (nth-value 2 (get-setf-expansion 'x))) => NIL
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<Shinmera> ime it's far more common for books to be wrong than sbcl 🙃
<phoe> lispmacs[work]: a bit troublesome because a file containing a single opening quote will also signal an EOF no matter how many parens you put at the end; but then again, eclector exists for handling that
<phoe> jjnkn: (eq '#:new1 '#:new1)
<jjnkn> Well, indeed the symbols are different but have the same name. And I also conducted a small experiment with macros which proved that it was me missing something and not a bug in SBCL.
<jjnkn> It was seeing a macro expansion where most LET bindings have the same name that confused me.
<jjnkn> But now I have a better understanding of what symbols and bindings are.
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<aeth> idk, SBCL is sufficiently obscure that it's-never-a-compiler-bug doesn't really apply to it
<aeth> I've encountered one once
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<aeth> as for parens, what if we trained an LLM to close parentheses?
<bjorkintosh> aeth, lisp was a pioneer in programming assistants, so why the hell not?!
<bjorkintosh> brilliant.
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<aeth> now the real question is can we actually do this
<bjorkintosh> LLMs can count, can't they? but would one really need one? medley just uses ']' as a shortcut to close and balance.
<Shinmera> aeth: note that that's not what I said.
<Shinmera> but thanks for playing
<aeth> Shinmera: jjnkn was implying that it was a compiler bug
<aeth> it is not, though
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<phoe> the only thing annoying with #:NEW1 is the name collision when inspecting macroexpansions copypasted in text form with *PRINT-GENSYM* on
<phoe> but it's just an annoyance, not a conformance problem
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<cstml> Hi all, I'm trying to create a TUI for my app and I'm using cl-tui. I have an issue in that although I create the sbcl from a terminal, open swank on it, connect to it from my emacs and evaluate things, the result still shows up in my emacs terminal and not in the spawned one. Has anyone else faced this?
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<cstml> Any ideas?
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<bike> cstml: not sure i understand the details here. if you're using slime, why would you expect results outside of slime? have you hooked into it in some way?
<cstml> bike: I'm using slime to connect to the swank server which is started in a different terminal running sbcl and then served over swank on a localhost port.
<cstml> I guess I'd like the behaviour of my local repl to be of sending to the sbcl opened in the terminal not to my local client (in emacs).
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<cstml> The only way I can get it to work is if I compile and repl the stuff from my emacs, then swap to the terminal and run the commands from there.
<bike> slime is designed to display in emacs regardless of where the lisp you connect to is. i mean, it's an editor plugin, that's what it's for. if you want it to not do that you'll need to configure or modify it somehow. i'm not sure i understand why you would expect otherwise. am i missing something?
<cstml> I don't think you're missing anything, I think I'm just curios if what I'm trying to do is possible.
<aeth> my guess is *standard-output*
<aeth> you want the right *standard-output*
<cstml> aeth: ok let me see, that might actually work.
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<bike> i don't think the slime repl checks standard-output for display. i mean, swank isn't printing at all - it's sending things back over the wire to slime/emacs.
<aeth> oh perhaps a different variable then?
<bike> i'm not sure you absorbed what i just said.
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<bike> https://github.com/slime/slime/blob/master/swank.lisp#L1676-L1697 here's where swank evaluates forms it receives. it just does prin1-to-string and then sends it back to emacs.
<cstml> Ok so!
<cstml> It actually does work.
<bike> does it?
<cstml> It seems to not flush properly, but here's what I've done and it worked.
<cstml> so from the terminal I've bound *standard-output* to std-out
<cstml> then in slime-repl i've done (format std-out "Foo") et voila. Text appears on the terminal.
<bike> sure, you can send code that does printing.
<cstml> I'm hoping that's what I need with this cl-tui.
<cstml> Although I'm unsure about the underlying mechanics of ncurses which is what I think it wraps. But I'm imagining it's leveraging the *standard-output*
<bike> um, probably not. ncurses does a lot that can't be subsumed under a stream abstraction.
<bike> it is a way of displaying things on a terminal, which is not the same thing as outputting text.
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<cstml> yes, and it seems that the return of evaluated forms still comes in on the slime repl ~ even though I've swapped the local *standard-output* with the server's.
<cstml> So yes, I guess I can change the state of the repl from slime, but I can't "remote control" the sbcl terminal with it.
<bike> the slime repl is not going to care what you do with *standard-output*, like i said. there is nothing in your lisp that is printing to a stream that prints on emacs.
<bike> slime lets you evaluate whatever in your lisp, so if your lisp has a terminal you should certainly be able to control the terminal with ncurses derivatives. but that's pretty much orthogonal to slime.
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<cstml> bike: seems like I've now managed to make the terminal display the tui by running it from slime ~ but honestly I've got no idea why. It seems to only work on loading the system via quickload and there's a function there that triggers it.
<cstml> But evaluating it normally doesn't seem to do the same thing.
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<cstml> in any case, thanks for trying to help - I'm at least now knowing it might not be possible to do what I want.
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<bike> it's certainly possible to control a lisp with a TUI via slime. i've done it a bit myself with the lower level cl-ncurses.
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<younder> Might mention elf. A ncurses based emacs in CL
<younder> There is a sdl2 version as well
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<younder> Sorry s/elf/lem/
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<ixelp> GitHub - lem-project/lem: Common Lisp editor/IDE with high expansibility
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<jcowan> Or you could translate DWIM from Interlisp to Common Lisp.
<jcowan> That deals with mistakes like typing 0 instead of ).
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