jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<Josh_2> hi
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<jmercouris> Josh_2: hello
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<jmiven> hi! common-lisp.net and cliki.net appear to be down
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<beach> Indeed.
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<aeth> hmm, let me check cliki for alternatives, oh wait
<aeth> appears to be down for everyone: https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/cliki.net
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<alejandrozf> common-lisp.net is down?
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<larix1> yes
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<gendl__> I'll try rebooting the host
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<gendl__> I just did `sudo systemctl restart apache2` and it seems to be back up (as well as gitlab.common-lisp.net)
<alejandrozf> well done!
<gendl__> fwiw we are in the process of moving everything to a new dedicated Hetzner host
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<gendl__> follow #common-lisp.net if you'd like more detailed progress info
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<skin> I'm looking for a threading library built around Nathaniel Smith's "nurseries". https://vorpus.org/blog/notes-on-structured-concurrency-or-go-statement-considered-harmful/
<ixelp> Notes on structured concurrency, or: Go statement considered harmful — njs blog
<skin> lparallels is close with its "kernels", I suppose, but kernels are supposed to be global or dynamic, where nurseries as presented are more of a static structure.
<flip214> skin: you can have lparallel:*kernel* be locally bound as well, I guess... though that might not be that useful
<skin> I noticed it was possible but not recommended. Why wouldn't it be useful? Too much overhead?
<flip214> I'm not sure whether the threads and/or tasks being operated on get cleaned up when the special variable runs out of scope -- and having background threads go on working isn't that good
<flip214> but perhaps there could be a (lparallel:with-local-thread-pool (:count 5) ...) that kills the threads upon leaving
<skin> That would be ideal.
<skin> I was just looking at this. I could use `let` for a dynamic binding, but I'd have to clean up myself. which is fine! but I'd have to look around to see how to do that. Also, the API is a little skiwompus. I have to use `submit-task` to create the tasks, instead of them all appearing out of nowhere to execute on a lexically scoped bit of code (which is the whole point -- lexical scoping is the point of Djikstra's original letter.)
<skin> Thinking about it though, it might be possible to create a library on top of lparallels that does just this.
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<ldb> lol, my port of complex number division algorithm from Clozure CL to chez scheme is now merged to racket 8.11
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<varjag> ldb: must be truly a racket science!
<varjag> so i gave a try to the newest ccl for local-nicknames support sake and the application craps out someplace in foreign code…
<varjag> which i guess is worth own investigation but
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<ldb> varjag: OS X?
<varjag> arm32
<varjag> linux
<ldb> lol, I guess their arm32 support is still suboptiomal
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<varjag> it's not necessarily the runtime's fault
<varjag> could well be some bug in our or library code
<varjag> but it did work on ancient ccl for years
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<varjag> (as well as sbcl/lw on x86/arm)
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