jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<bjorkintosh> BrokenCog, must have been a broken cog in your previous setup or something.
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<larix> gccemacs is based and mousepilld
<beach> What does it mean for something to be "based"?
<larix> just googled it, lol: "Based is a slang term that originally meant to be addicted to crack cocaine"
<aeth> "based" on the internet generally means controversial, but correct
<aeth> garbage collection is based
<aeth> but it's internet slang so everyone's going to have a different definition of it
<beach> And using it here is a good way of excluding many participants.
<aeth> based on the current conversation, that appears to be the case
<aeth> and it's usually used to express agreement with a controversial opinion on social media
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<beach> I would rather fill my brain with more pertinent knowledge.
<moon-child> being addicted to crack is based??
<larix> at the very least, its freebased
<larix> probably where it came from
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<aeth> is that where "freebsd" came from, too?
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<bjorkintosh> unlikely.
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<ldb> fufufu
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<BrokenCog> bjorkintosh: these cogs are always failing me.
<cage> McParen: have you seen this post mentioning croatoan? https://genart.social/@aerique/111343070302618104
<ixelp> aerique: "I don't know who McParen on GitHub is but thanks …" - genart.social - A Home For Generative Artists
<cage> :)
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<McParen> hi cage
<McParen> no, i havent seen that, nice find.
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<cage> McParen: :))
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<jmercouris> I am not understanding something
<ixelp> dpaste: DW2HW8CJM
<jmercouris> how can it be that I ACCEPT data and print it to console
<jmercouris> on line 8, but then I cannot write to that same socket
<jmercouris> and it is telling me that it is "unconnected"?
<jmercouris> if it is unconnected, HOW DID IT ACCEPT A CONNECTION?
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<Alfr> jmercouris, is that a linux pipe? Those are unidirectional.
<jmercouris> no, it's a socket
<jmercouris> it's not a pipe
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<jmercouris> which is why it makes no sense to me
<jmercouris> is it perhaps something that I cannot do within an accept-connection? I don't know
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<gilberth> jmercouris: s/s/connection with WRITE-LINE.
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<jcowan> Alfr: strictly speaking, pipes are not directional. At each end there is a writable-place and a readable-place. By convention, one end closes its writable-place and just reads, and the other end closes its readable-place and just writes.
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<jcowan> that's why the underlying system is socketpair.
<jcowan> s/system/& call
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<Posterdati> hi
<Posterdati> please, some time ago I found a document about style conventions for common lisp programming. In particular how to use licensing comments in source code!
<Posterdati> thanks for help :)
<Posterdati> especially I read that is better to place licensing comments in system and package files where those definitions are
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<aeth> The most popular style guide is [1], but it doesn't appear to mention licensing comments. [1] https://google.github.io/styleguide/lispguide.xml
<aeth> others may be linked to from cliki, which strangely doesn't include the above one: https://www.cliki.net/Programming%20style
<ixelp> CLiki: Programming style
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<jmercouris> Posterdati: you can see how we do it in our codebase
<aeth> the Norvig PDF on page 26 says "License to change non-exported part" when describing DEFPACKAGE which could be misremembered as something to do with licensing. http://www.cs.umd.edu/~nau/cmsc421/norvig-lisp-style.pdf
<jmercouris> we were advised by FSF europe
<ixelp> GitHub - atlas-engineer/nyxt: Nyxt - the hacker's browser.
<jmercouris> we end up putting SPDX copyright and identifier in every file with four semicolon at the top
<jmercouris> as well as in the root of the repository we have a licenses folder
<Posterdati> thanks
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