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<jmercouris> I seem to remember there was a DVCS that operated on SEXP rather than lines, but can't remember what it is called
<jmercouris> does anyone know what I am talking about?
<jmercouris> I think this is what I was thinking of
<ixelp> Autochrome - Structural diffs for Clojure source code
<jmercouris> or something like that
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<Josh_2> Can't believe I just learned about #'file-namestring...
<Josh_2> I've been doing annoying hacks like (format nil "~A.~A" (pathname-name ..) (pathname-type ..)) :skull:
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<hayley> I'm looking for a short job until February, now that I am done with university for the year. Here is my resume: <https://applied-langua.ge/~hayley/resume.pdf>
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<Shinmera> Good luck! I'd hire you in a heartbeat if my own finances were more stable.
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<ecraven> what are the symbols that can be checked with #- and #+ called?
<edgar-rft> the ANSI spec calls them "feature-test expression"
<edgar-rft> ...in CLHS and
<splittist> The things in *FEATURES* - the 'feature list' - are also called 'features'
<ecraven> thanks!
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<aeth> so, in one word: features
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<aeth> I need to do a bidirectional mapping of two relatively small (still kB if done the naive two-arrays way, e.g. 2^12 and 2^16) unsigned integers id<->index, max-id >= max-index in numeric range, but index-count >= id-count in practice since id is either a name for an index (since indices can move but IDs stay the same) or is currently invalid; in my ECS
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<aeth> so this really seems like a problem for a custom hash table on top of a specialized array, at least for the id->index direction (since there can be at most max-index IDs... index->id could just be an array)
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<aeth> if done properly, I could just always have IDs increase and not have to worry about recycling them, or maybe it'd just be cheaper to give IDs generations
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<beach> aeth: It sounds like an interesting problem, but I can't understand it from your description. I don't know what it means for an id to be a name for an index, nor what it means for it to be invalid or for an index to "move". And I don't know what an ECS is.
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<beach> Maybe if you give a list of the operations allowed on an index or an id?
<beach> Then, perhaps you have already worked it out.
<aeth> beach: entity-component-system, it's basically a runtime database for games/graphics and other real-time simulations (though it could have applications elsewhere, that's just where it's trendy) where the "entity" is just an ID, nothing else
<aeth> the ID would be constant, the index that that Entity ID refers to could move because it's using arrays to basically do something similar to memory management
<aeth> and the ID is fairly similar to a reference in that sense
<aeth> a "proper" ECS has no entity object, but you could e.g. have an entity class that consists solely of one slot: an entity ID, which then looks up the entity index and which "components" it implements (which arrays it's in)
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<aeth> The idea being that iterating over component arrays is the thing that needs to be fast, not the entity itself. So an index needs to be a valid index to the component arrays (or, possibly, the first index of an n-dimensional array, or a number that is multiplied or otherwise manipulated to get the real index), an ID refers to an index (or is invalid), and an entity class or a label (hash table, variable
<aeth> name, whatever) would just store the entity ID.
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<aeth> At the moment, I don't separate the concept of ID and index, which means that (1) I don't ever "compact" the indexes if a bunch of entities are removed and none are added, and (2) an old ID could refer to the wrong entity if something is removed and another entity is added in its place
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<aeth> So, to be clear, an ID is either invalid or refers to (in some kind of optimized hash table, array, or tree) a `(mod ,+max-entities+) type index, while an index merely refers to a bunch of component bits that says which groups of 0 or more arrays (yes, 0, because the component could be used solely for its bit flag!) the entity index is valid in. Then anything that has to work on a specific entity (such
<aeth> as an entity class, a variable, a "label" hash table or other data structure, etc.) just stores the ID, while anything that doesn't have to work on a specific entity just iterates through the bit-equals-one stuff in component arrays. Also, some data structures (for e.g. spatial partitioning) may work solely on and store entity IDs.
<aeth> I suppose there could be an implementation via adjustable vectors that doesn't have a +max-entities+ constant.
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<Pixel_Outlaw> Interesting I'd not realized Gnu Common Lisp comes with Tk installed. It'd be nice to have that just taken care of if you're shipping your Solitaire game for Grandma.
<Pixel_Outlaw> [Grandma isn't going to learn to use Emacs and SLY nor does she know how to install Tk]
<ixelp> GCL TK Manual: Getting Started
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<bjorkintosh> oh nice.
<bjorkintosh> Never heard of gcl. It exists in its own galaxy!
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<bjorkintosh> who uses it?
<yitzi> It used to used in Maxima binary distributions. I don't know what the current status of it is, but it wasn't ANSI compliant a few years ago. It is a derivative of Kyoto CL. As is ECL.
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<Pixel_Outlaw> That I'm not sure of, I tried running the Tk example on Mac after installing via their "macports" stuff and it didn't work so hot. But the language part works it seems.
<yitzi> KCL was bug fixed up unto Austin Kyoto Common Lisp in order to run Macsyma at UT Austin.
<Pixel_Outlaw> I keep confusing GCL with Clisp for some reason. Maybe because they're both GNU projects.
<aeth> GNU has at least two Common Lisps (GCL, CLISP) and at least 3 Schemes (Guile, MIT/GNU Scheme, Kawa) and Emacs Lisp for a total of at least 6 Lisps, possibly more
<aeth> they must be the most Lisp organization out there
<Pixel_Outlaw> Well considering the GNU Compiler Collection they're the most <every sensible language and some others too> organization. :P
<aeth> Yes, but I already listed the sensible languages. And elisp.
<Pixel_Outlaw> But anyway, my interest was around makeing a small popup program that could be deployed easily. And GCL seemed to come with the Tk widgets on Linux but not so hot on Mac. I guess there is always that Roswell thing (not sure if I still need the user to have the required Tcl/Tk stuff installed).
<aeth> last time I tried it (a while ago), Roswell is pretty weird because it wants to bootstrap a 0-Lisp system and then get you every Common Lisp and then use whichever the last Common Lisp you used (which can differ slightly in behavior) as the Lisp that it mostly uses for its actions (but only mostly, because it wants you to bootstrap from 0 Lisp)
<aeth> but even though it's not always the latest version, you can just download SBCL from https://www.sbcl.org/platform-table.html
<ixelp> Download - Steel Bank Common Lisp
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<aeth> so you're never on a 0-Lisp system as long as you can trust those downloads
<aeth> unless you want to bootstrap for the sake of bootstrapping, as some distros might (but then the result is in their repos)
<ixelp> Release Clozure CL 1.12.2 · Clozure/ccl · GitHub
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<bjorkintosh> Pixel_Outlaw, does tcl/tk work on your mac in the first place?
<Pixel_Outlaw> Via Python. :) I also got LTK working OKish (with some graphical glitches)
<Pixel_Outlaw> LTK via SBCL that is.
<bjorkintosh> hmm. so nothing pops up when you type 'wish8.6'?
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<Pixel_Outlaw> Wish8.6 seems to start a Wish session.
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<bjorkintosh> might be properly installed then.
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<ixelp> Shinmera: ":sicko: All of the collision data is computed ful…" - TyNET
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