jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<jcowan> Pixel_Outlaw: Common Lisp is a hybrid between Scheme and traditional Lisp
<Pixel_Outlaw> You see a lot of CL's LOOP in MacLisp's FOR. :)
<Pixel_Outlaw> Yeah... I guess the term "traditional Lisps" is fair enough.
<aeth> traditional, historical, legacy... obsolete :-p
<jcowan> Sure. But traditional Lisp was dynamically scoped, at least in the interpreter. Lexical scope came into Lisp via Scheme
<Pixel_Outlaw> Sorry, InterLisp's FOR. I'm tired today. :)
<aeth> some are more polite and some are more biased
<Pixel_Outlaw> Essentially all *ahem* /modern/ Lisps are Clojure so so you'd be led to believe.
<Pixel_Outlaw> There are like 3 or so Clojure-likes so I'm trying to be distinct.
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<beach> Pixel_Outlaw: There is no widely agreed-upon definition of "Lisp", so it is not clear whether Clojure or Scheme belong to that category. You could probably debate that in #lisp.
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<aeth> Scheme is absolutely a Lisp, as much as Common Lisp is. Clojure, now that's a source of many flamewars online, but nothing productive comes from that.
<beach> aeth: There is no widely agreed-upon definition of "Lisp", so it is not clear whether Clojure or Scheme belong to that category. You could probably debate that in #lisp.
<Pixel_Outlaw> Right, I was just trying to group the CL "family". But yeah fine for elsewhere.
<Lycurgus> i overcame my digust at clojure
<jcowan> Clojure is pretty recent, but then so is Picolisp, which is in some ways very traditional indeed
<Lycurgus> *disgust
<aeth> I suppose it depends on how inclusive your definition is. If your definition is the least inclusive definition, it would only include Common Lisp, particularly because Scheme identifies as "Scheme" not "Lisp". But that's nitpicking a lot imo.
<Pixel_Outlaw> JSON flavored Lisp when written stylistically.
* Pixel_Outlaw digresses
<Lycurgus> as often happens due to a nice pkg, i dont recall which
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<aeth> but Common Lisp moved to #commonlisp from #lisp in part to avoid this sort of thing :-p
<Lycurgus> but on the basis of larger principle than that
<Pixel_Outlaw> Is uLisp fair game as it tries to be mostly CL compatible (despite being a Lisp-1 and having no keyword support) ?
<aeth> fair game in #lisp probably
<Lycurgus> everything gets a java version pretty much if it's sufficiently noteworthy and in this case not a bad one
<aeth> yes, ABCL
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<Pixel_Outlaw> I keep wanting to flirt with ABCL but I think making a Swing window still takes some Java if I recall the tutorial.
<Lycurgus> but i suggested it at the time of the freenode exodus on the basis of principle, in this case rectification of names
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<mfiano> Hello! I am designing something in a particular way, consisting of mixin classes intended to be uses or not by the user, to extend the application. Additionally, there are both internal default methods specialized to the mixin class that cover any subclassing, and also generic functions with no methods, or just auxiliary methods doing some type checking, expecting the user to provide methods
<mfiano> when they use such a mixin, in accordance with the eventual protocol documentation. Now, it turns out this is not enough in some cases, and it would be better if I enforced the fact that all required generic functions for a mixin be implemented, if that mixin is to be a superclass for an object that exists in this (runtime simulation). I am thinking of just defining the appropriate method on
<mfiano> i-i or s-i and calling methods with known valid inputs, handling conditions, and signalling or restarting with inputs that can be derived from the runtime state. What other alternatives do I have here?
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<Shinmera> I'm not sure I like such enforcement. It feels over-eager. To me it's a perfectly valid pattern to create an instance before implementing the full interface, and then gradually implementing and testing the interface with that instance. Your eager checks would prevent this.
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<mfiano> Yes, I admit I dislike abstract classes and such in 'modern languages' for the same reasons, but this is sort of a niche case I fell into.
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<e3d3> I'm reading the "Common Lisp hyperspec" about formatted output but can't find how to use v in place of a prefix parameter to a directive for the FORMAT function.
<e3d3> I know from an example that (format nil "~v@t" 3) print 3 spaces but what else can I use instead of t ?
<mfiano> (format nil "~va4" 15 3) ;=> "3 4"
<mfiano> or ~d would be more appropriate there, but whatevs
<gilberth> Shinmera, mfiano: For my CLIM, which has protocols, I have macros that define protocol classes and protocol generic functions accompanied by a tool that can check protocols and shows me what I am missing. Enforcing this that runtime would make development practically impossible. You will start saying (defmethod foo-bar ((object foo-thingy)) (error "nyi")) just to get something up. Any better?
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<gilberth> This is like with undefined functions. It's fine to punt no have come up with a function definition yet, but still write and compile a call to it. I often do that when developing. The compiler will warn about an undefined function and that's fine.
<e3d3> mfiano: Can ~v print anything else than spaces ?
<yitzi> e3d3: do you mean padchar?
<gilberth> e3d3: It's not the ~v that prints spaces. There is no ~v to begin with. It's the ~a that prints spaces.
<e3d3> gilberth: I thought that ~a prints the literal 3, and ~v adds 15 spaces.
<e3d3> sorry I forgot the padchar
<gilberth> You put the 'v' in a format directive in place of some parameter. Like the '10' in "~10D". When you say "~vD" instead that parameter is pulled from the arguments to FORMAT.
<e3d3> thanks, I understand it better.
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<e3d3> gilberth, mfiano, yitzi thanks for helping
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<gilberth> The padcha can also be 'v'. Like ,(format nil "~10,,,v<foo~>" #\?)
<ixelp> (format nil "~10,,,v<foo~>" #\?) => "???????foo"
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<gilberth> Or both. ,(defun funny-make-string (n ch) (format nil "~v,,,v<~>" n ch)) ,(funny-make-string 4 #\x)
<ixelp> (defun funny-make-string (n ch) (format nil "~v,,,v<~>" n ch)) => FUNNY-MAKE-STRING, further (funny-make-string 4 #\x) => "xxxx"
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<sebastian_> I have a small question. When is a list constant data and when is it mutable? For example, I get a warning for modifying constant data here: (let ((tmp '(1 2 3))) (setf (car tmp) 5) (print tmp))
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<Alfr> sebastian_, that what ' (that's shorthand for QUOTE) returns is literal data.
<edgar-rft> (let ((tmp (list 1 2 3)) ...) would be mutable
<sebastian_> It told me to read 3.7.1, which says that data that comes from literals is not mutable. I should have read that before asking.
<Alfr> sebastian_, also self-evaluating things appearing in source are literal; so stings and objects you might compute using a reader macro.
<waleee> in that particular example let* would also be nice if you only mutatate it once
<sebastian_> edgar-rft: thanks for the alternative. I had considered (quote (1 2 3)) and (list 1 2 3) interchangeable until now, but they're not.
<sebastian_> Alfr: that makes sense, thank you.
<edgar-rft> no worries, nobody knows the entire spec out ofhis head :-)
<sebastian_> One nice thing about Common Lisp is that they seemingly publish the spec online in HTML form: https://cl-community-spec.github.io/pages/index.html
<ixelp> CL CommunitySpec (CLCS)
<pfdietz> Some of us try to get close. :)
<sebastian_> With C and C++, you can only find PDFs of the draft standards floating around online, and they're not as easy to read.
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<sebastian_> And LispWorks posts it online as well: http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Front/Contents.htm
<ixelp> CLHS: Chapter Index
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<aeth> while it's not a standard and so it might not be of much use to implementers, there are C++ references online... there's no need for the go-to CL reference and the CL (draft) standard to be the same site with similar text
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<aeth> (and the people who disagree with me here are likely to be CL implementers)
<randomperson132> Forget the PDFs, I think cppreference.com is hard to read as well; albeit that's more on C++'s complex semantics
<aeth> well, yeah
<aeth> a C++ reference (and there are iirc 2-3 go-to ones) is going to be messy
<aeth> as is a Perl one
<aeth> too much emphasis on cryptic syntax, which isn't particularly searchable.
<aeth> although CL does have e.g. http://l1sp.org/search?q=%23
<ixelp> # - l1sp.org search
<ixelp> CLHS: Section 2.4.8
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<gilberth> Shameless plug: https://novaspec.org/cl/
<ixelp> Common Lisp Nova Spec
<gilberth> And there is no "they" who post an online version. The TeX sources are available for an eternity.
<sebastian_> Thanks for all the links
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<sebastian_> I just meant that you don't have to pay for a PDF or print version, or pirate it from libgen; you can just find the standard online.
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<edgar-rft> sebastian_: you can pay money to ANSI to get a shitty photo-copy of the original spec if you really want :-)
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<gilberth> Or you can find the TeX, typeset it, print it, and have a dead-tree version.
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