jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<cdegroot> (which is a must-own, but at the very least must-read ;-))
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<ixelp> Index of /pdf/mit
<aeth> I think anyway
<ixelp> Index of /pdf/mit/rle_lisp
<aeth> (http-only in 2023; trailing edge indeed)
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<jcowan> aeth: Maclisp was the first Lisp that could beat DEC's Fortran on the PDP-10.
<aeth> did it have a LOOP?
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<aeth> looks like CL:LOOP itself dates to Common Lisp the Language 2nd Ed (1990) and wasn't standard in 1984, but that doesn't mean there wasn't a Maclisp LOOP or proto-LOOP
<aeth> I can't imagine writing that sort of code without LOOP
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<ixelp> The Pitmanual: Control Forms
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<aeth> why is the web form of the maclisp manual better than the hyperspec
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<jcowan> umm, because they describe different Lisps, and because the Pitmanual is about an implementation whereas CLHS is about a standard.
<aeth> it's also apparently from 2007
<aeth> instead of 1996
<aeth> (though the hyperspec did get some style revisions since 1996)
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<Mondenkind> it's not a REAL lisp if it doesn't have loop
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<Shinmera> New release: https://shinmera.github.io/machine-state/ please consider supporting my continued work on patreon: https://patreon.com/shinmera
<ixelp> Machine State
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<aeth> As brought up in #clschool in a related conversation, http://www.paulgraham.com/loop.html
<ixelp> Dan Weinreb: Loop
<aeth> So it looks like the second place option was "new-style DO", which also made the cut (but Maclisp apparently also has an old-style DO). http://www.maclisp.info/pitmanual/contro.html#5.8.1
<ixelp> The Pitmanual: Control Forms
<aeth> And I don't think other iteration forms made the cut.
<aeth> General ones, anyway. Obviously DOLIST, DOTIMES, etc.
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<dnhester26> what's the easiest way (read no loop) to given a number produce a repeated string that many times. AKA in python I can do "3"*4 and get "####"
<dnhester26> How can I do that in lisp in a simple way?
<dnhester26> "#"*4 = "####"
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<beach> ,(make-array 4 :element-type 'character :initial-element #\#)
<ixelp> (make-array 4 :element-type 'character :initial-element #\#) => "####"
<dnhester26> thanks beach, will now learn about make-array
<beach> Good luck!
<dnhester26> thanks!
<beach> A string is a vector of element-type CHARACTER, and a vector is a 1-dimensional array.
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<bike> if you have a string rather than just a character you could do (apply #'concatenate 'string (make-list 3 :initial-element "foo")), but it's not very efficient
<Shinmera> (format NIL "~v@{str~}" 10 T)
<dnhester26> ,(format NIL "~v@{str~}" 10 T)
<ixelp> (format NIL "~v@{str~}" 10 T) => "strstrstrstrstrstrstrstrstrstr"
<dnhester26> thanks!
<dnhester26> both are useful for the future
<bike> oh that's way better.
<dnhester26> is htere a preference between using format and make-list?
<dnhester26> ah thanks bike
<dnhester26> thanks Shinmera
<Shinmera> bonus: dynamic
<Shinmera> (format NIL "~v@{~a~:*~}" 10 "foo")
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<aeth> huh, wow, there's actually a use for left-pad here... in this case, padding an empty string. (trivial-left-pad:left-pad "" 4 #\#)
<aeth> under the hood it's just the FORMAT version, of course.
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<aeth> Though the string rather than character version doesn't quite work as simply because it's for padding. You'd need to multiply how many you want by the length of the string.
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<NotThatRPG> Any idea why `(uiop:run-program (list "/usr/bin/env" <myprogram>) :force-shell t :output :string)` gives an error in SBCL, when typing /usr/bin/env <myprogram> into the shell gives a pathname?
<NotThatRPG> Sorry -- I meant "which" instead of "/usr/bin/env" -- brain hiccup
<NotThatRPG> oh, I see -- wrong environment. Never mind <blush/>
<NotThatRPG> The problem isn't SBCL, it's only with SBCL running inside emacs.
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<Mondenkind> Shinmera: 'For compatibility reasons only integers up to 64 bits are supported' this is some windows fuckery right?
<Shinmera> kinda
<Shinmera> on linux the CPU set is also some weirdo bitfield that I just... kinda ignored for now? :v
<Mondenkind> they divide cores into groups of 64 and then you have an affinity mask within one particular affinity group, right?
<MelanieMalik> flindows
<Shinmera> and on windows above 64 bits you have process groups, yes
<Shinmera> which I opted not to bother with
<Shinmera> if you're dealing with machines that powerful you can probably spend the time to implement it :)
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<Shinmera> ~ remember it's all open source
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<NotThatRPG> Anyone have a good equivalent to "here documents" for lisp source files?
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<Shinmera> I don't know what that is
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<BrokenCog> Shinmera: "is a file literal or input stream literal: it is a section of a source code file that is treated as if it were a separate file."
<BrokenCog> such as "while IFS= read -r srcfile; do blahblah;done < <(find . -type f) ... the here doc is generated via the <(find...)
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<Shinmera> Oh I see.
<Shinmera> I feel like that would wreak havoc with paredit and other common editor hints
<Shinmera> I seem to remember a project that let you mix C code into a Lisp file, but I can't recall the name
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<BrokenCog> it's really more a CLI tool. Obviously it can be used in scripts, but I feel it's mostly used directly in commands.
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<Pirx> hello
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<NotThatRPG> Shinmera, BrokenCog: Yes, I would be primarily interested in this for small scripts for replicating bugs/running tests.
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