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<mfiano> Because LOOP is so complicated, is it permissible to bind a per-iteration variable (FOR and aliases) the bind an variable that is previous marked special, and have access to the new dynamic binding across any functions the loop iteration may call?
<mfiano> s/the bind/that binds/
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<younder> COBOL in Lisp = LOOP
<bjorkintosh> is LOOP avoidable?
<younder> Let's face it the loop was really the only cool feature of Cobol
<younder> bjorkintosh: yes, entirely avoidable
<bjorkintosh> I thought it was the 'not having to write pay roll and accounting programs in Assembly' part.
<younder> Embedded languages is one of the cool features of Lisp. I like loop. But if you don't you don't have touse it.
<younder> There are many cl-ppcre regexps and of course April APL
<bike> mfiano: yeah, if your variable is globally special than the bindings loop makes should also be special. i think.
<younder> CL is not PURE, that is a Scheme thing.
<mfiano> I am assuming such, just because of special semantics, but, we also really have MIT LOOP and I don't want to base things on a logical conclusion and an implementation's behavior.
<mfiano> Or I suppose we have SICL loop too
<mfiano> s/also/only/
<childlikempress> 'A variable binding has lexical scope unless it is proclaimed special'
<younder> Loop has been around since the inception of Common Lisp an it isn't changing nor going anywhere
* mfiano needs to stop making typos today
<childlikempress> I don't see what space there is for things to go wrong
<mfiano> Several LOOPS, all based on the reference implementation except one that I know of
<younder> engage flyspell as beach suggested to me
<bike> "A variable binding has lexical scope unless it is proclaimed special;" oh, yeah, there you go. thanks childlikempress.
<younder> Yeah the spec is obtuse
<mfiano> Can't get any more obvious than that.
<younder> Took me years to get what special ment, but maybe I am just dumb ;)
<bjorkintosh> younder, I suspect you were teaching yourself.
<younder> indeed
<younder> Luckily today we have Practical Common Lisp, nothing like that existed back in 1998
<younder> it was all RTFM, which quite frankly didn't help
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<aeth> nothing beats just coding
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<aeth> though by doing that without reading you do wind up with code that happens to work on the current system, which may or may not always do so in the future
<younder> Yeah, Don't read anything I wrote before 2010. It is all shit ;)
<younder> But we all learn eventually-
<aeth> no, most people give up before they learn
<aeth> survivorship bias
<younder> Well I didn't
<younder> That said Vulcan has it's own style. You can't really write Vulcan in a Lisp Style. It dictates it's own style. It is what it is.
<edgar-rft> younder: you're not dumb, you're just special :-)
<younder> I am hoping to bring Vulcan to CL. Without the lag. That might mean modding CFFI
<aeth> k
<aeth> vulkan
<younder> The marshaling of packed structures is a problem
<younder> 30 FPS is not acceptable by today's standards we need 60 FPS
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<aeth> The reason, imo, to go with Vulkan is that it, strangely enough, probably has better support than OpenGL 4.6 and you need (at least) one of the two to use SPIR-V.
<younder> yes
<aeth> Performance doesn't really come into the picture. First, a lot of initial Vulkan renderers didn't even beat the OpenGL ones in performance, which shows that it's hard to do (and that was probably in C++). Second, most people just don't need that kind of performance.
<aeth> But SPIR-V means you can write a "proper" GPU Lisp instead of one that just transpiles to GLSL and shares GLSL's features and limitations exactly.
<aeth> (or HLSL, but now you're just compiling to HLSL to probably then compile to GLSL)
<younder> Wrong. I need gaming performance. Even though I am myself not into games
<aeth> though I wonder how much SPIR-V tools can handle kebab-case for variable/function names and how much they don't even think about it.
<aeth> younder: you don't have the budget to make a game where performance matters; nobody here does
<aeth> content's expensive to make.
<younder> true
<aeth> either in money or time
<younder> but we try
<aeth> I think the only way you could possibly have to care about performance is if you were to write a ray tracing only game engine. At that point, it wouldn't really matter how elaborate the graphics are. Just shiny cubes or whatever would work.
<younder> We just get the performance right, let someone else worry about the game
<aeth> that's exactly backwards, though
<younder> Vulcan is not a game engine, godot is a game engine
<aeth> performance is a bottomless pit of work, largely isolated from everything else, where it eventually adds up...
<aeth> you just have to avoid the obvious pitfalls (you can't not care about it at all or your architecture will be incompatible with future optimizations, if it even runs in real time at all) and leave the rest for someone to get to later
<younder> I am a old C programmer. I actually like performance oriented programming
<aeth> Imo, you have to architecture your code as if you are (or someone else is) going to come back later on and actually micro-optimize the heck out of it. But you probably won't get that far.
<younder> Probably why people hated my old Lisp code
<aeth> so e.g. ECS? yeah, that's fine. Writing SIMD to make that vec+ extra special fast? Too much work.
<younder> Particularly XACH
<aeth> On the other hand, I'm not a big fan of the heavy use of CLOS or methods in game engine architectures because at that point, you're probably making it architecturally impossible to pay someone later on to come triple the size of your code to make it 30% faster.
<younder> I just need a interface to Vulcan. They do the optimizations.
<younder> I am not micro optimizing with SIMD instructions or any thing like that.
<aeth> Vulkan, if anything, is going to make your stuff slower. Because you're going from a giant OpenGL black box heavily optimized by Nvidia or AMD (but probably not so much Intel) and turning it into a not-so-optimized middle layer on top of a lower-level API.
<aeth> But it does mean pulling more of the layer of the graphical application into CL. And in theory Mezzano or whatever other LispOS could implement the easier-to-implement Vulkan API, while none of them will ever add OpenGL.
<aeth> It also means a proper Lisp on the GPU, through SPIR-V, with no transpiling to a C-like shader language in the middle (except when you turn SPIR-V into one to run in web browsers... oh well).
<aeth> So I think it's worth it, but it's probably not going to help with performance.
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<aeth> OpenGL also has some really weird cruft in its API design.
<hayley> aeth: Pay me to triple the size of SBCL to make your CLOS 30% faster.
<aeth> hayley: I almost mentioned that it doesn't need to be done in the application and it could be done in the implementation. But CLOS really isn't the right approach for this sort of thing, which should really be done at compile time. Though I guess you could roughly approximate it with a JIT and/or a ton of inlining.
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<aeth> when you play with the implementation itself (especially e.g. JIT) you can do whatever
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<aeth> (fwiw, I do have e.g. a defclass for "shader"... 0 CLOS makes about as much sense as writing a 3D renderer entirely in classes and methods)
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<jcowan> younder: The ALTER...TO PROCEED TO... feature is much cooler.
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<jcowan> In addition, 60 FPS is insufficient, we need 9600 FPS.
<Equill> You're saying we need to go ballistic?
<jcowan> If not hyperbolic.
<Equill> Over 9000 sounds hyperbolic to me.
<Equill> On more CL-related news, that post-Quicklisp thing I was talking about a while ago, is starting to take workable shape. A bootstrap client will be an interesting job, though: now I understand why QL's client is HTTP-only.
<Equill> I just need to write some docs, so people know what they're looking at. It's very much a prototype, especially the UI.
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<jcowan> Better to be hyperbolic than hypergolic.
<Equill> True, but are you sure you're not putting too much energy into this?
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<mfiano> FPS is insufficient for measuring performance
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<mfiano> Because such values are compared relative to one another, which doesn't make much sense due to the non-linearity. If you want to measure how long it takes to render, then do that, expressed as some unit of time per frame, rather than frames per some unit of time.
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<mfiano> I usually point people to this aged blurb on the matter, though I am sure there are better explanations these days: https://www.mvps.org/directx/articles/fps_versus_frame_time.htm
<ixelp> FPS Versus Frame Time
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<jcowan> mfiano: was actually just riffing on FPS vs BPS
<jcowan> s/was/I was
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<Gleefre> Is there any library / function/macro in CFFI that helps wrapping an VTABLE ? (aka structure with all/most slots being function pointers)
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