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<Kingsy> ok yeah ignore me
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<gilberth> FORMAT is not printf. and when it borrows it does so from FORTRAN not C.
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<mfiano> Luckily I only know enough printf for basic string interpolation in POSIX shell.
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<gilberth> mfiano: I find it silly. What you want is not that uncommon and could have been the behavior of ~D. I mean, really, "00-5" is not a digital number to begin with, is it? Especially considering that padding on the pure textual level is always available with ~< ~>.
<gilberth> I was pulling my hair over this very task once myself and finally caved in and write a function to do that for me.
<mfiano> Ok, at least I'm not alone, because between you and me, this has happened more than twice for this exact use case before, and I have done the same. I just, can never remember and I waste time trying and reading, which, the way the directives are laid out in the dictionary pages....
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<gilberth> I find it a bit evil because ~D doesn't do here what one might think. When I first came across it with using e.g. "~6,'0D" and got "0000-4" and believed in a bug.
<gilberth> However, when padchar is something else you might want to have e.g. "****-4" or " -4".
<gilberth> But the latter could always have been achieved with ~< ~>.
<mfiano> Yes. FORMAT is a mishmash of features in no cohesive form. Just look at the padding parameter across printing directives
<edgar-rft> what I find more worrying is that (format nil "~3,'0d" -5) => "0-5" returns something that is READ-FROM-STRING as a symbol and *not* an integer
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<gilberth> It's still great. My favorite is ~@< ... ~:@>
<mfiano> And these very directives are what I want to use FORMAT most for. Therefor I rarely use it for transforming object representations.
<aeth> wow, I have never used format ~D with leading 0s on a negative number before
<gilberth> edgar-rft: Yes, this is what I meant. I doesn't make sense to use ~D and not get an integer representation. But, as I pointed out: What if padchar = #\space ?
<gilberth> * It
<gilberth> aeth: Indeed. It's rather rare that I zero pad decimal numbers. But I zero pad hex numbers all the time.
<aeth> and binary
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<edgar-rft> gilberth: (format nil "~3,' d" -5) => " -5" - but (read-from-string (format nil "~3,' d" -5)) => -5 ; integer
<edgar-rft> ...while (read-from-string (format nil "~3,'0d" -5)) => |0-5| ; symbol
<gilberth> edgar-rft: Yes, this is what I said. "- 5" would have been the wrong choice for padchar not being #\0.
<gilberth> And this doesn't work either as one may wish for: ,(format nil "~@{~10,'0:D~^ ~}" 12345678 123)
<ixelp> (format nil "~@{~10,'0:D~^ ~}" 12345678 123) => "12,345,678 0000000123"
<gilberth> Technically there is no zero padding only padding a textual representation.
<gilberth> The float directive are of no help either because they insist on emitting a decimal point or an exponent marker.
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<edgar-rft> mfiano: list of all time-zones with additional minute offsets if that helps -> https://www.timeanddate.com/time/time-zones-interesting.html
<ixelp> Half Hour and 45-Minute Time Zones
<mfiano> i sunscribe to GMT -040159.42
<edgar-rft> everyone should use sideral time in nanosecond precision :-)
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<beach> SBCL rejects this definition: (DEFUN FOO (X &OPTIONAL (X (1+ X))) X) but where does it say in the standard that this is not allowed?
<beach> I can see why it is not allowed to have a variable occur twice as a required parameter, but I see no reason why there can't be duplication elsewhere.
<beach> ... unless of course the standard says so.
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<lieven> beach: maybe the issue is that referring to previous arguments is only allowed in boa lambda lists?
<beach> Maybe so, but I would like to know where in the standard it says so.
<beach> I mean, you can definitely refer to previous parameters.
<lieven> yes, you're right
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<mfiano> I am sure it says somewhere.
<beach> So (defun foo (x &optional (y (1+ x))) (+ x y)) is fine.
<mfiano> I mean, in this case, the issue is that in OLL's,, the binding cannot be referenced before it is established, and we do enforce a left to right evaluation order.
<mfiano> Right?
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<beach> No, I don't think so.
<beach> There is no reference before a binding is established.
<mfiano> I see now
<beach> I mean (let* ((x ...) (x (1+ x))) x) is fine.
<mfiano> I missed the previous symbol attempting to be shadowed
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<mfiano> "may rely on the fact that no other parameter variable has yet been bound (including its own parameter variable)."
<mfiano> could this possibly be an SBCL bug?
<beach> Where is that phrase from?
<lieven> 3.4.1 spec of initform
<beach> OK, so that basically says that things are done in a way similar to LET*.
<beach> And that's the problem I have. Why this additional restriction in lambda lists, but not in LET*.
<Alfr> mfiano, otoh, it also says: form may refer to any parameter variable to the left of the specifier in which the init-form appears
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<Alfr> You two might have unearthed a genuine contradiction here.
<beach> Alfr: Why?
<mfiano> Not entirely...
<beach> Alfr: I mean, "I don't see any contradiction, where do you see one?"
<mfiano> This is simply imposing an order of evaluation
<mfiano> Without it there would be quite an ambiguity. Where do you see a contradiction?
<beach> Order of evaluation and environment augmentation.
<mfiano> Yes
<Alfr> The required x maybe referred to in the init-form, because it appears to the left, and x (optional) may not be bound.
<mfiano> There is further data to go along with that snippet
<beach> Alfr: It is not bound when (1+ x) is evaluated, but it is after that.
<mfiano> f &optional is present, the optional parameter specifiers are those following &optional up to the next lambda list keyword
<mfiano> If*
<mfiano> Does that mean, that initform evaluation can only look back at the previous optional initforms or suppliedp values?
<mfiano> That with the previous wording, I mean
<Alfr> mfiano, yes. And beach's original problem is: (x &optional (x (1+ x)))
<beach> It does not look back to any initforms; only to previous parameters.
<mfiano> what kind of previous parameters. what wording are you seeing exactly?
<Alfr> Yes, but it states that the init-form may reference previous params.
<Alfr> mfiano, Whenever any init-form is evaluated for any parameter specifier, that form may refer to any parameter variable to the left of the specifier in which the init-form appears, including any supplied-p-parameter variables, and may rely on the fact that no other parameter variable has yet been bound (including its own parameter variable).
<beach> It seems clear to me that allowing duplicate parameters is semantically sound, so the only valid reason to reject that code is if the standard explicitly adds this restriction.
<mfiano> Yes, that is the part I think I understand, and pieced with the description, makes it illegal to do what beach wants, unless I misunderstand.
<beach> I don't see any clue in
<Alfr> mfiano, I don't see why would prevent or allow reuse of x in the optional part.
<mfiano> I think I see the problem
<mfiano> And why it is perhaps misinterpreted by both
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<beach> Alfr: I agree.
<mfiano> describes the semantics of initform evaluation in terms of previous parameters.
<beach> Oh?
<beach> I don't think so.
<mfiano> The first sentence describes optional parameter specifiers as those only that follow the delimiter symbol, and then further refers to them as optional parameters generally, and then parameters, more generally.
<Guest63> Sorry to disturb you guys, may someone tell me why are new lines aren't  inserted upon evaluation of (format t "~_ ~S ~_ ~S" a a)?
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<mfiano> Is this the case, and a need for WSCL, or am I insane?
<beach> mfiano: You are right in that both "parameter" and "parameter specifier" are used interchangeably.
<mfiano> a key example is "or to nil if no init-form appears in the parameter specifier"
<mfiano> a required parameter is obviously not being talked about here, yet they keep eliding wording about the specificity of parameters
<mfiano> Maybe I am bonkers and reading too much today
<beach> Interesting discussion, but I still see no reason why my example should be rejected. I guess I'll wait for someone to come up with the right passage in the standard.
<beach> Until then, I am going to allow it.
<beach> ... in the library I am working on.
<mfiano> I'm sorry
<mfiano> There are a lot of WSCL issues to aggregate
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<beach> If parameters can be duplicated, declarations apply to the rightmost one, so one has to traverse the parameters from right to left for associating them with declarations.
<mfiano> 10 years was a long time but not enough for an eternity.
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<beach> Sure, there is a lot of WSCL work to do.
<beach> Then, variables introduced by LET* also has to be traversed from right to left for declaration associations.
<beach> s/has/have/
<beach> In (LET* ((X ...) (X (1+ X))) (DECLARE (SPECIAL X)) X) it is the variable in the second binding that is special.
<beach> ... unless it is globally special of course.
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<mfiano> My main complaint about the standard is that I am often refuted by some passage in a very unobvious place, and one has to take handfuls of tiny morsels when researching a key feature. I would like to see a reorganization to address that.
<mfiano> I am not sure how that may be done, or if it is even possible.
<mfiano> A very technical and mechanical description of key parsing processes from start to finish, might go a long way, even if redundant by the dictionary prose.
<mfiano> Apart from implementations defining new delimiters, I am not sure it would get much in the way of the language flexibility, in this specific case, anyway
<beach> I tend to agree. Then again, as I often point out, the standard is mainly meant for people implementing the language, and those people probably don't mind that much. They can get it right eventually. This is why I would like to see a language reference, probably as a web site, which can then have duplicated passages to make it easier for the application programmer.
<mfiano> No
<mfiano> The purpose is clearly spelled out
<mfiano> ::clhs 1.1.1
<ixelp> CLHS: Section 1.1.1
<mfiano> It is not purely for implementors.
<beach> I said "mainly", not "purely". And notice the keyword "knowledgeable".
<mfiano> Ah ok, fair.
<beach> But either way, whether that is the purpose or not, I am of the opinion that the document favors compactness (it is big enough as it is) over easy access to information.
<mfiano> Agreed.
<mfiano> KMP and others have stated they were rushed and had to release something. It was already a long time and a lot of US funding
<mfiano> CLOS didn't go how he had hoped, IIRC
<beach> I see. I regularly have an (almost) irresistible desire to rewrite it. But then I come to my senses.
<mfiano> If you want an organic document though, this channel is probably not at the front of your attention
<beach> What do you mean?
<mfiano> trade-offs to ensure portability of computer software for a long time to come.
<mfiano> by having a immutable document
<beach> Yes, I see.
<mfiano> whereas most other languages will modify their 'standard' because of a reference implementation change, or the equivalent anyway.
<beach> I wouldn't redefine the language. Or at least not much.
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<mfiano> To be fair, "the standard is mainly meant for people implementing the language", is certainly true, but, there are a lot of things an application developer cannot find the answer to in order to write correct, not to mention, conforming code, without referencing this document. Currently, anyway. We have talked about what we need to do.
<mfiano> So I find that sentence slightly misleading, because we do not have a better resource yet.
<mfiano> We have a collection of them, that all lead back to the document in question for the things you often need to know that they leave out.
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<Alfr> mfiano, re's use of parameter ... leaving aside the one mention of required parameter, it's either optional parameter specifier or parts of it, i.e. parameter variable, an init-form or the supplied-p part.
<mfiano> Yeah
<mfiano> Some of it makes more sense, but some of it could certainly be spelled out to well, say what they mean.
<Alfr> Ah, okay.
<mfiano> I'm actually in the process of cleaning up some old text documents and parsing them for archival purposes/variety of storage purposes, so this may find its way on my desk at some point
<mfiano> WSCL additions, that is, among making that community reference beach and I have been brainstorming for a year or more
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<BrokenCog> whlie ago posted an issue with SBCL using drakma on Windows10 - http-request was failing with an error vaguely related to usocket. Turns out it's a problem with parameters. usocket needs a ':connect-timeout nil' passed and it works.
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<ixelp> Expert recommends isolating dogs amid deadly, highly contagious, ‘mysterious illness’ – KIRO 7 News Seattle
<BrokenCog> sorry ... wrong channel.
<BrokenCog> I mean ... it is odd, but, I wasn't trying to presume off topic posts were wanted.
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