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<jdz> BrokenCog: Pretty sure you mean <<EOF...EOF for heredoc, since that actually allows to supply a file for redirection purposes inside the script itself; <(...) is just another file redirection mechanism, and the redirected content is not actually included in the script file.
<jdz> NotThatRPG_away: Using a string input stream as process input works with both sb-ext:run-program and uiop:run-program (on SBCL).
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<Gleefre> Is there some implementation specific analogue for c++20's [[likely]] / [[unlikely]] (or gcc's __builting_expect)? (IIUC those allow to optimize branching in rare cases where it is needed)
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<NotThatRPG_away> jdz: Thanks!
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<Shinmera> Gleefre: no
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<Gleefre> I see, thanks!
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<Shinmera> Also I would be very surprised if that's an optimisation that would gain you much over many other things one usually has to worry about in Lisp
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<aeth> Gleefre: there's a lot of low hanging fruit in every implementation, especially the ones that aren't SBCL
<aeth> C++ has gotten to the point where they're really scraping the barrel for a few percent here and there (and the culture of the language encourages useless micro-optimizations more, too)
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<bike> even in C/C++ the thorough branch prediction advice is to actually run the program to get some branch probabilities, rather than having the programmer guess where "unlikely" is helpful
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<Shinmera> yeah, I am very "eyebrows raised" at this being a language feature, since branch prediction is processor dependent
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<Shinmera> and state dependent
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<Mondenkind> so what?
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<Shinmera> so it's entirely unportable anyway, what's the point of it being standardised rather than a compiler thing
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<Mondenkind> in what sense is it unportable?
<Mondenkind> policy-wise, it's a completely meaningless hint
<Shinmera> the desired outcome won't replicate to another compiler, so why bother having it be anything but a compiler-specific internal hint
<Mondenkind> nor will (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
<Mondenkind> (tbf I think that optimization qualities are kinda stupid BUT)
<Shinmera> having the branch flag on another compiler may make things perform worse
<Shinmera> I don't think optimize speed makes things worse on another lisp implementation
<aeth> (speed 3) is kind of important because it says "make my compilation time slower, I don't care"
<aeth> though once compilers start getting really, really, really optimzing, people might start caring and realize they overdid it
<aeth> though if you set both compilation-speed and speed to 3, things get a bit confusing. Or everything at 3 since then you can't make any tradeoff at all
<Mondenkind> Shinmera: performance is never portable. I don't think that means it's a bad thing to have a portable specification for that kind of a declarative hint
<Mondenkind> aeth: 'really, really, really optimizing' compiler should be iterative. So it delivers a slow result right away and then a fast one after a while
<Shinmera> meh.
<aeth> Mondenkind: need to add some more labels... should be ((iterative 3) (tco 3) (debug 3)) to do it your way and to make sure (debug 3) doesn't turn off the tail-call optimization that some recursive functions might rely on
<aeth> for instance
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<Mondenkind> :(
<Shinmera> Imo there should be (optimize (unsafe)). let the compiler have a bit of fun some of these days
<Mondenkind> (safety 0)?
<aeth> yeah that's just (safety 0)
<Shinmera> no no, extra unsafety
<aeth> (safety -1)
<aeth> Mondenkind: by "iterative" do you mean JIT?
<aeth> absolutely would make sense to have a 0 or 3 there
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<aeth> (and if not, good news! another thing we could add in the big list of tradeoffs)
<aeth> I suppose JIT would mean it uses runtime information to optimize it, but as described without context, you could just compile a slow version for fast compilation speed (instant result) and then recompile it (while the program is running) to do more optimizations without having the user wait
<aeth> which isn't quite JIT
<Mondenkind> by 'iterative' I mean what I said I mean above
<bike> what you said isn't very specific. if you call compile, does it return a lightly optimized function right away, which is then compiled with more optimizations in the background and replaced at some future point?
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<Mondenkind> I was being intentionally non specific
<Mondenkind> optimisation is limited by computational resources. So in general, it seems to me that a sophisticiated optimiser should be designed so it can do a better job the more resources you give it
<aeth> should also have the compiler be able to be replaced at runtime without restarting the image
<aeth> so you can constantly upgrade
<Mondenkind> that would be good
<aeth> just C-c C-c cl:compile
<Mondenkind> sbcl has some annoying limitations there
<aeth> SBCL is full of (SBCL semantics, i.e. no recompile) structs
<Mondenkind> that too
<Mondenkind> but it also iirc freezes some stuff specifically at bootstrap time
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