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<Josh_2> Hi, is it possible to give asdf modules names?
<Josh_2> If not, it should be...
<Josh_2> Why can't I have (.. (:module "x" .. (:module "y")) (:module "z" .. (:module "x"))) :(
<contrapunctus> Josh_2: I'm not sure what you're trying to do. 🤔 ASDF modules certainly do have names - https://asdf.common-lisp.dev/asdf.html#A-more-involved-example
<ixelp> ASDF Manual
<Josh_2> Does not
<Josh_2> the name is derived from the path :sob:
<Josh_2> :module "mod" is named mod and is at ./mod/* :sob: problem is I have a lot of folders like ../x/ ../y/ ../z/
<Josh_2> meaning I have to do something stupid like :module ".../x" rather than just "x" :name "api/x" ya know
<Josh_2> Unless I am missing something, this seems like a flaw
<Alfr> Josh_2, you may be looking for (:module foo :pathname "bar" ..)
<Josh_2> :O
<mfiano> The system definition itself is the root module with the name of the system, and you define the hierarchy any way you want, with options such as pathname being available at each level.
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<Josh_2> :D
<Josh_2> Always best when I just missed something
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<Josh_2> Thanks Alfr, contrapunctus, mfiano :thumbsup:
<Alfr> Josh_2, but on the matter whether you can have differently nested modules with the same name, idk.
<Josh_2> Thats okay
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<Shinmera> Wooooo!! It's finally working! https://mastodon.tymoon.eu/@shinmera/111464312394127769
<ixelp> Shinmera: "Oh my goooooooooodddd!!! You have no idea how re…" - TyNET
<beach> Congratulations!
<Shinmera> thanks. though I have no idea how long it would have taken me to figure out the last bug without |3b|'s help
<beach> Having help is good, yes.
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<Shinmera> I wish I had it more often :v
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<beach> Don't we all.
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<beach> I shouldn't complain though. There are several people who are helping out with various extracted libraries, and important infrastructure related to my project(s).
<beach> Extracting code from SICL into implementation-independent libraries turned out to be a much better idea than I had initially imagined. For one thing, the quality of the code is improved that way. Plus, it is then more likely that someone will want to become the maintainer.
<Shinmera> yea I've been trying to put as much as I can into libraries, too
<Shinmera> but I'm not sure it's improved the contribution rate for me
<beach> I have noticed, yes.
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<Shinmera> By the way if anyone wants to try the above video on their own machine, it's: (ql-dist:install-dist "http://dist.shirakumo.org/shirakumo.txt") (ql:quickload :trial-examples) (trial-examples:launch :scene-loader)
<Shinmera> there's a bunch of other examples to look at, too
<Shinmera> (macos users should not expect it to work, however)
<aeth> which API do you use?
<Shinmera> API for what
<aeth> graphics
<Shinmera> GL
<aeth> which OpenGL version?
<Shinmera> Most of trial is 3.3, some features are 4.2
<aeth> ah, and Macs only go to 4.1, right?
<Shinmera> that's not why
<Shinmera> none of the libraries I've released in the past 2 years have been tested on macOS and they don't have the shared binaries built either
<Shinmera> I don't have any apple machines anymore and negative patience for their horseshit
<Shinmera> so I'll leave it to others that care to submit patches for that
<Shinmera> (so far nobody has cared)
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<aeth> the only Apple device I've ever owned is an iPod Classic (was pretty good, actually)
<Shinmera> I should probably blog to invite folks to at least submit the binaries
<Shinmera> but eeeh
<aeth> I only used the iPod for a few years before smartphones took over everything, though. I was late on the iPod hype train.
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<aeth> I'm personally not caring about Mac support until I do Vulkan, and then I'd just do molten-vk and hope it works. And also hope that the whole architecture compatibility thing works. Or shipping two SBCLs.
<aeth> but I don't think I can get away with not supporting Macs, e.g. odds are whoever I pay to do the soundtrack (not enough time to do literally everything, sadly) will use a Mac
<aeth> would be bad if they couldn't even play the game
<Shinmera> I don't think not releasing kandria on mac has hurt my sales particularly.
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<aeth> the dropping of 32-bit support seems to have killed Mac gaming, at least on Steam
<aeth> most games that "support" Macs don't, and the usage share on the Steam hwsurvey is < 1.5% (and below Linux!) despite having a roughly 20% market share as an OS
<Shinmera> most folks just ran kandria on their windows machine or in a vm. worked fine.
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<ixelp> Shinmera: "Hmm, not a bad roll! #gamedev #indiedev #lisp" - TyNET
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<aeth> Shinmera: you may be interested in this Hacker News thread because it has a lot of references: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38384952
<ixelp> How do I become a graphics programmer? | Hacker News
<Shinmera> for what
<aeth> (just search the page for links)
<aeth> for rendering
<aeth> the actual linked article mostly has stuff I'm aware of e.g. learnopengl
<aeth> but the comments have some more obscure ones
<Shinmera> ok
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