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<ldb> beginner should not use emacs
<beach> That's some strange advice!
<ldb> because soon they would found having no time learn lisp, and start to swap and try emacs configurations
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<larix> https://github.com/garlic0x1/cl-workers made an actor library kinda based on cl-actors, it was missing some features i needed, like closing mailboxes and joining workers
<ixelp> GitHub - garlic0x1/cl-workers: High level actor framework for Common Lisp
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<flip214> skeemer: there's portacle, that might be an easy way to start
<flip214> https://portacle.github.io/ Portacle is a complete IDE for Common Lisp that you can take with you on a USB stick.
<ixelp> Portacle - A Portable Common Lisp Development Environment
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<cedb> flip214: is that gccemacs with some mousepilld package burned in?
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<beach> cedb: The link will tell you precisely what it is.
<Shinmera> "mousepilld"?
<cedb> i mean its foss obv i can find the info the question was more did my sentence kinda capture the essential concept or is anything fanciedr going on, im just asking cause the presentation reminds me of those "spinoff distros" that are mostly about making newbies less scared with cute dotfiles
<Shinmera> I still don't know what "mousepilld" is supposed to mean
<Shinmera> But yea sure it's emacs and a bunch of other crap
<Shinmera> But that's what the website says, so
<cedb> ya idk it talks about persistence and is crross platform maybe theres something cool to read in there im just asking in caes
<Shinmera> I still have no idea what you're asking, though, and you've refused to elaborate, so I'm not sure how you're hoping to get whatever answer it is you're looking for
<cedb> actually yeah cross platform gui with persistence on a thumbdrive sounds pretty non trivial now that i thnink
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<cedb> Shinmera: i was jus asking for the pitch for someone that doesnt feel likethis gh.io page wasnt written for them
<Shinmera> "a common lisp IDE that you can take with you on a USB stick" not a good enough pitch for you?
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<cedb> ehh i was asking for a little more detail pitch without skimming the repo for build stuff idk why youre trying to bully me on that now
<Shinmera> I genuinely do not know what you want to know
<Shinmera> And I *still* do not know what "mousepilld" is supposed to mean
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<ixelp> -pilled - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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<beach> cedb: I think you need to turn on your spell checker. Your writing is very hard to decipher.
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<Shinmera> cedb: that explains absolutely nothing, but whatever
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<Shinmera> If, what I can only guess, you mean is "is emacs customised to be primarily mouse based" then the answer is, no, it doesn't do that.
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<Guest43> hello is there a way to search for functions in common lisp?
<Guest43> sorry i mean in emacs / slime
<Guest43> i was searching for a function to copy a directory
<Guest43> and trying with C-c Tab
<Guest43> but maybe there are more effective ways to search for it?
<Guest43> also i cannot find anything in uiop to copy directories, i tried copy-file but it actrually works with rtegular files
<skin> I found this gem
<skin> > Given a DIRECTORY pathname designator, return a list of the subdirectories under it. The behavior in presence of symlinks is not portable. Use IOlib to handle such situations.
<skin> That's for this function
<ixelp> The uiop Reference Manual
<ixelp> IOLib: a CommonLisp I/O library
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<Guest43> skin well that does not copy directories
<Guest43> why should it be a gem?
<skin> Yeah, reading through the docs, feels like a miss.
<skin> Well, I just thought you could whip something up real quick, was going to show it, but saw that UIOP doesn't handle symlinks. I guess it was kinda sarcastic.,
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<ixelp> Shinmera: "Convex collision works now, and automated convex …" - TyNET
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<beach> Congratulations!
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<Shinmera> thank you
<Shinmera> scymtym's work is also a large part of that :)
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<beach> Great!
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<NotThatRPG> Anyone know if there's a library with a function like all-positions-if that would apply to an array?
<bike> you mean that returns a sequence of all positions of elements in the array that satisfy the test? i don't think i've seen that. doesn't seem to be in serapeum
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<skin> (loop for i from 0 to (count vec) if (test (elt vec i)) collect i)
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<BrokenCog> Hello. I'm wondering if anyone has seen this. I installed SBCL in the default location (I'm using Windows 10 for this). I then installed quicklisp and things are working fine. I then manually moved the installed files to a different directory, updated PATH and when I start sbcl.exe the start up is significant amount of time, maybe 30 seconds. Anyone have a suggestoin to what is causing this?
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<BrokenCog> well, I used the MSI installer and changed the install location to where I wanted it and it works.
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