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<jobhdez> how good is common lisp for server side programming?
<beach> How is server-side programming special?
<jobhdez> are there good libraries/frameworks?
<beach> Oh, I see.
<jobhdez> but hey beach I wanted to ask you since youre a compiler expert. what do you think about rackets hygienic macros? are they really an improvement over common lisp's macros?
<beach> I don't know Racket particularly, but I assume they are the same as in Scheme, yes?
<jobhdez> yes
<beach> I haven't given it much thought, honestly. I don't have a particular problem with Common Lisp macros that needs to be fixed.
<jobhdez> oh ok, interesting. thanks! hows your compiler coming along?
<jobhdez> your common lisp implementation
<beach> There is only slow progress on SICL itself, but we have extracted lots of things to separate libraries, and they are being worked on daily. The idea is to reduce SICL code to its unique features, and use libraries for the rest.
<beach> Then, those libraries can be used by other implementations too.
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<moon-child> jobhdez: whether scheme macros are a good idea is principally a language design question, not a compilers question
<beach> It is interesting how much can be extracted into implementation-independent libraries when you thing about it carefully.
<jobhdez> beach thats great! why are you dividing your compiler into libraries?
<jobhdez> moon-child yea youre right. i kind of just wanted to hear beachs opinion
<beach> jobhdez: The idea is to try to decrease the global maintenance burden by convincing other implementations (perhaps new ones) to use those libraries rather than their implementation-specific code. This was in fact the original idea with the SICL project.
<beach> But I think only one other implementation is taking advantage of this so far.
<jobhdez> beach thats a very cool way to do things.  youre building like an infrastructure for common lisp implementations.
<beach> Yes, exactly.
<aeth> hygienic macros seem to be more of an issue in a "lisp-1" (combined variable/function namespace) than in a "lisp-2" (separate variable/function namespace) like Common Lisp (in quotes because there are more than 2 namespaces! in fact, classes/types are just as important as the other two main ones!)
<aeth> because it's way easier to get accidental name collisions in a lisp-1
<beach> jobhdez: And not just me. I have lots of help.
<aeth> so hygiene seems to matter more
<beach> aeth: Oh, interesting observation. That sounds plausible.
<aeth> additionally, Common Lisp locks the exports of COMMON-LISP from redefinition
<aeth> and packages in general help
<hayley> I got to deal with circularity between some modules in an implementation (not of Common Lisp). For example, my condition system uses dynamic bindings, and my implementation of dynamic bindings depends on the condition system.
<moon-child> I don't see the connection to the number of namespaces
<aeth> moon-child: to come across the main practical hygiene issue that exists in Scheme macros, it still exists in CL, but you'd need an internal FLET (already quite rare; LETs for local variables are far more common) and you'd need a symbol name collision (but you probably only USE CL in common, and the CL package is package locked)
<moon-child> I do agree the package system is significant, but I find that somewhat tenuous as there's an extent to which macros tend not to actually be hygienic
<aeth> and if you're FLETing some-other-package::foo, you kinda know what you're doing, I think
<moon-child> USE has nothing to do with anything
<aeth> USE has everything to do with everything
<moon-child> I don't like scheme macros principally because I think they add a great deal of complexity to the language and don't give anything back
<aeth> moon-child: (1) lisp-2 means the main collision is from FLET because functions tend to be the global thing that matters here (and the few global variables are *earmuffed* anyway), (2) USE is the only possible way you're going to accidentally use the same symbol-name in two different contexts because of the package namespacing
<aeth> I mean, the same symbol, matching both symbol-name and package-name
<aeth> so hygiene issues that happen all of the time with defmacro/define-macro in Scheme just don't come up much in Common Lisp unless you seek them out
<moon-child> so, like I said, the macros are not actually hygienic
<aeth> defmacro/define-macro are the CL-style macros in Scheme (and aren't standard, which is why there's two names for them)
<aeth> define-syntax is the hygienic way
<moon-child> unless you write everything as (funcall 'foo ...) instead of (foo ...), which is not very nice
<aeth> huh? I don't think you understand my point
<moon-child> I don't think we're in disagreement. cl macros tend to be unhygienic in ways that usually don't cause bugs in practice. do you disagree?
<aeth> moon-child: hygienic macros exist so you don't have something like (flet ((foo ...) ...) ... (some-macro ...)) where some-macro uses its own FOO function that does something totally different and you accidentally are using another FOO in that context. Though technically you can gensym every function like you gensym every variable binding... people just don't.
<aeth> and it would be annoying and barely readable to have to do that
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<aeth> both being a lisp-2 (needs to be in the function namespace) and having packages for (a different kind of) namespacing means you usually don't get this
<moon-child> I don't understand why you would gensym a function. The solution to (flet ((foo ...)) (some-macro)) is to make the expansion of some-macro use (funcall 'foo ...) in place of (foo ...)
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<aeth> that also never happens
<moon-child> like I said
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<jobhdez> lisp is beauty and was indeed discovered and not invented
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<younder> been watcing https://www.twitch.tv/tsoding
<ixelp> Twitch
<beach> younder: I never click on links unless there is a short description of what it is.
<younder> The guy is briliant. He developed a .so file which updated a running program. He developen a complete deep nural network from scratch.
<younder> beach: There is your description
<beach> Yes, thank you.
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<jobhdez> beach sorry for yet another question. but in your point of view what makes common lisp great for developing compilers?
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<younder> I Think I wil interfere here. There is a problem with cffi. In the way it marshalls structures. It needs be be faster if you want to gent into that 60 FPS mark
<beach> jobhdez: I think basically the same things that make it great for other things: Interactive development, macros, CLOS, convenient list functions, etc.
<beach> jobhdez: Oh, and automatic memory management of course.
<younder> I NEED a better way to load packed structures
<younder> clear enough
<jobhdez> beach thanks! i have built a few toy compilers. need to build a toy optimizing compiler next. i have used common lisp for these
<beach> jobhdez: Of course! :)
<younder> Is there a possibility that we can get in a agrement on some sort of standard for faster packed structure transmission. I am working with Vulkan. It totally sucks
<beach> younder: Write up a suggestion and submit it.
<younder> Write a submission to who? I am somewhat of a ignoramous he. I dont really know how these things work.
<younder> here
<beach> I don't know the domain in question, so I don't know the right forum for it. Maybe start here.
<younder> I have no problem coming up with amodel. A huge prooblem making it a standarrd
<beach> younder: You wanted it to be a standard, so the only way I can see is for you to suggest something. It is certainly not going to become a standard by itself.
<younder> I loGot it! write the code. See if it staicks
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<younder> I am officialy rewriting that cffi code
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<younder> You guys are really pissing me off!
<hayley> If you want to act that entitled to an opinion, I'm glad to hear it.
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<younder> Well it is simmple. The CFFI path is a 30 FMS. and I need 60 FPS
<hayley> Then go fix it, if it is simple.
<younder> Absoluteley
<hayley> I'll be here if you need further pissing off.
<younder> Furyis what drives me :-)
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<younder> IOK, I found thr problrm,But yopu are not gonna like it
<younder> You are way to dynamic. You have to commit
<younder> .so is .so. Thats it
<younder> no runtime rel<ding
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<beach> Hmm, is this behavior of SBCL conforming: (defun foo () (defun bar ())) and then (eq (progn (foo) (fdefinition 'bar)) (progn (foo) (fdefinition 'bar))) => T ?
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<beach> ,(progn (defun foo () (defun bar ())) (eq (progn (foo) (fdefinition 'bar)) (progn (foo) (fdefinition 'bar))))
<ixelp> (progn (defun foo () (defun bar ())) (eq (progn (foo) (fdefinition 'bar)) (progn (foo) (fdefinition 'bar)))) => T
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<beach> ,(lisp-implementation-type)
<ixelp> (lisp-implementation-type) => "Clozure Common Lisp"
<beach> CCL too!
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<Shinmera> Some days I feel my life draining out of me when I have to listen to other game developers' opinions
<beach> You have no choice but to listen to them?
<Shinmera> I read this chat. I can't know what someone writes without reading it
<beach> Good point.
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<Shinmera> Anyway, I guess I'll forever be doing things that countless people keep saying would never work and cannot work
<beach> Sure, you can't write a game in a language with automatic memory management, just as you can't write an OS in such a language.
<beach> Everybody knows that.
<Shinmera> Yeah, can't reach 60fps with so much dynamism, it'd be heresy
<Shinmera> :)
<beach> Exactly.
<Shinmera> Just gotta write everything in C, it's too bad, but that's the way the world is
<Shinmera> What do you mean my machine isn't a PDP 11???
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<hayley> Dave Chisnall moment
<hayley> I'm willing to bet brownie points that it would be possible to reload with whatever scheme is suggested.
<hayley> beach: About your code with nested DEFUN forms, I think the rule that evaluating a lambda expression multiple times may produce the same closure is relevant.
<beach> I see. Where is that rule stated?
<hayley> clhs function
<beach> ::clhs function
<ixelp> CLHS: Meanings for FUNCTION
<ixelp> CLHS: Special Operator FUNCTION
<hayley> "If name is a lambda expression, then a lexical closure is returned. In situations where a closure over the same set of bindings might be produced more than once, the various resulting closures might or might not be eq."
<beach> Great! Thank you!
<hayley> I once read that "a good parallel GC is a 10 year long research project for a talented team", and reading that cured my impostor syndrome. Well, except that I'm not sure if I've achieved the "good" part.
<beach> Good for you!
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<hayley> Someone reported to me that the benchmarks for his library were much slower with my collector, and I found the slowdown is due to there being about twice as many cache misses with my collector. The benchmark doesn't produce much fragmentation (that I can measure), but it looks like compaction would help with locality anyway.
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<younder> hayley: seems to me te cure is more memory. With 32 Gb everything works like greased lightning.. Untill it all comes crasshing down
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<younder> for the recor tons of RAM (setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/local/bin/sbcl --dynamic-space-size 32768"))
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<younder> of cource more RAM helps everuthing.. I have 128 Gb
<younder> except spelling
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<younder> On the whole this machine is so fucking fast I may never be able to use a 'normal' one again. I have been spoiled
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<beach> younder: How about you turn on your spell checker.
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<younder> beach: it's all or nothing. If it turn it on in emacs it wants to check the entire buffer including all the names
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<younder> I would have to write a entire mode to check that IRC syntax correctly.
<beach> Not at all. Just enable flyspell mode.
<younder> Enabled
<younder> beach: I was using ispell
<younder> thanks
<beach> Sure.
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<hayley> I am not going to throw more memory at it.
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<hayley> Nor would that help here.
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