jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<BrokenCog> why are strings so hard to use in lisp. i want to remove whitespace and puncuation. I try: (split-sequence:split-sequence "," *str*) and get *str*
<BrokenCog> [with it's commas]
<hayley> Because split-sequence splits on an element (character), not a subsequence (string). Try (split-sequence:split-sequence #\, *str*)
<BrokenCog> okay. thanks. so, to remove all the whitespace/punc etc do I need to use a loop? map?
<hayley> You can use split-sequence-if a la (split-sequence:split-sequence-if #'punctiation-p *str*)
<BrokenCog> ahhh.
<hayley> (with a suitable definition of punctuation-p)
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<BrokenCog> and there's no existing "search all string for" function ...
<BrokenCog> or, rather "find in"
<hayley> ,(search "needle" "hay hay hay needle hay hay hay")
<ixelp> (search "needle" "hay hay hay needle hay hay hay") => 12
<BrokenCog> (search "needle" "hay hay hay needle hay hay needle needle") => needle
<BrokenCog> sorry ... => 12
<BrokenCog> wouldn't be helpful in replacing all the puncuation whitespace.
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<gilberth> BrokenCog: You said "i want to remove whitespace and punctuation". That leaves alphanumeric characters. So just say that: ,(remove-if-not #'alphanumericp "Is this what you want? Namely, removing all but letters and digits?")
<ixelp> (remove-if-not #'alphanumericp "Is this what you want? Namely, removing all but letters and digits?") => "IsthiswhatyouwantNamelyremovingallbutlettersanddigits"
<BrokenCog> oh, thanks. I'll try!
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<BrokenCog> This is taking successive elements from each list, appending them into a list. I see that in the first element of the result list, but the second two elements are not clear. How do those second two lists get created? (maplist #'append '(1 2 3 4) '(1 2) '(1 2 3)) => ((1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3) (2 3 4 2 2 3))
<BrokenCog> /second two/second/
<kevingal> The CL Technical Reference is returning Page Not Found for call-next-method: https://lisp-docs.github.io/cl-language-reference/docs/chap-7/h-h-dictionary/callnextmethod
<ixelp> 7. Objects | Common Lisp (New) Language Reference
<kevingal> (I think the person who runs it is in here? :)
<beach> BrokenCog: If you set *PRINT-CIRCLE* to true, you will see more clearly.
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<beach> BrokenCog: So they there is lots of sharing in the result.
<BrokenCog> hmmm. I'm looking at: ((1 2 3 4 1 2 1 . #1=(2 3)) (2 3 4 2 . #1#)) ... what is #1?
<BrokenCog> the shared liste elements?
<beach> Oh! It's a reader label.
<beach> So #1= labels an object and #1# refers to it.
<beach> BrokenCog: So you get just two lists in the result, because the second list argument has just two elements.
<beach> BrokenCog: The second list is the result of appending the CDR of each input list, so it appends (2 3 4) (2) and (2 3)
<beach> BrokenCog: But the (2 3) is the shared with the tail of the first list in the result because APPEND does not copy its last argument.
<BrokenCog> so, maplist is mapping the cdr of each list?
<beach> MAPLIST is mapping whatever function you give it to successive CDRs of each list, yes.
<beach> ::clhs maplist
<Colleen> Clhs: function mapc, mapcar, mapcan, mapl... https://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_mapc_.htm
<ixelp> CLHS: Function MAPC, MAPCAR, MAPCAN, MAPL...
<beach> So first to (1 2 3 4), (1 2), and (1 2 3) and then to (2 3 4), (2), and (2 3)
<BrokenCog> and so on ...
<beach> Not in this case. It stops when at least one input list is empty.
<BrokenCog> ah.
<BrokenCog> Okay, I get it. thanks.
<beach> Pleasure.
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<beach> Happy solstice everyone!
<hayley> Here's your dang sun back.
<beach> Thank you so much. It has been missed.
<hayley> Please don't return it.
<beach> Well, you should probably move to the northern hemisphere for your studies anyway. :)
<hayley> I got my offer from the Australian National University yesterday, so that will have to wait.
<beach> Congratulations, then!
<hayley> Thanks!
<moon-child> what if we could split it? 50/50
<beach> Oh, you mean like one hemisphere gets it half the year and the other one the other half of the year? That's an idea.
<hayley> Perhaps I should move further south to Antartica.
<beach> Dunedin seemed like an interesting place. I was there for the Australian [sic] Linux conference one year.
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<beach> 2006 apparently.
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<beach> Hmm, Paris is closer to the north pole than Dunedin is to the south pole.
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<rainthree> would it be a good idea to shadow setq and defmethod and use safer versions? (to avoid setq autocreating variables and making typos unnoticed https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp?around=1585751040#1585751040 and defmethod not requiring a defgeneric https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp?around=1585753233#1585753233 ) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51621005/avoiding-the-pitfall-of-using-anaphoric-macro-unwittingly
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<beach> I would approve.
<beach> The DEFMETHOD thing is devastating, especially since my dyslexia is getting worse, so I don't necessarily see a typo there.
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<rainthree> Ok
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<beach> And, yes, anaphoric macros encourage the programmer to break the rules stated on page 13 of the LUV slides.
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<beach> rainthree: Though, I think it can be hard to shadow SETQ, plus, you would have to shadow SETF as well, and perhaps some other operators.
<beach> I am not sure how the shadowed version of SETQ could figure out that it is safe to use the CL version.
<rainthree> hm
<beach> Other operators like INCF, DECF, etc.
<beach> Well, maybe not.
<beach> Not those.
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<rainthree> beach: https://paste.rs/Uyh3t
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<rainthree> seems to work in sbcl, allegro personal and lispworks personal
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<Josh_2> Good morning :sunglasses:
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<beach> rainthree: Clever!
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<mfiano> I like the lexical predicate.
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<bike> specialp will give incorrect results for something that's locally but not globally special
<bike> pretty uncommon in practice, of course
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<mfiano> Good point. You'll need CLtL2 extension support, or dirtier portability code.
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<beach> dnhester26: It seems some of my edits were lost, like when you turned _and.md into _and_macro.md
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<lispmacs[work]> can I use babel just to check if a character is an ASCII character or not?
<Josh_2> Can't you just char-code it and check if its sub 255?
<lispmacs[work]> I suppose so... I was under the impression that, strictly speaking, that was not portable
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<lispmacs[work]> all systems will be using ascii / unicode on the back end?
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<bike> babel assumes that character codes match unicode anyway https://github.com/cl-babel/babel/blob/master/src/strings.lisp#L29-L50
<bike> this is a safe assumption if you are using a lisp implementation updated within the present millenium.
<lispmacs[work]> oh, okay. Well, I'll just check then if the char-code is [0-128)
<lispmacs[work]> I don't want the extended characters or whatever those are called
<lispmacs[work]> above 127
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<fourier> Anyone created appimage from binaries produced by sbcl ?
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<fourier> any ready-to-use yml file available ?
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