jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<Shinmera> or you can just not give a shit about any of that
<Shinmera> worked really well for me so far
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<moon-child> I mean
<moon-child> synch (in all secretly-the-same senses of the word) is definitely a real problem
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<Shinmera> we're specifically talking about the context of games and live redefinition of classes and methods
<Shinmera> Anyway,
<Shinmera> New release: https://shirakumo.github.io/cl-turbojpeg/ Support my continued work on Patreon: https://patreon.com/shinmera
<ixelp> Cl Turbojpeg
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<aeth> huh, changing class at runtime in a game
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<aeth> I guess everyone really does have extremely, extremely different architectures to approach games
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<poww0wmus1c> How do you properly pass a lambda construct to a function? Sometimes I see (foo #'(lambda ...)), but I think (foo (lambda ...)) also works. Is that true? Is there a difference?
<beach> poww0wmus1c: You can forget about #'(lambda...).
<beach> poww0wmus1c: LAMBDA is a macro so that (LAMBDA (...) ...) expands to (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (...) ...)).
<beach> poww0wmus1c: And in #'(lambda (...) ...), #' is a reader macro so the reader returns (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (...) ...)).
<beach> poww0wmus1c: Does that make sense? We had a very long discussion with lispmacs[work] yesterday on this very subject.
<beach> poww0wmus1c: You can try it out by typing (macroexpand-1 '(lambda (x) x)) to the REPL.
<poww0wmus1c> The result of that is #'(LAMBDA (X) X) in the REPL. Expanding that result in turn gives #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA (X)) {some-number}>.
<beach> How did you "expand that result"?
<poww0wmus1c> macroexpand-1
<beach> You mean (macroexpand-1 #'(LAMBDA (X) X))?
<poww0wmus1c> Yes
<beach> That's very different. What you did was to evaluate #'(LAMBDA (X) X) which evaluates to a function.
<beach> ... printed as #<FUNCTION...>
<beach> And calling MACROEXPAND-1 on an atom like that will result in the same thing.
<beach> If you want to check out what MACROEXPAND-1 does, you should give it a macro form, which is usually a list where the first element is a symbol naming a macro.
<beach> But the important part here is that LAMBDA is a macro so that (LAMBDA (...) ...) expands to (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (...) ...) which is the same as what you get when you type #'(LAMBDA (...) ...).
<beach> Therefore, you never need to type #'(LAMBDA (...) ...).
<poww0wmus1c> So with #'(lambda ...), the reader macro is used to obtain (function (lambda ...)), whereas with (lambda ...), the macro bound to the symbol lambda is used to obtain the same result?
<beach> Yes.
<beach> You got it.
<poww0wmus1c> Yay :)
<poww0wmus1c> Thank you
<beach> Pleasure.
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<skin> I want to run FSet's `setup-readtable` function that adds `#[]`, `#{| |}` and `#{}` syntax to the readtable, and then use that syntax in the file. How can I tell SBCL to run `setup-readtable` at file load time, before the rest of the file is loaded? Right now, it loads the file, and then chokes on the extra syntax.
<bike> when you load a _source_ file, your lisp will read each form one at a time, and then evaluate them. so if you put your readtable stuff before the stuff using that readtable it should be fine.
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<bike> with the understanding that if you do (progn (setup-readtable ...) (whatever #[...])) there will still be problems, since the progn is read first
<mfiano> Also note that if this syntax is intended to be used by users of your library, they will have to do the same.
<bike> but are you actually loading a source file, or are you doing compile-file or what
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<skin> I have sbcl up, and I run `(asdf:test-system "mysystem")`, and it chokes on the syntax even though I have `(fset:setup-fset-readtable *readtable*)` at the top of the file.
<bike> okay, well asdf is probably going to compile the file before loading it, if you didn't do anything fancy.
<bike> try replacing that form with (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (fset:setup-fset-readtable *readtable*))
<bike> that'll tell the compiler to install the readtable before compiling the rest
<skin> Thanks, I'll give it a shot.
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<skin> https://www.sbcl.org/manual/#Initialization-Files <-- that implies that when files are `load`ed there could be a problem. Wonder if that's happening.
<ixelp> SBCL 2.3.9 User Manual
<bike> wait, is this in your initialization file? like, .sbclrc? or is it part of your system.
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<bike> i think it's more usual to use named-readtables https://github.com/melisgl/named-readtables which provides in-readtable, which is analogous to in-package
<ixelp> GitHub - melisgl/named-readtables: The official repo of named-readtables.
<bike> no idea how that would work with fset
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<skin> I'll take a look at that. No, it's at the top of the test file.
<bike> well what that manual section is referring to is that *Readtable* is rebound around load (and compile-file for that matter) so if you change readtable in one file that won't affect others.
<bike> if you mutate the readtable that shouldn't be a problem, but mutating the one readtable is a little non cooperative
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<jcowan> Unfortunately this prevents you from loading a file that installs your personal changes to the readtable.
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