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<jasonmw> Hello, I am going through the book 'a gentle introduction to symbolic computation' and came across something I am unsure of. I don't understand why it is behaving this way.
<jasonmw> One task was to write PREFIX that would return the first n parts of a list. I started with the DO* in case i needed it, otherwise i would just remove the * to make it DO if that is all that was needed. I came up with essentially the same answer but with a difference as below.
<jasonmw> When it is the DO* the count is out of step by 1 and the code has to cater for that.
<jasonmw> (defun prefix (n strand)
<jasonmw> I can't see in the docs why this is the case.
<jasonmw> (do* ((count 0 (1+ count))
<jasonmw> (res nil (cons (nth (1- count) strand) res)))
<jasonmw> ((eq count n) (reverse res))))
<jasonmw> (defun prefix (n strand)
<jasonmw> (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
<jasonmw> (res nil (cons (nth i strand) res)))
<jasonmw> ((equal i n) (reverse res))))
<jasonmw> So both these functions give the same result but in the DO* i have to use (1- count) instead of just count?
<jasonmw> I understand why you would use DO* when one var wants to refer to another in the initial bindings but other than that I thought they should behave the same.
<mfiano> because the lexical variables are bound serially
<mfiano> if you bind count to 0, then specify that it should have a step of (1+ count), the latter would be expecting `count` to be in an outer scope.
<jasonmw> i am thinking this over :)
<mfiano> whereas since do* binds in parallel, the value of count in the preceding binding is referenced, instead of one in an outer scope
<mfiano> err serial
<mfiano> when bindings are made in parallel, all values are evaluated before they are placed in their variable.
<mfiano> when they are made serially, well, you get the idea
<jasonmw> ' all values are evaluated before they are placed in their variable.'
<jasonmw> this makes sense
<jasonmw> i knew of one effect but didn't carry that all the way forward to the wider impacts
<jasonmw> thx!
<mfiano> Keep in mind, using DO is quite rare. Most people don't even remember how to use it when they do need (or do they?) it
<mfiano> Just see the preceding discussion in the channel log in the topic
<mfiano> (or DO*)
<jasonmw> yes, i am just going through the book learning a bit and hoping to at the end of a few books get an idea what is common practise
<jasonmw> it is interesting though - sometimes i do a solution to a problem and look at his solution and wonder why he did it like that as it didn't seem to be the best.
<mfiano> You will find #clschool more helpful also
<mfiano> This channel assumes some experience
<jasonmw> thx, i will jump in to that as well, i brought this one up recently just to browse and catch anything interesting
<mfiano> But some questions are tolerated at times
<jasonmw> appreciate the answer and clarification on the channel
<beach> jasonmw: Also, use a paste site, like plaster.tymoon.eu for instance, for code that requires more than one line.
<jasonmw> will do.
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<ogamita> jasonmw: your functions are ok, only one thing: you may want to use nreverse here instead of reverse. Since you've built a new list in your function, you can mutate it with nreverse, avoiding to cons new cells. If you use cons (or push) in a loop + nreverse, it's as efficient as if you used a reference to the last cell to create the list in order.
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<jasonmw> Thanks, yes it has been mentioned but he doesn't seem to use the most efficient ways in his answers. I suppose at this stage it is just learning the basics but I am pretty keen to see how lispers really code. I have read that dealing with lists as we do through the tutorials is not really how more performant lisp is done.
<beach> I think many Lispers would use LOOP with COLLECT.
<jasonmw> I have timed some of my answers against his and in some instances i was consing more than 100% less than the books answer. I can only assume that the books answers are demonstrating something but its not clear as he will do something one way and another in a different way than just presented
<jasonmw> I have been playing with loop as well but at the moment following the structure of this book. I will be finished with it in a few days and looking for the next one
<beach> Sure, I was just remarking on your being keen to see how lispers really code.
<jasonmw> yes :) I think the next book should be one that presents a more realistic approach
<jasonmw> real world I mean as they wont have to treat me as such a newbie, i hope
<beach> Depending on what the next one is, of course. PCL is a much better choice than the current one.
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<jasonmw> I had a go at practical common lisp and the only reason i didn't finish it is i got sidetracked with this book thinking it might be a good one for the kids so i was doing a demo run
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<beach> "Gentle" was written before the standard was finalized, so as I recall, it may contain code that is not quite conforming.
<ogamita> jasonmw: You may use local functions to augment your language locally: https://termbin.com/6tvv
<jasonmw> i got interested in lisp a bit over 30 years ago when I was doing some prolog and had a suscription to a mag called AI Expert, it had a lot of articles about lisp but I didn't have access to a system running lisp. It's taken a few years to tell myself I want to pick up the interest I had back then.
<beach> jasonmw: Excellent!
<ogamita> jasonmw: Oh, you should also avoid using NTH or ELT on lists in loops. This makes your code O(n^2) instead of O(n).
<ogamita> jasonmw: well, 30 years ago was 1993, and there was lisp (and scheme) implementations running on Mac, PC, Amiga! It was the great epoch of clisp on amiga!
<ogamita> MCL on Mac (ancestor of CCL).
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<jasonmw> yeah it was just my access to it letting me down - i didn't even have a real prolog (turbo prolog ahem )
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<jasonmw> i still have the original manuals 1988 so it says
<jasonmw> so i was a few years off, always seem to think of myself as a little younger than i must be
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<jasonmw> ogimata: thanks for the code, it certainly has a different feel about it, thats one thing about the books, the styles can seem quite different
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<ogamita> jasonmw: with do*: https://termbin.com/kj4u
<ogamita> note the test cases. You must deal with empty or shorter lists, and with 0 or negative n.
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<jasonmw> thx, yes I agree, the author is being lenient on the cases as far as developing the answers so I have tried to keep them simple and see if I match what his answer is but I am not sure if this is best or just do what I want. The issue being that I dont know if the code i do woulde be considered good style while i assume that the authors is - or that he is demonstrating something. an example - let me paste bin
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<jasonmw> i did the mapcar, he did the do... i wondered why he did that as we had covered mapcar - but that is the joy of learning from a book that cant explain itself :)
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<jasonmw> I think with my experience I can't look too far in to it though, just keep learning and things will fall in to place
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<mi6x3m> hey, what is common lisp terminology for a function that returns a function which generates the next element of a logical sequence
<mi6x3m> like
<mi6x3m> (defun gen-counter (limit) <return function that upon successive calls returns numbers from 1 to limit>
<hayley> Sounds like an "iterator", e.g. WITH-HASH-TABLE-ITERATOR and WITH-PACKAGE-ITERATOR
<mi6x3m> this is just an example i'm returning fields from a line of text
<mi6x3m> yeah, it seems like iterator is the thing
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