jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<Gernn> So I'm trying to build some stuff using clog and I can't figure out how to get images (png, jpg, etc) into a website.
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<Gernn> Totally works if it's an image with a url (from the web) or if I put it in the special 'static-files' folder in the quicklisp install of clog. But how would I put up an image from my project's directory? Like if I have ~/common-lisp/myproj/img.png
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<akasha> Has anyone had success loading cl-ctries lately?
<akasha> the readme says it works on SBCL version 1.0.55 but I am on and quicklisp wouldn't find half the dependencies
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<akasha> also there are some symbols in SB-KERNEL used that are not longer exported
<beach> I can't even find it with Google. What does it do?
<edwlan[m]> This library? https://github.com/danlentz/cl-ctrie
<ixelp> GitHub - danlentz/cl-ctrie: lock-free, concurrent, key/value index with efficient memory-mapped persistence and fast tra [...]
<beach> I see. Thanks.
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<graven> can someon help me on a problem i am facing: i have a function that returns a number, i want to run that function 10 times collect all the values nad add them together
<graven> but the dotimes part returns a nil last and i cannot add the numbers becuase of the nil
<paulapatience> The dotimes is not within the let
<paulapatience> The dotimes also takes a third form for the return value
<paulapatience> Put ini there
<jackdaniel> graven: your indentation is awful and makes the code hard to read
<jackdaniel> please fix it before posting questions
<jackdaniel> other than that what paulapatience is correct
<graven> sorry i dont know how to indent porperly i am just learning it
<jackdaniel> properly configured development environment should make that easier to you, but indenting i.e scoped body inside LET is a common sense I think
<jackdaniel> change your dotimes to (dotimes (n 100 ini) ...) and then that form should return ini when the iteration is finished
<jackdaniel> putting ini as the last form in the body of DOTIMES doesn't have any effect
<jackdaniel> instead of equal use (if (= x 0) ... ...) or even better (if (zerop x) ... ...)
<jackdaniel> instead of setq you may use (decf ini 3.33) and (incf ini 5)
<jackdaniel> i.e this function could look like this: https://turtleware.eu/static/paste/foo.lisp
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<graven> Ok thank you so much for that
<graven> code is now optimised
<graven> however i still have the problem of adding them up
<graven> i try (+ (dotimes (f 10) (trial))) but this gives an error as nil is still there
<graven> is there a easier way to add all the values up from the dotimes bit at the end?
<Gleefre> with loop: (loop repeat 10 sum (trial))
<graven> * i ment (+ (dotimes (f 10) (print (trial))))
<graven> thanks Gleefre
<graven> its worked
<Gleefre> (+ (dotimes (f 10) (trial))) couldn't possibly work -- you don't store results anywhere at all
<graven> yeah i realised that so i added print to it but that gave me nil at end which i couldnt add to the numbers, thanks everyone for your help
<graven> acps
<Gleefre> print just prints numbers
<Gleefre> (not numbers, any objects actually)
<jackdaniel> graven: dotimes returns the value that is third in its arguments
<jackdaniel> so (dotimes (f 10) ...) will return nil, but (dotimes (f 10 42) ...) will return 42
<graven> i see
<graven> then what i should have been doing was this: (let ((x 0)) (dotimes (f 10 x) (incf x (trial)))
<Gleefre> That's right
<graven> ok learning everyday :D
<graven> can i just ask where can i learn all these function (incf, decf etc) i wasnt aware they existed, i am currently reading ansi common lisp
<jackdaniel> here you can find the standard: http://novaspec.org/
<ixelp> Common Lisp Nova Spec
<jackdaniel> I think that books usually cover these operators
<jackdaniel> I gather you are reading the book "ANSI Common Lisp" by Paul Graham? (because ANSI Common Lisp may very well mean the standard itself)
<jackdaniel> there are other books too (although the book by pg is my personal favourite introductory material)
<graven> yeah the "ANSI Common Lisp" by Paul Grahm, ill probably encounter them soon enough then
<jackdaniel> another (often recommended) is "Practical Common Lisp" by Peter Seibel
<graven> ill have a look at that as well then
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<paulapatience> Is it weird for a mixin class to expect that the classes it's mixed into have certain slots? I want to avoid shadowing slots when defining a class that inherits from several mixins.
<bike> you could make the mixin a child class of whatever superclass has those slots.
<paulapatience> Oh I see what you mean
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<paulapatience> But if the mixins are meant to be used by users of the hypothetical library that exports them, they would be presumably more flexible if they didn't inherit from the superclass. As long as the classes they're mixed into define the right methods for accessing the slots, then the mixins don't have to actually care if the slots exist, or what names they have.
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