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<Josh_2> GM :sunglasses:
<edgar-rft> Hi Grand Master Josh_2
<Josh_2> Maybe in 20 years
<Josh_2> :U
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<ixelp> Shinmera: "" - TyNET
<Shinmera> video games.
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<beach> Nice! I take it you did the 3D stuff, and you did it in Common Lisp, yes?
<Shinmera> yes
<beach> Congratulations!
<Shinmera> well, everything except the shaders, of course. Those have to be in a GPU-specific language, unfortunately.
<beach> Sure.
<Shinmera> Though I did add a fun little feature to my GLSL code wrangling library: https://github.com/Shirakumo/glsl-toolkit/blob/master/documentation.lisp#L155
<ixelp> glsl-toolkit/documentation.lisp at master · Shirakumo/glsl-toolkit · GitHub
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<Nilby> This isn't standard read syntax, right? #A((3) BASE-CHAR . "foo")
<bike> No, that's an extension
<Nilby> bike: Thanks. It's cool and all, but it seems won't read cross implementation.
<Nilby> I guess I have to filter such weird strings.
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<beach> You could teach Eclector how to read it.
<contrapunctus> Shinmera: 🏳️‍⚧️
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<alcor> Are the semantics of "compound system names" (system names with slashes, e.g. my-system/whatever) in quicklisp & asdf explained somewhere?
<alcor> It seems that QL resolves "some-system/whatever" by searching for a system called "some-system/whatever" in a some-system.asd file within the search path.
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<yitzi> alcor: it should be desribed in the ASDF manual. Its called primary/secondary systems.
<NotThatRPG> alcor: Yes, that's right, and yitzi is also right -- it's in the manual. If it isn't in the concept index (might not be), please file an issue and I will fix that! https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/groups/asdf/-/issues Online docs can be found here; https://asdf.common-lisp.dev/#documentation
<ixelp> Issues · asdf · GitLab
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<alcor> yitzi, NotThatRPG: Thanks, the asdf docs seem to explain it well. But I can't find much about the QL-specific handling. I assume it just delegates to asdf.
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<Shinmera> contrapunctus: ❤️
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