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<mi6x3m> hey, I need some help again with https://pastebin.com/PJcT4XPJ
<ixelp> (defmacro def-indicator (name (&key ((:cache-for (duration units)) nil cache-for - Pastebin.com
<mi6x3m> when I use it as (def-indicator foo () nil) I get an error "too few elements to satisfy lambda list (duration units)"
<mi6x3m> but this error is nonsense because the keyword argument is not provided
<beach> I can't see that your keyword parameter is valid.
<beach> clhs 3.4.4
<ixelp> CLHS: Section 3.4.4
<mi6x3m> @beach, all KW arguments are optional
<mi6x3m> so an empty list should work
<beach> I am not talking about arguments. I am talking about the keyword parameter.
<mi6x3m> I mean ({var | (keyword-name var)} [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}* clearly covers it
<mi6x3m> ((:cache-for <destructuring>) nil :cache-for-p)
<mi6x3m> it works quite nicely for the cases where I do use the kw parameters
<beach> Fair enough. It is probably valid.
<mi6x3m> seems to be a parser bug
<mi6x3m> maybe i can report it to some sbcl folks
<beach> Well, whether the arguments are valid, I don't know.
<beach> Perhaps it is that the default value is NIL which is not a list of two elements.
<beach> What if you do ((:cache-for (duration units)) '(1 2)) instead?
<mi6x3m> LOL THIS WAS IT
<mi6x3m> omg
<mi6x3m> how subtle :D
<beach> Indeed.
<mi6x3m> jesus
<mi6x3m> good eyes beach
<beach> Thank you.
* beach must be having an unusually good day.
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<beach> Shinmera: I am looking at the Parachute documentation, and I can't find the place where it says what a DESIGNATOR is for the first argument of TEST.
<Shinmera> the documentation for TEST refers to RESOLVE-TESTS, but for some reason that's not in the page. It's in the source though: https://github.com/Shinmera/parachute/blob/master/documentation.lisp#L77
<ixelp> parachute/documentation.lisp at master · Shinmera/parachute · GitHub
<beach> I see. Thanks.
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<liminality> hi guys
<liminality> i'm trying to setup some sort of... "lazy" data structure, basically i define a my-list as (list x), setq x to 5, check my-list => (5). setq x 8, check my-list => (8)
<liminality> similar I guess to the function symbol table
<liminality> anyone have any ideas/leads i could follow? i've tried using the force/delay from SICP but it doesn't quite work right
<beach> I don't see how my-list can go from (5) to (8) by the use of (setq x...), when there is no x in my-list.
<liminality> the idea i guess is to define the list as a list containing 'x, and only to evaluate the value of x when i ask for the contents of the list
<beach> I also don't understand in which way this data structure is "lazy".
<liminality> its lazy in that it checks the value of the symbols stored inside of it, when we ask the list what it contains, instead of checking the values of the symbols we pass to it when we define it.
<liminality> since, normally, if i define x as 5, then my-list as (list x), it'll resolve to (5). i want to store a list of symbols whose values are looked up whenever i query the list
<Gleefre> If it is a special variable, then it would be simple - you can lookup it with symbol-value: (symbol-value '*read-base*)
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<liminality> i see
<liminality> i'll look into that, thanks!
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<pjb> liminality: you want to make places first class objects. Places are dealt with at compilation-time (macro-expansion time), so you cannot use places per-se. Instead, you could use closures, to implement something like locatives.
<ixelp> Pascal Bourguignon's Usenet posts of interest
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<liminality> thanks pjb
<liminality> i ended up storing the code for things in lambdas, then storing those lambdas in a hash table
<pjb> (defvar *my-list* (list 'x)) (defvar *x* (& (first *my-list*))) (setf (deref x) 5) (assert (equal *my-list* '(5))) (setf (deref x) 8) (assert (equal *my-list* '(8)))
<liminality> and funcalling the lambdas as i fetch them from the table
<pjb> then you can add symbol-macros.
<liminality> you wrote that up now? woh
<pjb> And finally, you could add a macro that would let you define all this by writing (define *my-list* as (list x))
<pjb> Yes. In the first usenet article cited, there's a little bug, since (funcall 'get locative) should be (funcall locative 'get) and similarly for 'set.
<liminality> i see i see
<liminality> thanks again! and, bye all
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