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<Josh_2> ogamita: Thanks for the response. I was hoping to avoid your solution.
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<bitblit1> Yo! this bridge works again! (right?)
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<bitblit1> pjb: How would I modify that to make it permutations of a list. I thought of binary but that has repitition?
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<bitblit1> What is the easy way of grouping a list into sublists for e.g: '(9 2 7 8 4 1 0 4 6 3) in groups of 2 => '((9 2) (7 8) (4 1)...)
<beach> Something like (loop for (x y) on list by #'cddr collect (list x y))
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<bitblit1> Thanks beach However, this is dependent on the cddr function, if we wanted to lets say take pairs of 12 that would be really difficult
<bitblit1> Also, don't you think the lambda syntax in common lisp is too lengthy?
<bitblit1> And is there no ANY function, like there is NOTANY, EVERY but what is with ANY?
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<bitblit1> beach: I wanted to make something dynamic which pairs depending on a number in this case (list x y z) is also not dependent
<bitblit1> s/not//
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<beach> I figured you would change the requirements after the fact.
<beach> What "lambda syntax" are you referring to?
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<bitblit1> (lambda (x) (cddr x))
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<Prokhor_> hi
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<Prokhor_> i have a question specific on "common prolog" from lispworks but it follows cl implementation rules: I have an assertion like: (assert ((color red))) which gives: (color red) -> YES now i would like to know how how i could do sth like: (setq pred1 human) (setq val1 socrates) and (assert ((pred1 val1))
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<Prokhor_> if i do like above, it takes the var names literally and does not fill in the values associated (i.e. it uses the symbol slot (?))
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<White_Flame> prokhor_: you could try defining ?pred1 and ?val1 prolog vars and using those in your expression
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<Prokhor_> nice idea! but doesnt that just postpone the problem? (i would like to have masks like '((?pred ?var &?vars)) to make assertions from input...
<hayley> White_Flame: Having PRED1 be a variable would be second-order logic, right? Dunno LispWorks but Prolog is all first-order to my knowledge.
<hayley> Though here there's only one possible value for ?PRED1.
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<beach> bitblit1: Why are you asking me about the LAMBDA syntax? I suggested nothing with lambda in it. Or was this just an unrelated question?
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<jackdaniel> fe[nl]ix: congrats of the bt2 release!
<ogamita> Josh_2: the alternative is only a formal change: use a ~/ formatting function to indent. Something like this: https://termbin.com/y2og
<ogamita> Josh_2: but cl-user::indent-object will do the prin1-to-string and split-sequence, etc.
<ogamita> bitblit1: (com.informatimago.common-lisp.cesarum.sequence:group-by '(9 2 7 8 4 1 0 4 6 3) 2) #| --> ((9 2) (7 8) (4 1) (0 4) (6 3)) |#
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<White_Flame> hayley: if ?pred1 is bound, as I believe is the desired case here, it shouldn't be a problem
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<bitblit1> <beach> "bitblit: Why are you asking me..." <- Unrelated question lol sorry
<bitblit1> <ogamita> "bitblit: (com.informatimago...." <- Thanks!
<bitblit1> pjb: really did it with these libraries. Truly Awesome!
<bitblit1> s/://
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<Josh_2> ogamita: I like that solution, its more general purpose :) Thanks
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<didi> Can I reliably compare functions for equality? I want to write a function that internally uses a hashtable (for performance) if a certain parameter is (member eq eql equal equalp), so I need to know if the parameter is one of these, otherwise I will not use the hashtable.
<White_Flame> literally, yes. function objects are EQ comparable
<didi> Great. Thank you, White_Flame.
<White_Flame> however, if you're looking at parameters to make-hashtable, that takes function designators, which would be a symbol, too
<didi> Hum.
<didi> Nah, the caller doesn't need to know about it. I can explicitly ask for functions.
<didi> Or if one pass a symbol, I will use the generic implementation.
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<didi> This is just a performance hack.
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<_death> didi: note that the result of, say, (lambda () 42) may or may not be EQ to previous results obtained by its evaluation
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<fe[nl]ix> jackdaniel: thanks
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<didi> Is there a function to map sequence elements which accepts the arguments :start, :end, and :from-end? I'm using `find-if' with a predicate that always returns nil, but it feels wrong. `map' is the obvious candidate, but I need to `subseq' and `nreverse' the input sequence myself.
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<Bike> there is nothing built in for that
<_death> REDUCE is pretty close, if you pass the right function
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<jackdaniel> didi: find-if is a very nice solution to this if you don't expect more than a one sequence
<jackdaniel> (setf (fdefinition 'map*) (curry #'find-if (constantly nil))) will wrap it nicely for you
<didi> Great. Thank you all.
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<jackdaniel> n.b for mapping over trees I'm using subst-if with the same predicate
<didi> jackdaniel: Makes sense.
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<didi> jackdaniel: In (setf (fdefinition 'map*) (curry #'find-if (constantly nil))), how do you process each element? I mean, the predicate is only a constant function. Mine is something like (lambda (x) (process x) nil).
<_death> probably meant something like (lambda (f xs &rest args) (apply #'find-if (conjoin f (constantly nil)) xs args))
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<_death> alternatively pass f for :key
<mgl> Is it possible to find the name of the defun/defmacro/etc in which a macro is being expanded? I only had a quick look at cltl2 lexical environments ... maybe it's there?
<_death> I guess you could write compiler-specific code to find it out (if it's even there) but probably the ordinary solution (still rare) would be to have your own defun/defmacro/etc. macros that allow the code to keep track of this
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<mgl> Thanks. I'll think of another way.
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<didi> _death: Thank you.
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<pjb> didi: (remove-if-not (range 3 5) (iota 10)) #| --> (3 4 5) |# https://termbin.com/kmf7
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<pjb> (map 'vector (lambda (indicator value) (when indicator value)) (mapcar (range 3 5) (iota 10)) (iota 10)) #| --> #(nil nil nil 3 4 5 nil nil nil nil) |#
<nij-> Is there an inspector that shows the details of objects in the web, and hopefully updates itself every second?
<pjb> In the web?
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<pjb> Perhaps Safari debugger? And similar debuggers in other browsers?
<nij-> safari debugger? Is that for common lisp?
<Bike> what web are you talking about
<Bike> safari is a web browser. you know, webpages and such
<nij-> Uh, I mean to show the slots and their values of an object in a webpage.
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<pjb> nij-: http://hubble.informatimago.com:8116 create yourself a login typing: new then connect, then type (inspect *package*) or any other object.
<ixelp> Shell In A Box
<Bike> what does a webpage have to do with common lisp?
<Bike> do you mean that you want a webpage displaying the internals of a common lisp object?
<Bike> if so, i don't know of anything that does that
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<nij-> Yeah that's what I mean. .. ok..
<_death> maybe a short path would be to use clog to render swank-fancy-inspector's emacs-inspect output and take a few commands
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<didi> pjb: Sorry, I'm unsure for what you are responding, but thank you anyway.
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<jackdaniel> fun trivia - scumm (game engine) started as a lisp dialect
<jackdaniel> so Monkey Island was |xxx| this close to be the Alien Island ,)
<Bike> huh, neat
<pjb> didi: I answerd to your question "Is there a function to map sequence elements which accepts the arguments :start, :end, and :from-end?" (defun map-sequence (rtype fun sequence &key (start 0) end &aux (end (or end (length sequence)))) (map rtype fun (remove-if-not (range start end) sequence))) (map-sequence 'vector 'identity (iota 10) :start 3 :end 5) #| --> #(3 4 5) |#
<pjb> didi: :from-end left as exercise to the reader.
<pjb> didi: Note that in general :from-end doesn't mean reverse or right to left processing in the other sequence functions. It just mean semantically right-most result.
<pjb> so a find :from-end could actually scan from left to right and just return the last result.
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<liminality> so how do i get good at lisp?
<Bike> reading and practice
<alcor> By playing around with it in a REPL
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<liminality> wheeere can i find some things to read?
<liminality> alcor i do use common lisp a lot but like i feel like im in a bubble, y'know?
<alcor> the gigamonkeys book is good
<ixelp> Practical Common Lisp
<liminality> thanks~
<liminality> mmm
<liminality> is there a... list of good books on CL? one that i can make my way through
<jackdaniel> minion: tell liminality about pcl
<minion> liminality: please look at pcl: pcl-book: "Practical Common Lisp", an introduction to Common Lisp by Peter Seibel, available at http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/ and in dead-tree form from Apress (as of 11 April 2005).
<ixelp> Practical Common Lisp
<jackdaniel> minion: tell liminality about paip
<minion> liminality: paip: Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming. More about Common Lisp than Artificial Intelligence. Now freely available at https://github.com/norvig/paip-lisp
<ixelp> GitHub - norvig/paip-lisp: Lisp code for the textbook "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming"
<jackdaniel> if you want to learn ~contemporary common lisp go after PCL, if you want to be walked over some cool programs go after PAIP
<jackdaniel> minion: tell liminality about ansicl
<minion> Sorry, I couldn't find anything in the database for ``ansicl''.
<jackdaniel> minion: tell liminality about ansi-cl
<minion> Sorry, I couldn't find anything in the database for ``ansi-cl''.
<jackdaniel> minion: tell liminality about ansi
<ixelp> CLiki: ANSI
<liminality> paip yesss thank you. that ansi-cl, is that the one by paul graham?
<jackdaniel> meh, there is also a book "ANSI Common Lisp" by Paul Graham - it is a bit on the boring side (in a good way!) - a very good learning material with excercises
<jackdaniel> yeah
<liminality> oh it has exercises? i thought it was just a specification of CL
<liminality> i'll check it out!
<jackdaniel> there is ANSI Common Lisp (the standard) and there is a book that aims at teaching ANSI Common Lisp
<jackdaniel> (mind that while PCL and PAIP are available on the internet to read, you'll need to buy Paul Graham's book)
<liminality> that's alright
<liminality> i like his books
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<jackdaniel> mind that all three books are excellent and eye-opening on their own term
<jackdaniel> s/term/terms/
<liminality> looking forward to it
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<ixelp> CLiki: Lisp books
<liminality> ah, lovely
<liminality> thanks
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