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<bitblit1> Shinmera: I would love to help and wanted to for so long but I just am not qualified enough :(
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<Shinmera> idunno, all of these tasks are pretty self-contained
<Shinmera> and well-defined
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<ecraven> CL supports reading arbitrary objects from certain types of streams, right? how does that work, and what happens if I try to read a byte or something non-object from those streams?
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<Shinmera> it does not.
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<Shinmera> CL only has binary streams and character streams.
<Shinmera> And if you try to read the wrong thing from either it is an error.
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<jackdaniel> that's incorrect
<jackdaniel> gray streams allow you to define other types of streams, and clim exploits that and defines streams that operate on other obhects too
<jackdaniel> objects*
<jackdaniel> technically not part of cl standard, but so are not threads and many other things
<jackdaniel> ecraven: there are operators you may define yourself for your custom stream, i.e stream-read-gesture
<jackdaniel> such stream may but does not have to implement a character protocol too
<jackdaniel> depending on that read-char may but does not have to error
<jackdaniel> a convention is that read-foo is a trampoline to specializable stream-read-foo funtion
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<ecraven> thanks
<jackdaniel> sure
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<jackdaniel> also it is possible to have "translation streams" that coerce objects of one type to another when taken from/to another stream
<jackdaniel> flexi streams is a good example of that, but there are more interesting uses
<jackdaniel> you could define a stream that formats an object according to certain rules (i.e serializes it to xml or json)
<jackdaniel> or does conversion from Foo to Bar instances etc etc
<jackdaniel> or make a generator stream that conses new objects on read
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<jackdaniel> sky is the limit :)
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<bitblit1> hello!
<beach> Hello bitblit1.
<bitblit1> How can I guarantee that an object be an unsigned-byte 32
<bitblit1> as a cffi function requires it to be that
<bitblit1> which works as long as I am entering a literal
<bitblit1> hello beach!
<beach> clhs check-type
<ixelp> CLHS: Macro CHECK-TYPE
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<bitblit1> Okay, so why does this give me nil? (check-type (coerce 8 '(unsigned-byte 32)) (unsigned-byte 32))
<beach> check-type signals an error if the type is wrong.
<bitblit1> Oh.
<beach> But you don't need to coerce 8. It is already the right type.
<bitblit1> So why does this not produce an error: (check-type (coerce 8 '(unsigned-byte 64)) (unsigned-byte 32))
<beach> Coercing 8 still gives 8.
<beach> Check: (coerce 8 '(unsigned-byte 64))
<bitblit1> beach: I feel like this is not the problem entirely...
<beach> Must not be.
<bitblit1> Basically, I will just give you the plain code:
<bitblit1> ``(setf (gtk:stack-visible-child-full main-stack) '("John Cena" *main-stack-transition*))``
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<bitblit1> The main-stack-transition is:
<bitblit1> (defparameter *main-stack-transition* 1)
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<bitblit1> Now, if I replace main-stack-transition in the setf line with a literal, it stops showing that error:
<beach> Sorry, I know nothing about gtk nor of FFI.
<bitblit1> beach: It says:
<bitblit1> The value *MAIN-STACK-TRANSITION* is not of type
<bitblit1> [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR]
<bitblit1> (UNSIGNED-BYTE 32)
<bitblit1> beach: yeah but I wanted to make sure this wasn't like me being dumb or smth
<beach> Maybe the SETF requires a literal, and you are trying to set it to a symbol.
<beach> I mean, you are literally passing the symbol, because the last list is quoted.
<beach> So it is not evaluated.
<bitblit1> Ooppppppppppppppppppppppps
<beach> '("John Cena" *main-stack-transition*) does not evaluate to ("John Cena" 1) but to ("John Cena" *main-stack-transition*)
<bitblit1> I knew I was doing something stupid
<bitblit1> Ugh, sorry for wasting your time
<beach> No problem.
<pjb> bitblit1: you're discovering the fundamental difference of languages like lisp, and languages like C.
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<pjb> bitblit1: in lisp-like languages, objects have a type, and variables don't. In C-like language variables have a type, and values don't.
<pjb> bitblit1: 8 is a lisp object. It's always 8. As an immutable object, its identity, and its value don't change.
<pjb> bitblit1: int32_t a; is a variable that is able to hold 32 bits encoding in 2-complement values such as 0x000000008
<pjb> bitblit1: int8_t b; is a variable able to hold 8 bits encoding in 2-complement values such as 0x08.
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<pjb> bitblit1: when you do a=b; in C, the compiler must generate code to transform 8 bits into 32 bits (it's called sign-extend). (happily, machines usually are able to do that in a single instruction, but sometimes there's a specific sign-extend instruction).
<pjb> bitblit1: on the other hand, when you do (let ((a) (b 8)) (setf a b)) in lisp, the compiler just generates code to copy the reference to the object 8 stored in b, into the variable a.
<pjb> No object is mutated, duplicated or anything. Just a pointer is copied from b to a.
<pjb> bitblit1: with FFI, you have the problem of going from a lisp variable a pointing to a lisp object 8, to a C variable int32_t b; into which we must store 0x00000008 32-bits.
<pjb> This can indeed work only if A holds a value of type (signed-byte 32). (or if uint32_t, (unsigned-byte 32)).
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<pjb> (let ((a 8)) (check-type a (signed-byte 32)) a) #| --> 8 |# indeed validates that the (lisp) type of the object 8 is (signed-byte 32).
<pjb> Lisp types form a lattice with usually an infinite number of types between NIL and T.
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<pjb> (list (typep 8 '(integer 8 8)) (typep 8 'fixnum) (typep 8 '(signed-byte 5)) (typep 8 '(unsigned-byte 32)) #|…|#) #| --> (t t t t) |#
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<beach> jackdaniel: Did you make a decision about how to crowdfund McCLIM? Like, did you decide that all available crowdfunding sites are out of the question, and perhaps instead you are hoping for the Common Lisp Foundation to set something up?
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<NotThatRPG> beach: Related, I wish I knew more about the CLF and its funding. It would be great to have a CL get-together on my side of the pond again (and maybe I can finally get back to ELS in 2024)
<beach> Are you in North America?
<jackdaniel> beach: I did not. I think that there are a few alternatives that are not bad but I have not investigated them. regarding clf it did not pan out - as far as I remember gendl__ was working on integrating some kind of a platform, but that was a work in progress (and I could not provide sufficient feedback due to lack of time)
<jackdaniel> perhaps a good time to ask for money will be after showing something (namely the upcoming release)
<beach> I see. Thanks.
<jackdaniel> sure
<jackdaniel> I think that lem uses opencollective, perhaps that would be not so bad place to converge
<beach> I'll check it out. Thanks again.
<beach> I am not planning to ask the Common Lisp Foundation for money. But it might be possible to find someone that is both available and qualified to work on some of the things I am interested in, so then gathering contributions might now be an option.
<beach> Anyway, I'm off to fix dinner for my (admittedly small) family. I'll be back tomorrow.
<NotThatRPG> beach: Yes, I am
<NotThatRPG> beach: good night! I'm off to walk the dogs
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<Gleefre> Is there some kind of specification for package local nicknames?
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<jackdaniel> Gleefre: sbcl documentation is the closest thing to it afaik
<Gleefre> I see
<Gleefre> I think a CDR document for PLN would be nice
<Gleefre> Also it seems that there is a test suite in trivial-package-local-nicknames package
<Gleefre> But tests fully pass on SBCL/CCL only
<Gleefre> (didn't try clisp PLN branch / lispworks / allegro though)
<scymtym> didn't |3b| write the initial specification. i can't check right now
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<jackdaniel> later if I recall correctly nsivola wrote a specification for sbcl with plans to make it a cdr eventually
<Gleefre> I think I found 1-2 links...
<ixelp> Re: [Sbcl-devel] Package-local nicknames | Steel Bank Common Lisp
<Gleefre> (from sbcl mailing list)
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<Gleefre> nikodemus's commit implementing them in sbcl: https://github.com/nikodemus/SBCL/commit/3c11847d1e12db89b24a7887b18a137c45ed4661
<ixelp> package local nicknames · nikodemus/SBCL@3c11847 · GitHub
<jackdaniel> I agree that a cdr document would be nice
<jackdaniel> you may try to catch phoe - he implemented pln for ccl and kept asking lw and acl until they did that
<jackdaniel> I think that trivial-package-local-nicknames was made by him
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<jackdaniel> ecl has some non-conformance, but that's a minor thing (if I recall correctly)
<jackdaniel> it is on the bug tracker
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<Gleefre> ecl, abcl, clasp and (free version of) acl all have some issues...
<Gleefre> jackdaniel: I think it's a good idea, let's try!
<Gleefre> phoe: What do you think about writing a CDR document for package-local nicknames?
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<gendl__> beach: the crowd funding site is up and running and functioning to accept payments but it is very minimal. It needs some content added.
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<gendl__> Perhaps you or someone like minded could give it a gander. I'd be happy to do a 30 minute screenshare on getting the repo cloned and an instance of the site spun up.
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