jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<jcowan> Well, sort of. For a real subsetp you'd need to be independent of order; search depends on the order being correct.
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<White_Flame> yeah, this is subseqp instead of subsetp
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<mi6x3m> hey, is there a way to bind the 1st, last and optional number of args inbetween?
<mi6x3m> like defun foo (1st <optionals> 2st) ?
<mi6x3m> last *
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<beach> Er, what?
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<beach> In an ordinary lambda list, all the required parameters come first then the optionals.
* beach is not sure whether that utterance answers the question.
<pve> mi6x3m: maybe you want to use "&rest rest" in your lambda list, and then access the last element of the "rest" argument
<mi6x3m> yes, that'd be the way
<mi6x3m> i thought there is some... convenience
<mi6x3m> I am reworking my caching macro and wanna have something like
<mi6x3m> (def-cached-indicator get-foo :cache-for 5 :seconds :cache-invalidation-fn reset-foo <forms>)
<mi6x3m> so I wanna process the :cache opts and then splice <forms>
<pve> mi6x3m: how about defining you own with-first-middle-last macro, like (with-first-middle-last (first middle-guys last) all-the-arguments ...)?
<mi6x3m> I could do that yeah
<mi6x3m> is a defun equivalent to assigning a lambda to a defvar?
<beach> No.
<mi6x3m> what would be?
<beach> (setf (fdefinition <name>) (lambda ...))
<beach> and there is no such thing as "a lambda".
<beach> There is a lambda expression and there is an anonymous function.
<mi6x3m> right
<beach> You don't assign the lambda expression with FDEFINITION, you assign a function, possibly, but not necessarily, created using the operator LAMBDA.
<mi6x3m> well for the cache mechanism above I need 2 functions to share state
<beach> Create a closure.
<mi6x3m> so I thought to define them in the same lexical scope capturing some vars
<mi6x3m> yeah
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<beach> (let ((state ...)) (setf (fdefinition <name1>) <function1> (fdefinition <name2> <function2>)))
<mi6x3m> that's the plan
<beach> Er, sorry, that should be...
<beach> the <function1> and <function2> should be lambda expressions.
<Shinmera> You didn't hear this from anyone at all and least of all me, but Charles managed to read a file and print its contents on the Nintendo Switch.
<Shinmera> from lisp!
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<mi6x3m> I just wanna say thanks to everyone that support me with lisp fu for last weeks :)
<mi6x3m> CL could be quite deep but you friends entangle it
<beach> Common Lisp has relatively simple semantics (compared to most languages), but there are a lot of tools built upon the simple core.
<Shinmera> beach: the compile-file/load-time-value/eval-when semantics are pretty hairy :)
<beach> Nah, it's just a bit hard to understand why they must exist.
<Shinmera> Anyway, I have a question for MOP experts: I have a metaclass that, right now, provides an involved slot-value-using-class method to do the actual value lookup. Most of its logic could be optimised away if it could be inlined, so my question is: how would I go about generating accessor methods?
<hayley> I liked being able to tell someone that, per the standard, a compiler may just write macroexpanded Lisp forms to a file as a FASL (and that SICL isn't far off).
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<beach> hayley: Close, yes, provided the literals in the code can be handled by READ.
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<beach> Shinmera: They are just instances of STANDARD-ACCESSOR-METHOD.
<beach> You can give your object a method function that does direct access to the slot if you can compute it at compile time.
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<Shinmera> OK, but, and forgive my ignorance on this, when would I compute this (during finalize-inheritance?) and *how* would I actually hook that up? using (setf find-method) or something?
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<Shinmera> It's one thing I've never done, so I don't know the correct way to go about it
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<ixelp> SICL/Code/CLOS/maybe-replace-method.lisp at master · robert-strandh/SICL · GitHub
<beach> Let me look. I think it needs to be replaced when you compute the effective method.
<beach> Because the location can be different in instances of different classes.
<Shinmera> Right
<ixelp> SICL/Code/CLOS/compute-discriminating-function-support.lisp at master · robert-strandh/SICL · GitHub
<beach> Line 254 calls MAYBE-REPLACE-METHOD.
<beach> So yes, when you compute the effective method for a particular sequence of classes of arguments.
<Shinmera> ok, lots of new stuff for me to learn :) thanks for the hints!
<beach> Sure. It is a bit involved, yes.
<rainthree> loke: is maxima-client yours? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24467593 the video links are dead
<ixelp> Of interest may be my project that implements a CLIM-based user interface on top... | Hacker News
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<beach> rainthree: I think loke's project is called Climaxima.
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<mi6x3m> any shortcut to setf the locations in a list with the values from another list
<mi6x3m> or varargs
<Shinmera> a list can't contain locations
<mi6x3m> (setf (car foo) (cdr foo) nil nil) or something like it?
<Shinmera> what are you actually trying to do?
<beach> clhs replace
<ixelp> CLHS: Function REPLACE
<Shinmera> if you just want to replace the *contents* of the list, then, yeah replace
<mi6x3m> I have a (cons "1" "2"), want to change the values to nil nil
<Shinmera> but if you meant that the list itself is meant to contain places to set, then you can't
<beach> mi6x3m: Look at the link.
<beach> ... or rather what it links to.
<Shinmera> a cons isn't a list and neither REPLACE nor FILL would work with it
<beach> Indeed.
<Shinmera> but if you actually do have a proper list, then FILL and REPLACE would do that
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<q3cpma> Hello, anyone knows runtime compilation via (compile nil `(lambda () ,my-expr)) sees toplevel defmacros but not surrounding macrolets?
<q3cpma> why*
<Shinmera> it's compiled in a null lexenv.
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<q3cpma> Well, I also thought this had something to do with environments aka the part of CL I don't know anything about
<Shinmera> it makes sense, too
<Shinmera> macrolets are a compile-time thing
<Shinmera> by the time your COMPILE runs, it is not compile-time.
<q3cpma> Yes, but I thought this would apply also to defmacro
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<Shinmera> ?
<q3cpma> Didn't know about this global lexical environment thing
<Shinmera> why would it. they're definitions, not lexical constructs
<q3cpma> In my head, defmacro was expanded at macroexpansion time then "stripped"
<beach> q3cpma: Often, there is no particular reason to call compile explicitly.
<q3cpma> Obviously wrong
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<Shinmera> how would it know when to strip the macro away
<q3cpma> beach: here I'm doing some utility (similar to find and AWK) that takes expressions at runtime
<beach> I see.
<q3cpma> Shinmera: well, with load and compile-file in the picture, it can't know indeed
<Shinmera> eval, too
<q3cpma> beach: But now that you say it, I should probably make it as a CL lib to allow simple compilation
<q3cpma> (of the input expressions)
<q3cpma> Well, I understand this a lot better, thanks a ton people!
<ogamita> q3cpma: you can have various macroexpansion phases embedded into various other times.
<beach> Another possibility is to construct an expression that includes the MACROLET and then compile it.
<q3cpma> beach: That's what I was going for, first
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<ogamita> q3cpma: that said, you can work with the source sexp: (funcall (compile nil (eval (let ((my-expr '(moo 42))) `(macrolet ((moo (x) `(list ,x ,x))) (lambda () ,my-expr)))))) #| --> (42 42) |#
<beach> q3cpma: (compile nil '(lambda () (macrolet ((m (x) `(1+ ,x))) (lambda (y) (m y)))))
<ogamita> q3cpma: but you need EVAL.
<beach> q3cpma: That will return a function that, when called, returns a function of one argument that has the macrolet taken into account.
<q3cpma> Yeah, I had beach's version (after trying (macrolet (lambda)) first
<q3cpma> Will probably do that, don't want to polute the global env
<q3cpma> ogamita: would be slow, no? Guaranteed call to the interpreter or not?
<ogamita> The point here is that COMPILE can only compile lambda expressions or a function. So you either need to wrap your form into a lambda form, or you need to evaluate your form to produce a function (probably interpreted), that compile may compile.
<ogamita> q3cpma: the interpreter doesn't need to work, since it only has to macroexpand the macrolet, and evaluate the lambda form to build an interpreted function.
<ogamita> On the other hand, if eval calls compile, then it compiles twice (the second time, doing nothing since the function is already compiled).
<q3cpma> Ah, I see your point, misread your snippet; but as beach's example shows, it doesn't look necessary unless your macro itself is dynamic, no?
<q3cpma> Nah, even that can be taken care of, unless I'm wrong
<mi6x3m> can anyone spot the error here
<ogamita> q3cpma: anything in the let can be computed at run-time. It's about the same complexity (you could benchmark it on your specific cases). (funcall (funcal (compile nil (lambda () … (lambda …))))) vs. (funcall (compile nil (eval (… `(lambda ,…)))))
<mi6x3m> (defmacro def-indicator (name (&key ((:cache-for (duration units)) nil cache-for-p) (cache-invalidation-fn nil cache-invalidation-fn-p)) &body body)
<mi6x3m> using it with (def-indicator foo :cache-for (5 :seconds) nil) reports :cache-for is not a list
<beach> mi6x3m: Probably that you put the &key inside a list.
<beach> mi6x3m: Your macro lambda list looks strange.
<mi6x3m> I changed it to (defmacro def-modeline-indicator (name &key ((:cache-for (duration units)) nil cache-for-p) (cache-invalidation-fn nil cache-invalidation-fn-p) &body body) but now the "body is misplaced"
<ogamita> (def-indicator foo (:cache-for (5 :seconds)) nil) #| --> (foo 5 :seconds t nil nil (nil)) |#
<ogamita> Yes, you cannot have both &key and &body. more precisely, &body = &rest so you can have it but it will take also the &key.
<ogamita> and the body will need an even number of elements!
<mi6x3m> hmmm I was afraid it's the case
<mi6x3m> but what is the solution
<mi6x3m> design change maybe
<ogamita> (defmacro moo (&body body &key a b &allow-other-keys) `(list ',a ',b ',body)) (moo :a 1 and this is all) #| --> (1 nil (:a 1 and this is all)) |#
<ogamita> Note how the body starts with (:a 1 …)
<ogamita> The first version with (&key was good).
<ogamita> (def-indicator foo (:cache-for (5 :seconds)) (print 'hi)) #| --> (foo 5 :seconds t nil nil ((print 'hi))) |#
<ogamita> Alternatively, you may introduce the body with: :cache-for (5 :seconds) :body ((print 'hi) (do-something)) but it's probably worse to wrap bodies in parentheses than key arguments.
<mi6x3m> sec you're going too fast
<mi6x3m> yeah maybe i'll settle for the kw args wrapped
<ogamita> You may also have just (defmacro def-indicator (name &body options-and-body) …) and parse options-and-body: (if (eql :cache-for (first options-and-body)) (let ((cache-for (progn (pop options-and-body) (pop options-and-body))) (body options-and-body)) …) (let ((cache-for '(5 :seconds)) (body options-and-body)) …))
<ogamita> (def-indicator foo (print 'hi)) (def-indicator bar :cache-for (3 minutes) (print 'hi))
<ogamita> this last option is nice syntax-wise, but you must work more (parse yourself), and it's less integrated into IDE, such as emacs, (it cannot complete the arguments since it doesn't know [:cache-for (duration units)] . body
<ogamita> Sometimes it's possible to instruct the IDE about the syntax of such operators.
<mi6x3m> thanks ogamita, this is a fantastic break down
<mi6x3m> i'll roll with (def-indicator (:cache-for (5 :seconds) :cache-invalidation-fn moo) body)
<mi6x3m> still quite readable
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<ogamita> mi6x3m: you may also define a macro or macrolet to do it with the body. (defindicator foo (cache-for 5 seconds) (* 4 2)) with https://termbin.com/lbr20
<ogamita> mi6x3m: ie. you define a DSL with a set of flet and macrolet around the body.
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<mi6x3m> let's not go quite that far
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<mi6x3m> one more q, how to convert a macro argument to a symbol to be used with fdefnition
<mi6x3m> e.g. the name in def-indicator
<mi6x3m> (fdefinition ,name) reports an erorr
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<mi6x3m> I want to define a global function with (setf (fdefinition .. like beach suggested
<beach> You can also use DEFUN as in (let ((state ...)) (defun ...) (defun ...))
<beach> DEFUN takes into account the lexical environment.
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<mi6x3m> last thing beach, how to specify the name to defun through a symbol?
<mi6x3m> defun (xyz ,symbol-arg) ...
<beach> You can't when DEFUN is in an ordinary position of evaluation. DEFUN does not evaluate its function-name argument. You would have to do (setf fdefinition) then.
<mi6x3m> ok, so 1 usage of defun, 1 fdefiniton, seems to be working actually...
<mi6x3m> (def-indicator foo (:cache-for (5 :seconds) :cache-invalidation-fn 'no-foo) "foo123") epic it works
<mi6x3m> maybe :cache-invalidator would be better because -fn would expect an expression but hey
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<mi6x3m> changed to :invalidate-by
<phoe> How does ~// behave in face of package deletion/recreation/renaming/renicknaming? Is this specified anywhere?
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<beach> Good question.
<beach> I don't think it is specified, but if I were to implement it, I would use the package name and the symbol name each time FORMAT is called, but in FORMATTER, I might look it up once.
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<phoe> this approach contradicts CLHS Macro FORMATTER which describes the equivalence relation between the two
<phoe> clhs formatter
<ixelp> CLHS: Macro FORMATTER
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<beach> Yes, I saw that.
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<phoe> so in order for FORMATTER to be consistent with FORMAT, they would both need to use FIND-SYMBOL, so find the symbol at runtime
<beach> True.
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<phoe> ...unless FORMAT is optimized by the compiler into FORMATTER, at which point both can do it at macroexpansion time
<phoe> is the above permitted?
<mi6x3m> Does anyone have a clue why symbolp fails in the assertion here? https://pastebin.com/mTLrkpZw
<ixelp> (defmacro def-indicator (name (&key ((:cache-for (duration units)) nil cache-for - Pastebin.com
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<phoe> mi6x3m: try :INVALIDATE-BY NO-FOO
<phoe> so, with the unquoted symbol
<beach> Yes, you are passing it (quote ...)
<phoe> the literal 'NO-FOO is a cons, not a symbol
<mi6x3m> what would be a symbol literal?
<mi6x3m> actually (symbolp 'foo) returns T
<mi6x3m> just in the macro body it returns nil
<phoe> FOO is a symbol literal
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<phoe> 'FOO is (QUOTE FOO), so, a list literal
<phoe> the macro has access to unevaluated arguments, hence when you call it with 'FOO you get 'FOO, not FOO, as an argument
<mi6x3m> how do I use 'foo with the macro and still have the assertion work?
<mi6x3m> I want to signify to the user that the thing doesn't already exist and they are naming it
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<mi6x3m> hence the ' in the notation
<phoe> you have (DEFUN FOO ...), not (DEFUN 'FOO ...)
<phoe> even though the function FOO might not exist
<phoe> same with DEFVAR, DEFCLASS, DEFTYPE, and literally almost every defining macro
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<phoe> so I'd skip the quote
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<phoe> otherwise the user might think that this argument is evaluated and be tempted to do something like (let ((thing 'foo)) (def-indicator ... :invalidate-by thing))
<phoe> which will majestically explode if you do some sort of attempt at manual unquoting or (worse) maybe-unquoting
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<mi6x3m> sounds good to me!
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<phoe> I still wonder about the ~/ behavior wrt package removal/renaming because it kind of follows the same pattern as when local nicknames change
<phoe> and I'm reviewing Gleefre's draft of a PLN CDR now and attempting to find some prior art
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<phoe> because if the behavior for ~/ for package deletion/renaming is not specified then it could warrant an issue at https://www.cliki.net/ANSI%20Clarifications%20and%20Errata maybe
<ixelp> CLiki: ANSI Clarifications and Errata
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<phoe> e.g. SBCL and CCL differ here
<phoe> maybe the best answer for all of the above is "unspecified"
<rainthree3> any idea if there is an archive somewhere, with the contents from this link (which is now dead) http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.mathematics.maxima.general/17602 ?
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<ixelp> Calling Maxima from Lisp (sbcl)
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<jeosol> Good morning all!!!
<jeosol> Looking to update my SBCL and QL combo given the new QL release (June 19), anyone updated their QL yet? experienced any issues?
<q3cpma> Hi again, anyone wanna explain to me why I need the in-package call in that function (and not the in the let, but at the function's toplevel): https://pastebin.com/evLvHUu7
<ixelp> ;; Run via sbcl --eval '(asdf:load-system "test")' --eval '(pkg:main)' s(defpa - Pastebin.com
<q3cpma> Whoops, I use `sbcl --load test.lisp --eval '(pkg:main)' s` to run the script
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<bike> assuming the asdf system includes just this file
<bike> when you load the asdf system, it uses cl:load or cl:compile-file or whatever, and those rebind *package*
<bike> so the in-package form on line 5 sets the package, but this set is undone as soon as load or compile-file is done
<bike> by the time of --eval '(pkg:main)', you are back in the cl-user package
<bike> when you call main the in-package form on line 8 sets *package* back to PKG, and so the read-from-string interns symbols in that package, etc
<bike> it may be better to just bind *package* in main if you need the package to be something
<q3cpma> Ahhh, that's the read yes
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<q3cpma> Problem: if I were to pass the argument via main's parameters (so the symbol may actually be interned in any package), how would I go about making it work?
<q3cpma> And I'm still not clear on the problem: why isn't the symbol-macro s working when calling main from cl-user? Is s somehow interned during read/compile?
<bike> well the s in your code is interned in pkg, of course
<bike> then, at runtime, you use read-from-string to get arg, so that's read in whatever *package* is when read-from-string is called
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<bike> without the in-package on line 8, at the time of the read-from-string, *package* would be whatever it is when (main) is called, and from the command line like you're doing it would be cl-user
<bike> so read-from-string would return cl-user::s, if the command line argument was "s"
<q3cpma> Isn't symbol-macrolet registering lexical symbols?
<bike> symbol-macrolet is basically unrelated here
<bike> the context s appears in in your code does not affect what package it is read in
<bike> reading happens before compilation and evaluation
<bike> your code is read - it ends up as a list (CL:DEFUN PKG::MAIN ... (CL:SYMBOL-MACROLET ((PKG::S
<q3cpma> Yes, but it's the (compile) call that is failing, not the file compilation (I think?)
<q3cpma> Hmmm
<q3cpma> I see
<bike> if you mean the compile is "failing" in that it is not finding the symbol macro, that's because the input to compile includes the value you got from read-from-string
<bike> which, again, without the second in-package, will be CL-USER::S
<bike> which is distinct from PKG::S, so it's an unbound variable
<q3cpma> Yes, I understand the problem now (not the first time that load time interning tripped me), but I'm still pained that this snippet doesn't work as expected =)
<bike> you probably just need to bind *package* around any reads
<q3cpma> Yes, I don't see any other solution to this
<bike> depends on what the larger scale architecture is. you could work directly with strings or uninterned symbols or something
<q3cpma> How would uninterned symbols work? For the symbol macro to work, it needs to refer to the same symbol as arg, no?
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<bike> dunno. maybe keywords would be better. i don't know what the ultimate goal here is.
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<q3cpma> Well, hard to describe and I've already taken lots of your time; thanks a lot!
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<bike> happy to be of assistance
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<q3cpma> I'll probably ask for counsel once my little tool is done (basically, always found find(1) hard to use once, so I made something that acts like AWK; arguments would be '(file print) (dir print walk)' for example)
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<McParen> if I have a list of exported symbols, how can i find out which one is an exported class name? is there a way to check for a class?
<yitzi> clhs find-class
<ixelp> CLHS: Accessor FIND-CLASS
<McParen> find-class seems to signal an error when a class doesnt exist, is there a function that just returns nil if it doesnt find a class?
<Gleefre> There is an optional parameter that controls it
<Gleefre> (find-class 'aaa nil) will return nil
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<McParen> thanks a lot!
<McParen> (i now see that was an answer i could have found out by myself, but well)
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<McParen> Gleefre, I just updated sbcl and saw that you contributed to the last few sbcl releases, also thanks for that.
<Gleefre> Heh, I didn't really
<McParen> Well your name is mentioned, so you did _something_.
<Gleefre> I just was able to build it for Android and set up build scripts for that
<McParen> I get quite happy every time another sbcl release comes out, like a monthly birthday.
<Gleefre> :)
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<nij-> Many langs have statements as long as expressions, unlike lisp. I can't think of any benefit of having statements. Did I miss anything? Why do they need statements?
<aeth> syntax
<aeth> it's syntactically awkward to have expressions, especially in something with significant indentation like Python
<nij-> I see! It will be very awkward if python's `def` returns anything that can be passed to the next function call.
<nij-> So they better just ban it (i.e. making it a statement).
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<aeth> and most of the time you don't use the return value
<aeth> it's a bit different in Common Lisp because of COND
<aeth> in most languages you'd just set a value in an if/then/else block, but in Common Lisp and Scheme, you use the return value of COND and save a set
<nij-> I see; it also bans people from using nested code.
<nij-> (prevents)
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<nij-> I find thata if/then/else/cond/.. returning things to be very helpful though..
<aeth> it doesn't seem obvious to want to use the return value of everything
<aeth> unless you do
<aeth> so you need to copy the right languages and not the wrong ones to see it
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<nij-> got it
<aeth> seems to come more from the functional programming side of programming, too
<aeth> because you do avoid some mutation/setting with implicit return values
<aeth> even though CL isn't particularly FP
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<nij-> This is less likely to be an answer. An FP lang should prevent data to be mutated in the first place.
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<random-nick> maybe they're a holdover from instruction-based programming like assembly/machine code
<random-nick> where expressions were added to make writing calculations easier into such a paradigm
<random-nick> instead of starting off from expressions like lisp
<aeth> seems like you need a smarter compiler, too? probably nothing by today's standards, of course
<aeth> but you need to be able to see that e.g. this expression's return value is not being used
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