jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<ogamita> jasonmw: You could ask chatgpt to answer in the context of the book: https://dpaste.org/dk5Ju
<ixelp> dpaste/dk5Ju (Common Lisp)
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<hayley> 0/10 not once was "It's important to understand that" uttered
<hayley> Is it possible to break up a pattern in Trivia? I'm writing a peephole optimizer and don't want to nest patterns so much. Say, the pattern should look like (where (list a b) ((a (foo ...)) (b (bar ...)))) rather than (list (foo ...) (bar ...))
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<hayley> Seems that (trivia:defpattern where (pattern &rest bindings) (alexandria:with-gensyms (value) `(trivia:guard1 ,value t ,value ,pattern ,@bindings))) [with different syntax for bindings].
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<renatoathaydes> Hey! I was wondering if anyone has a simple GitHub Actions setup that actually works with multiple CL implementations. Tried the 40ants stuff but that only seems to work with SBCL.
<renatoathaydes> trying to configure any other impls just fails.
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<yitzi> renatoathaydes Its still pretty fresh and it only does Linux. https://github.com/yitzchak/archlinux-cl
<ixelp> GitHub - yitzchak/archlinux-cl: Docker Arch Linux image with Common Lisp implementations
<renatoathaydes> nice, lots of CL implementations.
<yitzi> Here is a more involved example which clones multiple dependencies https://github.com/yitzchak/Inravina/blob/main/.github/workflows/test.yml
<ixelp> Inravina/.github/workflows/test.yml at main · yitzchak/Inravina · GitHub
<renatoathaydes> thanks...
<renatoathaydes> I was looking at the logs from this project and it seems it has test failures but did not fail the build... maybe something they should check...
<renatoathaydes> "2 failures with 0 unexpected failures and 0 unexpected successes out of 229 tests."
<yitzi> Its intentional. There are expected failures.
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<renatoathaydes> Shouldn't expected failures be handled and reported as success? Or this is like "feature-not-implemented-yet" kind of failure?
<yitzi> They are handled as success. The error message is just phrased strangely. Some of them are missing features.
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<jackdaniel> successfully failed to succeed
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<agm> i see that (let ((x 0)) (declare (special x)) (let ((x 1)) x)) evaluates to 1 in common implementations, but I don't get why. the inner binding is surely lexical, but the inner reference should fall under the declaration and so be special, evaluating to 0 in my understanding
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<beach> I am pretty sure the inner reference is lexical.
<bike> the inner reference is just as lexical as the binding is, yeah
<Gleefre> Maybe inner binding also falls under the declaration and is special?
<bike> it does not
<beach> No.
<bike> having a new binding makes that binding and everything in it lexical. the outer special declaration is shadowed, essentially
<Gleefre> Ah, right
<Gleefre> And it is possible to access "outer x" with (locally (declare (special x)) x)
<bike> or just symbol-value
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<mi6x3m> hey, can I update the value of a do varaible with a setf in the do body?
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<yitzi> mi6x3m: The variables of DO are just bound with LET, so yet. Try `(macroexpand-1 '(do ((x 1 (+1 x))) (nil)))`
<yitzi> s/yet/yes/
<mi6x3m> thanks :)
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<pjb> agm: the explanation is simple: in (let ((x 0)) (declare (special x)) (let ((x 1)) x)) the declaration ensure that WHILE the outer let is evaluated, x is a dynamic variable. But then, in the inner let, x is back to the normal lexical binding, so the inner let returns 1. But in any case if you called a function that uses also x with a special declaration, you'd get the dynamic binding: (defun f () (declare (special x)) x) (let ((x 0))
<pjb> (declare (special x)) (let ((x 1)) (f))) #| --> 0 |# Note that (f) is called in the lexical scope of x=1.
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<agm> thanks
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<ober> in bt how do you get a handle for a given tid? e.g. (bt:destroy-thread 12345) won't work.
<pjb> You can find the threads in (bt:all-threads)
<bike> I don't think BT deals with tids.
<pjb> ober: have a look at: com.informatimago.tools.thread:list-threads and com.informatimago.tools.thread:kill-thread
<ober> yeah I have the tid from bt:all-threads.
<ober> thanks
<ixelp> tools/thread.lisp · master · com-informatimago / com.informatimago · GitLab
<ober> is that in ql?
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<pjb> Nope. git clone it in ~/quicklisp/local-projects/
<ober> ul?
<pjb> there's (mapcar 'ccl:process-serial-number (bt:all-threads))
<ixelp> com-informatimago / com.informatimago · GitLab
<pjb> and ccl:external-process-id, but that's not for threads…
<aeth> if you don't use CCL, you can also just symbolic link in ~/quicklisp/local-projects/ but CCL doesn't follow links there, but if you load it first in another implementation it will still show up in ~/quicklisp/local-projects/system-index.txt and still be discoverable from CCL
<aeth> unless CCL patched this since this advice was last tested
<ober> just sbcl.
<pjb> Or nowadays, what I do is to put the path of my own directory on ql:*local-project-directories*
<pjb> So there's not even a notion of TID.
<ober> sb-thread it is...
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<ober> derp... slime-list-threads
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<Gleefre> Is it defined anywhere whether it is allowed to unintern keyword symbols like :external (return values of standard functions) and what should happen in this case?
<Gleefre> Clasp just locks #:keyword package and doesn't allow to unintern any symbols
<pjb> Gleefre: one problem is that if you use symbol-plist, you lose it.
<Gleefre> Other implementations [sbcl,ccl,cmucl,clisp,ecl,abcl,acl,lispworks] just unintern that symbol, and standard functions like FIND-SYMBOL return an uninterned symbol afterwards
<pjb> ccl doesn't seem to unintern it really. (setf (symbol-plist :foo) '(:a 1)) (values (symbol-plist :foo) (unintern :foo) (symbol-plist (intern "FOO" "KEYWORD"))) #| --> (:a 1) ; nil ; (:a 1) |#
<Gleefre> pjb: do you mean values accessible by indicator :key that was uninterned?
<Gleefre> Also, you need to unintern it from the #:keyword package
<Gleefre> (It is not present in #:cl-user anyway)
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<pjb> Gleefre: just (symbol-plist s)
<pjb> The indicators can be any symbols, it doesn't matter.
<pjb> Implementations just don't unintern keywords: https://termbin.com/y85e
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<Gleefre> pjb: They do, you need to specify keyword package
<Gleefre> (let ((s :key)) (unintern :key '#:keyword) s) ; => #:KEY
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<jasonmw> ogamita, that is interesting, i have not explored chatgpt but it gave a reasonable answer. I did later find why he used it - he said answer all with an iterative approach which i assume he means using do, all that had been covered for iteration up to that point
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