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<Guest7> boo
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<mi6x3m> is it just me or are other people inclined to never use loop because its syntax is impossible to grasp and remember
<mi6x3m> I end up with do every time
<mi6x3m> also much more explicit
<beach> I use LOOP a lot.
<beach> In fact, I probably wrote somewhere that LOOP is the main iteration construct to be used in SICL code.
<mi6x3m> but how do you keep an overview over 200 configurations
<beach> I don't know what that means.
<mi6x3m> all the different ways it can be used
<beach> I don't see a need to keep an overview of all those. Plus, there is probably an infinite number of "configurations".
<grolter[m]> imo loop's syntax is clear and easy to remember.
<beach> Most LOOP forms are fairly simple.
<jackdaniel> mi6x3m: people stick to a few vasic clauses usually
<jackdaniel> basic*
<mi6x3m> OK thanks ill force myself to use it more than :)
<jackdaniel> do is perfectly fine construct though
<jackdaniel> if it works for you then there is no beed to force anything
<jackdaniel> for complex iterations I'm sometimes ending with a custom macro based on do
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<jackdaniel> expanding to*
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<mi6x3m> thanks, that's sage
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<ober> in slime tab autocompletes great. but in sly it just inserts a tab. despite the binding show it's bound to sly complete
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<ixelp> Shinmera: "" - TyNET
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<jcowan> I find DO to be the one that's difficult to remember.
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<pjb> it's easy really. (do ((var init step) …) (stop-condition result) . body)
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<kreuter> Isn't it result*?
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