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<mi6x3m> hey, is there a way to "load" something without changing the package to it?
<mi6x3m> if it contains a "use-package" inside
<mi6x3m> sorry, "in-package"
<beach> Do you want the in-package to not take effect?
<mi6x3m> yes
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<beach> That's a pretty strange thing to want to do.
<mi6x3m> i want it to take effect for the defined package
<mi6x3m> but not to override the loading context
<mi6x3m> so, in-package "foo", load "boo.lisp" should stay in foo
<mi6x3m> although boo does in-package #:boo
<semarie> keep *package* content somewhere, and call (in-package previous-package) ?
<mi6x3m> I could yeah
<mi6x3m> yeah let me do it like that
<mi6x3m> brb
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<beach> semarie: You mean modify boo.lisp?
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<bike> LOAD rebinds *package*, so you'll stay in foo without anything special
<beach> bike: I think what was meant was for the code in the file to be loaded with a different current package than what the in-package form says.
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<beach> <beach> Do you want the in-package to not take effect?
<beach> <mi6x3m> yes
<bike> well, i'm not sure. "not to override the loading context" sounds like not changing *package* outside of the loader to me. but it's pretty hard to decode this
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<beach> Indeed.
<doulos05> I'm still working on trying to get that binary distribution for Linux, I'm currently getting an error about a missing file.
<doulos05> It's a ttf file bundled in cl-dejavu, used by McCLIM. It's looking in the absolute path on the Github runner that's building the binary.
<semarie> beach: no, around LOAD. but if LOAD rebinds *package* as bike said, it shouldn't be needed.
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<semarie> and now, I am seeing "load binds *readtable* and *package* to the values they held before loading the file." in the spec.
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<beach> I am still interpreting the request as wanting the contents of the file to be loaded with a different package being current than the one indicated in IN-PACKAGE.
<beach> Otherwise, because of *PACKAGE* being rebound, I don't see the reason for the request.
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<doulos05> Ok, just looking through the api provided by Quicklisp, I think ql:bundle-systems would solve the problem. But I don't see how to get a list of my system's dependencies.
<doulos05> I'd like to run something like (ql:bundle-systems (system-depends-on :my-system-name) :to #"~/ext_libs")
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<doulos05> Yeah, something like that.
<doulos05> I'm going to test it with the manual list to see if it works.
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