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<thuna`> Does anyone know of any tutorials for nodgui?
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<hayley> prokhor: Indeed a parallel garbage collector for SBCL. I have to implement some compaction, and then it should be ready for...well, I wouldn't run it in production then, but it should be usable enough.
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<pony> hello. https://bpa.st/O6S2K when I change ast on line 30 to (), it seems the setf on line 34 doesn't work. I expected it to work like (let ((a ())) (setf a (append a (list 1 2 3))) a).
<ixelp> View paste O6S2K
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<hayley> I'm taking a look. ADD already exists as INCF, though it won't help with the bug.
<pony> ok :)
<hayley> The empty list is NIL, so that could go wrong if you use NIL to mean that a function couldn't find anything to parse.
<pony> oh, of course. clumsy of me.
<pony> indeed, if I take () out the string it works.
<hayley> (trace parse-expr parse-atom parse-list parse-elems) might also help you spot any oddities too.
<pony> ty
<beach> pony: You need to work on the layout of your code if you are going to submit it for us to read.
<pony> beach: sure, any ground rules?
<beach> Yes, use SLIME-INDENTATION. It is usually right.
<pony> all right.
<hayley> beach: Hopefully this document <https://gist.github.com/no-defun-allowed/f79ea6e211b5f078e349c53937b5be74> is more successful at explaining how to adapt the "partial read barrier" idea for Common Lisp.
<ixelp> Partial read barriers and Common Lisp · GitHub
<beach> Thanks. I'll read it during the day.
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<thuna`> Is there a way to set a defclass slot's type as (float 0 pi)?
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<White_Flame> thuna`: probably the easiest would be (float 0 #.pi)
<White_Flame> since it's constant
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<seok> I've been trying openai asking it to code some common lisp. Sometimes it makes mistakes but performs quite well
<hayley> I have to convince the first years at university that ChatGPT is getting their logic homework wrong, and not the first years.
<seok> Haha
<seok> I haven't tried it with other programming languages but there may not be enough samples for common lisp to learn yet
<hayley> They've yet to learn to get the computer to do it. Well, I guess ChatGPT is "getting the computer to do it", but I mean to write programs.
<seok> what do you mean? chatgpt does write programs?
<hayley> One student asked something like "What is P(P(P({1, 2})))" (where P is the power-set function) and ChatGPT got it all wrong. Maybe asking ChatGPT for code to compute the power-set would work better though.
<hayley> In general I hear asking it to "show working out" works better, but it did show its working out for that prompt question, and the working out was all wrong.
<seok> Ah, I have not tried it to compute such recursive programs
<seok> It performs simple maths involving large numbers well
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<hayley> (I think the question was P(P(P({}))) since P(P(P({1, 2}))) is huge. Still.)
<seok> ChatGPT indeed makes mistakes on various kinds of problems, and rectifies them if you point it out, but I cannot be sure if the rectification is correct
<seok> It is kind of a people pleaser
<hayley> I spend more time correcting it on interesting problems.
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<thuna`> White_Flame: Oh yeah, that was a thing. Thanks
<White_Flame> but yeah, I think many people end up with a defclass* that has all their various specific needs anyway
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<beach> I think this library: https://github.com/robert-strandh/Constrictor is close to being complete.
<ixelp> GitHub - robert-strandh/Constrictor: A library that implements the functionality of the Conses dictionary of the Common [...]
<beach> Remarks are welcome, and also contributions in the same spirit as the existing code.
<ixelp> Constrictor/TODO.text at master · robert-strandh/Constrictor · GitHub
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<jackdaniel> making ChatGPT do things being like '“You’re saying it wrong,” Harry heard Hermione snap. “It’s Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the ‘gar’ nice and long.”'
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<bitblit1> lol
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<_death> beach: "We do not think it is important to optimize the implementation of an operator that is not used very often." does this also apply to time complexity in "simple" cases, e.g. INTERSECTION with the defaults can often do better than n*m comparisons where n and m are the list lengths
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<beach> Well, INTERSECTION might be used a bit more often than "not very often". There is no sharp distinction as you know, because it depends on the workload. I am willing to accept contributions for optimizations that do not make the code too hard to maintain.
<beach> Also, there is a difference between improving the asymptotic complexity as in this particular case, and shaving of a small constant factor.
<beach> For INTERSECTION, I assume you are thinking of a hash table, yes?
<beach> In that case, one would have to take into account the cost of allocating a hash table and the length of the sets/lists involved.
<beach> Maybe start the function by computing the length of the lists and then decide.
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<beach> _death: Does that answer your question?
<_death> yes, I was thinking of a hash-table.. another issue is stack blowing up (e.g., in SUBLIS implementation; I remember we had a relevant discussion about a FLATTEN operator a while ago)
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<beach> Sure, the tree operations can be iffy if the tree is really skinny.
<beach> I am not sure how to prevent deep recursions in this case. I suppose one can assume that they are skinny in one dimension.
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<_death> by maintaining an explicit stack
<beach> Sure, and that allocates memory, so again there is a trade-off.
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<beach> I think I mentioned something in the README about clients who have knowledge about the structures they want to traverse, and that such clients are likely to want to implement a special version anyway.
<_death> right, I understand what you mean, but sometimes a client has to reimplement a general version just because the implementation is too naive
<beach> I can see that, yes.
<beach> So, again, I am willing to accept contributions that improve performance significantly without sacrificing too much maintainability.
<beach> For INTERSECTION I think computing the length of the lists first would be a good idea, because that's a linear cost, compared to the M*N cost of the default operation. And if M*N is significantly high, then allocating a hash table could pay off. Restricted by the TEST of course.
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<beach> I strongly suspect that most uses of INTERSECTION are for short lists, so it would not be a good idea to allocate a hash table in all cases.
<beach> _death: So, feel free to contribute.
<beach> I need to go fix dinner for my (admittedly small) family, so I am off for today. I'll read up tomorrow.
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<_death> beach: yes, said client could very well send a patch after such reimplementation :) .. when I had a patch for alexandria's shuffle I did have some threshold that needed to be crossed in order to use a vector for list shuffling.. of course embedding such a threshold statically borders on the occult
<_death> beach: have fun
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<jackdaniel> (with-restarts ... (signal 'multiple-function-implementation-choices ...))
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<_death> (handler-bind ((multiple-implementations #'time-bandit)) ...)
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<seok> awesome-lisp says "Editor's note: at the time of writing, it seems we don't have a full-featured websocket implementation for Common Lisp. We can however recommend Portal, and we invite you to double-check the current issues of Hunchensocket and websocket-driver.",
<seok> What features is portal missing?
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