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<flip214> Does someone have (or know of) a library that makes windows API calls available? I'd need FindWindowEx, SendMessage, and similar stuff. Or at least the definitions for sb-alien?
<Shinmera> just foreign-funcall?
<Shinmera> I'm not aware of anyone undergoing the humongous task of wrapping the win32 api
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<flip214> Shinmera: yeah, right... but getting the args correct might be a few hours work (depending on how many calls I need in the end), that's why I'm asking
<flip214> perhaps someone has groveled the header files already?
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<flip214> found ftw
<Shinmera> I made com-on to deal with common COM issues and GUIDs and whatnot
<Shinmera> but otherwise most of the windows types are pretty straightforward to translate
<flip214> ack
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<easye`> flip214: JNA does some wrapping of Windows APIs with its platform module <https://github.com/java-native-access/jna/blob/master/www/PlatformLibrary.md>
<ixelp> jna/www/PlatformLibrary.md at master · java-native-access/jna · GitHub
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<easye`> Downsides with JNA would be a) using ABCL and b) grokking how JNA encapsulates Windows API calls in Java
<easye`> One would install the JNA platform API for a given ABCL with (abcl-asdf:resolve "net.java.dev.jna:jna-platform")
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<hineios> pjb what I meant is making FIND-DEFINITION et. al. work locally when your CI environment compiles everything from a "random" folder.
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<hineios> We do core compilation on CI, that then can be used locally. We are using a mix of ASDF to load external libraries and a legacy system (not sure where it was inherited from, but I suspect from the TI Explorer) to load our code.
<hineios> We currently do some very ingenious path juggling (which includes SETFing some slots and wrapping a bunch of internals, both from ASDF and SBCL) before dumping the core and as worked for the most part.
<hineios> I got thing somewhat working with logical pathnames, however there are some character limitations I'm not particularly fond of. I was just wandering if there are any different approaches...
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<mgl> Is there a convention as to what packages with names like ASDF/ACTION mean? Are they private?
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<adeht> yes, in this case it's the package-inferred-system convention.. usually there is a package that re-exports the symbols that are meant to be used by the public (asdf)
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<ixelp> ASDF Manual
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<mgl> Oh, yes. I read that once. I find that the interaction with Slime symbol completion is not great.
<_death> in what way? (maybe it depends on which symbol completion function you use?)
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<mgl> Fuzzy completion. There are always boatloads of options for completing anything with the asdf: prefix, many of which are in the subpackages.
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<_death> ah, I use c-p-c.. maybe fuzzy has (or could have) an option for p-i-s aware completion..
<mgl> Also, the slashy home package is shown by (apropos "find-system") and slime-apropos as well.
<_death> right.. I don't mind this, because I already know the convention
<mgl> Maybe Slime apropos should be taught to prefer the shortest package to the home package or something like that.
<_death> as long as the meaning of the presentation is clear to the user..
<mgl> Which is to say that this would be potentially misleading?
<_death> yes.. I immediately imagined a package A exporting the symbol CL:+
<mgl> Ah, yes. I was thinking shortest among prefixes.
<mgl> ... requiring slashes, too.
<mgl> So ASDF/SYSTEM:FIND-SYSTEM would be presented as ASDF:FIND-SYSTEM but not as A:FIND-SYSTEM if it exists.
<_death> right, but again it depends on what the user expects.. to see the home package or the "civilized way" package
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<_death> there is another style where the interface package owns the symbols and the implementation packages define them.. but personally I usually prefer p-i-s
<mgl> I understand that it's not an unambiguous win. But seeing and maybe using the subject-to-change slashy name is more likely to lead to bad things than being mistaken about what a symbol's home package is, no?
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<_death> mgl: you could see it that way.. but if you're not aware of the "magic" you may spend some time in confusion
<_death> slime-apropos/apropos are just one instance where the symbol is printed.. in other instances, the non-magic way will be used
<_death> with fuzzy completion, I can understand why you'd want that kind of magic (optionally)
<_death> but I'd expect apropos to be low-level and dumb, as a basic tool that can be used for sanity check
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<mgl> slime-apropos, too?
<_death> I don't use it :)
<_death> I did like that slime-help contrib.. though I don't tend to use it either
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<mi6x3m> Hey, can anyone tell me why I get "There is no class named funcallable-standard-class"
<beach> package problem
<beach> What package are you using?
<beach> mop funcallable-standard-class
<mi6x3m> my own package
<mi6x3m> with use :cl
<beach> That class is not in the CL package.
<beach> clhs funcallable-standard-class
<specbot> Couldn't find anything for funcallable-standard-class.
<beach> See?
<beach> mi6x3m: I recommend you use the CLOSER-MOP system, so that you can use the same package for it on all implementations.
<mi6x3m> I use sbcl
<mi6x3m> what do I need to do
<mi6x3m> i dont know what a system is
<beach> It is what ASDF defines.
<beach> You can either use the SBCL-specific MOP package, sb-mop I think, or you can install this system using Quicklisp, and then use the CLOSER-MOP package.
<mi6x3m> ok sb-mop:funcallable-standard-class worked :)
<mi6x3m> thanks
<beach> But I don't recommend that!
<beach> It's easy: (ql:quickload "closer-mop") and then you can use closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class.
<mi6x3m> ok lets go with closer-mop dann
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<ogamita> mi6x3m: a system is a set of files and rules to compile and load them. In turn, those files will usually define things, like CL package, and populate them with symbols naming other definitions such as variables, functions, classes, etc.
<beach> mi6x3m: CLOSER-MOP is one of those compatibility packages with very little code in it. It just imports that symbol from sb-mop to its own package.
<ogamita> mi6x3m: so in practice, you use quicklisp to download (registered systems); quicklisp uses asdf to compile and load them, and once this is done, you can use the symbols in the packages that have been defind.
<mi6x3m> thanks ogamita
<beach> mi6x3m: So your code becomes independent of the implementation at no cost.
<mi6x3m> thanks!
<beach> Sure.
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<akasha> was there a subsetp for sequences / vectors i forgot
<akasha> nvm it's search
<akasha> that one function i keep forgetting
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