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<ixelp> ABCL: A Midsummer's Eve with ABCL 1.9.2
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<hineios> Hello fellow Common Lispers. I've been struggling with ASDF, remote builds on continuous integration servers, and source frobbing/redirection. I haven't been able to find anything on ASDF's documentation on dealing with source frobbing/redirection. Any tips?
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<beach> Happy solstice everyone!
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<Equill> Happy solstice to you, too!
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<paulapatience> Is there a reason PROCESS-INFO is not exported from UIOP?
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<bike> looks exported to me?
<bike> oh, nope, doesn't seem to be upstream
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<Equill> :sigh: There's some debugging time I won't get back. Pro tip: using parameters with the same name as a datatype is all fun and games, until defmethod fails with a message that's as accurate as it is misleading.
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<beach> Like "X is not and X"?
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<Equill> Guess who just tripped himself up by using the same name for a struct, an accessor in a class *and* a positional parameter in a constructor for that class, which expects a struct of that type?
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<beach> s/and/an/
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<Equill> I refactored some code out of a constructor function, to specialise it on the `rg-server` type, and didn't notice that it operates on the `rg-server` parameter which now isn't being passed in. So sbcl gives "no such variable", and I'm looking at the specialiser, wondering WTF is wrong with that.
<Equill> And if that's confusing to read, you have some idea of how much I'd like a drink now.
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<pjb> hineios: what's source frobbing and redirection and why would you need it? on CI, the CI does the git clone of your sources. Your script shall then load quicklisp, and use it to load your system (and dependencies). Sometimes, you may want to fetch or clone some dependencies yourself. But never fetch your sources yourself, you will do it wrong (wrong branch, etc).
<pjb> hineios: perhaps you mean you want the :pathname clause: https://asdf.common-lisp.dev/asdf.html#Source-location-_0028_003apathname_0029 while the user manual says everything about it, it doesn't say explicitely what we think it does. But I guess it's giving a base pathname to your sources, when the system is not stored in the same directory as the sources, which may be what you mean.
<ixelp> ASDF Manual
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<q3cpma> Hello, trying to fight pathnames currently, anyone knows why (uiop:pathname-directory-pathname (uiop:ensure-pathname "D*")) gives me #P"D\\\\\\*/" (too much escaping)?
<q3cpma> Whoops, meant (uiop:ensure-directory-pathname (uiop:ensure-pathname "D*"))
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<Shinmera> no, but I'd probably just use (pathname-utils:parse-native-namestring "D*" :as :directory)
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<Shinmera> Since I assume that's what you want
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<nij-> Is there any generic way to print out details of a condition? When the program is running, I just want whatever condition to be printed out with as much detail as possible, and let the program go on.
<nij-> However, I don't know which type of condition can pop out. Each of them has different layouts.
<White_Flame> DESCRIBE often goes hard, but it's not guaranteed to be fully detailed
<White_Flame> and would probably skip its print-object method
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<nij-> Thanks! That works for now.
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