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<felipebubu> hello
<felipebubu> does anyone use lem here
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<beach> felipebubu: Maybe some people do. Do you have a question for them?
<felipebubu> just wondered if that's a lem problem or a code problem or anything else, but for some reason C-c C-k is not compiling every clos method, but C-c C-c is compiling the clos method alone
<felipebubu> like, the method only compiles if I compile it alone by C-c C-c
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<semz> Do declarations also apply to the bodies of inlined functions?
<semz> Hm, actually this might be an implementation-specific question. For the distinction between safe and unsafe code this is irrelevant since the calling code must also be safe to get safe code, and for the special/type declarations it doesn't make a difference
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<beach> semz: What does it mean for a declaration to "apply to the bodies of inlined functions"? An inlined function must still follow the semantics consisting of binding the values of forms to its parameters. Inlining it must not change that.
<semz> I'm mostly concerned with safety declarations, but these aren't really portable to begin with outside of the safe/unsafe distinction
<beach> semz: Put differently, inlining is not done by including source code into the inlining function.
<beach> I see.
<semz> e.g. if foo uses default safety and is inlined into bar, which uses low safety, would the inlined foo be treated as compiled under low safety?
<semz> so far it seems like this question is ill-defined as far as standard CL is concerned though
<beach> Good question. I don't know.
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<Krystof> I don't think the standard is explicit on this
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<Krystof> I can imagine two implementations of inline: one which substitutes the source code (where you would naturally get low safety in your example) and one which substitutes the compiled code (default safety)
<Krystof> if you know you want the first interpretation you can use a compiler macro instead, assuming your implementation does anything with compiler macros
<Krystof> if you want the second one, your best chnace is probably something like (declaim (inline foo)) (defun foo (x) (locally (declare default-safety) ...))
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<ogamita> I had the impression that in general, we want more of a source-code inlining, eg. to allow early type optimizations.
<beach> Inlining source code would not be sound semantically.
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<beach> You would get capture of free function references.
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<Krystof> clearly my imagination was incomplete :)
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<jackdaniel> uh oh, ccl bug
<jackdaniel> ? truncate can't into 59/8 447/16
<jackdaniel> The value #<BOGUS object @ #x7FE41C462B0D> is not of the expected type RATIO.
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<jackdaniel> (the message "truncate can't into ..." is my own showing values I pass to truncate somewhere deep inside a a program, the message below is the actual condition)
<edgar-rft> is #<BOGUS object ...> of type BOGUS ?
<jackdaniel> beats me, according to my handler arguments passed to truncate are both ratios (59/8 and 447/16)
<hayley> Smells like the ratios were on the stack?
<hayley> Heap addresses in Lisp tend to be smaller (in SBCL and CCL, I think).
<jackdaniel> well, I'm printing them in the same dynamic extent as the function truncate is called
<jackdaniel> so that should not be much of a problem
<jackdaniel> but it might be that ccl mishandles the stack
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<jackdaniel> (in this particular program) -- sbcl does not have this issue
<jackdaniel> (neither ecl)
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<NotThatRPG> Anyone out there ever used `cl-async`?
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<jackdaniel> I think that you'd be better off asking the question (instead of probing first whether there is someone who'd potentially might answer)
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<NotThatRPG> I'm having trouble trying to run the `cl-async` event loop in a thread (started by `bordeaux-threads:make-thread`): according to the cl-async docs, this should be fine. But socket connections that succeed when run in the main thread fail when run in a subsidiary thread.
<aeth> implementation and OS?
<NotThatRPG> aeth: SBCL, MacOS.
<fe[nl]ix> sounds like a special variable is not inherited into the new thread
<NotThatRPG> aeth: Interestingly, one of the cl-async tests -- checking a failed socket connection -- fails with a timeout error when run in the subsidiary thread (instead of a socket closed error). I see a timeout error in my threaded version, too.
<NotThatRPG> fe[nl]ix: that's a good point. I will see if some of this code (which is riddled with global variables) could be relying on something that is not inherited. I believe that all I have to worry about is dynamic bindings, not top-level/global bindings, right?
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<NotThatRPG> Unfortunately, the logging in cl-async is not at all adequate to debugging purposes.
<fe[nl]ix> yes, dynamic bindings are not inherited
<varjag> wanna do async right, do it yourself ;)
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<NotThatRPG> varjag: Honestly, I don't want to do event loops! It's just that cl-mqtt does, and some people I'm working with want to use MOSQUITTO.
<NotThatRPG> Oh, yeah -- I don't want to use MOSQUITTO, either!
<NotThatRPG> This code is a big pile of Don't Want! ;-)
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<NotThatRPG> Specifically, it's a call to `mqtt-connect` that is failing, AFAICT.
<NotThatRPG> Looks like if a socket connection fails with EOF, CL-MQTT doesn't properly notice, and instead just coughs up timeout errors trying to write to the EOFed socket.
<NotThatRPG> An example of why I am not loving CL-ASYNC is that its error-handling is deeply cryptic.
<_death> I would consider rewriting the client bits to use ordinary blocking code, maybe salvaging some of the encoding/protocol bits
<varjag> when i was looking into this stuff i just wrote a bespoke implementation
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<varjag> most of libraries over usocket and bt are a tad beyond my comfort level for prod
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<NotThatRPG> Yes, I think my team-mates have invested too much faith in these libraries.
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<NotThatRPG> I don't think the error handling in the mqtt client is sufficient.
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