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<Josh_2> Hi
<Josh_2> How did Lisp Machines or older lisps used to manage source code? Versioning etc?
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<edgar-rft> I'm old but I never had a Lisp Machine :-) The only thing that comes to mind is that Common Lisp pathnames can have a "version" component -> http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/19_baf.htm
<ixelp> CLHS: Section
<White_Flame> old lisp filesystems stored versions automatically on overwrite, but that wasn't really "source control" as we know it
<aeth> a good substitute for the old foo-1.lisp foo-2.lisp etc
<aeth> but, yes, the problem is that you don't necessarily get a consistent state because foo-2 might not line up with bar-2
<aeth> a lot of the time it's not actually going to cause issues (most revisions don't change every document and most APIs are stable)
<aeth> it doesn't give you a snapshot of a point in time larger than one file, though
<aeth> (and modern distributed vcs like git solves separate issues... what happens when two people work on the same repository at the same time? or working offline etc.)
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<jobhdez> what do you all like about common lisp the best? for your use case?
<hayley> It goes fast, and is interactive.
<beach> CLOS for me I think.
<jobhdez> nice. any of you have experience building compilers with common lisp?
<beach> Hard to decide. Yes, the interactive/incremental aspect.
<beach> jobhdez: Yes, me, bike, hayley, and more.
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<jobhdez> any of you have experience using ANF as an intermediate language?
<beach> Not me.
<hayley> Nor I.
<jobhdez> what type of compilers have you you all worked on?
<jobhdez> just curious
<beach> minion: Please tell jobhdez about Cleavir.
<minion> jobhdez: Cleavir: A project to create an implementation-independent compilation framework for Common Lisp. Currently Cleavir is part of SICL, but that might change in the future
<beach> Actually Cleavir v2 is NOT part of SICL.
<beach> minion: Please tell jobhdez about SICL.
<minion> jobhdez: SICL: SICL is a (perhaps futile) attempt to re-implement Common Lisp from scratch, hopefully using improved programming and bootstrapping techniques. See https://github.com/robert-strandh/SICL
<ixelp> GitHub - robert-strandh/SICL: A fresh implementation of Common Lisp
<hayley> Well, define ANF. I guess the Cleavir IR has a similar invariant, that the results of all trivial computations have "names" (locations).
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<jobhdez> a normal form -consists of atomic expressions and complex expressions; eg temp = 10 + -3 -> temp_1 = -3; temp = 10 + temp_1
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<beach> For Common Lisp, you need more than that. You need to represent things like non-local control transfer and the creation of entries in the dynamic environment.
<jobhdez> yeah but anf consists of more translations
<ixelp> A-Normalization: Why and How (with code)
<beach> So are you trying to convert us?
<jobhdez> no
<jobhdez> convert into what?
<beach> To using ANF instead of what we are currently using.
<jobhdez> of course not
<jobhdez> i was just asking
<beach> OK.
<jobhdez> :)
<hayley> Might's article reassures me that we have all the benefits of ANF already.
<hayley> The sea of nodes is cooler though.
<beach> Yeah, we should use sea-of-nodes at some point.
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<jobhdez> will SICL be a more "modern" common lisp with new optimizations and so on?
<beach> I hope so. We already designed a better algorithm for generic dispatch, and we designed a technique for call-site optimization that I think will work quite well.
<beach> We invented some minor things as well, like path replication.
<beach> But mainly, it will be more maintainable, more modular, and it will have better support for debugging.
<jobhdez> thats awesome. implementing common lisp from scratch is a massive undertaking.
<beach> Yes, but in ways I couldn't predict.
<beach> Like, the compiler was fairly straightforward (but not simple). But there is lots of work in the details of everything.
<jobhdez> what turned out being harder than expected?
<beach> Like the details of the error handling in the package system, for instance. It is non-trivial. But maybe that's just me.
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<jobhdez> ill see if i can contribute to your project
<beach> Great!
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<beach> You need to know that most of the code is either already extracted to separate repositories, or it will be.
<beach> So don't look for missing parts in the SICL repository.
<beach> And, consult with is (in #sicl) before taking anything on.
<beach> Here http://metamodular.com/SICL/ is a list of most of the papers we have published.
<ixelp> SICL documents
<Catie> That is something I like about SICL is that it's got all these papers in its repository. They make for nice reading
<beach> Thank you!
<Catie> Oh same to you, one hundred percent
* beach blushes.
<Catie> I am curious, the call-site optimization paper uses "we" but you're the only author listed, is that just a standard thing or were there more people who worked on the approach who were unlisted? Or some third thing that I'm not thinking of?
<hayley> I think it's a standard thing.
<Catie> Yeah that makes sense
<beach> Yes, it's a standard thing.
<Catie> Okay yeah, gotcha
<hayley> The university wants me to return my copy of the Garbage Collection Handbook next month, just before the second edition is scheduled to be released.
<beach> So what's your plan? Get them to buy the second edition for you?
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<hayley> I've only got another semester of study to go, so I'll buy my own copy.
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<alcor> Is there a standard "prompt" function in CL, for use in (restart-case … (use-value (value) :interactive … value))? I want to prompt the user to type a new value when in an interactive environment.
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<alcor> Something like (prompt "Enter a form to use as a value") resulting in Enter a form to use as a value: _ in an interactive prompt.
<pjb> alcor: there's *query-io*, and the only such functions are y-or-n-p and yes-or-no-p
<aeth> I'm immediately thinking of y-or-n-p and yes-or-no-p
<pjb> So only type supported: boolean.
<aeth> sadly, just booleans, yes, but it does point to *query-io* as what to read from
<pjb> But of course, you can find the function you seek in libraries.
<pjb> or applications.
<aeth> hmm, it's bidirectional actually
<aeth> (progn (format *query-io* "Please enter your name: ") (read *query-io*))
<pjb> For example, in COM.INFORMATIMAGO.EDITOR I have: https://termbin.com/pj7od
<aeth> probably in some utility library
<pjb> aeth: you forgot finish-output!!!
<pjb> (and possibly clear-input).
<alcor> Which one? I didn't find something like that in the usual candidates (Alexandria, Serapeum).
<pjb> (progn (format *query-io* "Please enter your name: ") (finish-output *query-io*) (read *query-io*))
<Gleefre> [ also name probably should be read with read-line ? ]
<pjb> #c(1/2 42) is my name.
<aeth> Gleefre: which suggests why PROMPT doesn't exist while Y-OR-N-P does
<aeth> because once you don't use a boolean, you probably have a dozen different ways to do the read part
<Gleefre> Yeah.
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<aeth> something like READ-LINE works better for names, but what if you want the next prompt to be age?
<alcor> I want to prompt for LISP value, i.e. via the reader 🤷
<aeth> which I think uses READ
<alcor> Actually, scratch that. What if I want to prompt for a CLOS instance. AFAIK, read just *reads*, but what if I want to call some instance factory function.
<Gleefre> With lisp reader there are some precautions to be made by the way
<Gleefre> Also you might want to read evaluated vs unevaluated value
<Gleefre> And you might want to disable #. reader macro
<Gleefre> And set the correct *package*
* alcor sees a dozen footguns appear in the distance
<Gleefre> There exists with-sane-io-syntax iirc
<Gleefre> *with-standard-io-syntax
<Gleefre> And then you can modify some variables like setfing *read-eval* to nil. On the clhs page all variables affecting the printer/reader syntax are listed it seems
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<Gleefre> By the way, I have a prototype of symbol links built into sbcl ( https://github.com/Gleefre/sbcl/tree/symbol-link )
<ixelp> GitHub - Gleefre/sbcl at symbol-link
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<Gleefre> And it feels nice - for example since reader follows them at read time after (add-symbol-link 'mvb 'multiple-value-bind) I can have syntax hints for mvb as well as for multiple-value-bind
<beach> alcor: Be a bit more careful about terminology, please. There is no such thing as a CLOS instance, or a CLOS class. Every Common Lisp object is an instance of a class, and every class is a CLOS class, because classes didn't exist before CLOS. Also a class is definitely an object.
<beach> alcor: You may want to use STANDARD-OBJECT, STANDARD-CLASS, and instance of STANDARD-CLASS for what you want to describe.
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<jcowan> beach: If all classes are CLOS classes and vice versa (and they are), then "class" and "CLOS class" are absolute synonyms, and it seems to me to be pedantic to complain about the use of one rather than the other.
<beach> You missed the context. I complain when "CLOS class" is used to distinguish a class from some other class, which by definition can not exist.
<beach> ... and when "CLOS instance" is used to indicate a subset of class instances, when every Common Lisp datum is an instance of some class, so that every Common Lisp datum is a "CLOS instance".
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<jackdaniel> structures predate clos inclusion, so the structure-class could be validly perceived as non-clos. I don't think that it is ambiguous when someone says clos instance when they mean a standard-object
<jackdaniel> (that said, indeed structures are retrofitted into clos, so technically you are correct)
<jackdaniel> from other news, ECL is going for a release, now we need to test for regressions on various platforms: https://gitlab.com/embeddable-common-lisp/ecl/-/issues/706
<ixelp> 23.x.x release candidate testing (#706) · Issues · Embeddable Common-Lisp / ECL · GitLab
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<beach> It is not ambiguous in that I know roughly what they are trying to say, though it can often be STANDARD-OBJECT or instance of STANDARD-CLASS. But I think it is important to use correct terminology, if for nothing else to avoid confusing newbies.
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<jackdaniel> I wonder whether newbies are more confused by non-ambiguous terminology or by discussing what is the correct terminology
<beach> *sigh*
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<pve> Hello! Is there a function that will tell me whether the point is at the beginning of a symbol? I.e. |abc => T and ab|c => NIL. I'm drawing a blank trying to implement this.
<pve> ugh wrong channel
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<pve> Hi-Angel: wow it works, thanks.. does "<" actually indicate "beginning of symbol"?
<pve> oh so sorry, i did it again
<pjb> In emacs regexps, \< means beginning of word. Not just <.
<jobhdez> here is a good video about lisp:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svmPz5oxMlI
<ixelp> Lisp, The Quantum Programmer's Choice - Computerphile - YouTube
<jobhdez> you guys are going to hate me but im a common lisp user and havent used slime:/
<jobhdez> i need to try slime!
<pve> I should clearly change irc clients :)
<pjb> jobhdez: well, slime doesn't matter much, but do you use emacs at least?
<jobhdez> yes I use emacs
<pve> pjb: ok I see, thanks
<pjb> There's inferior-lisp in emacs M-x run-lisp RET sbcl RET
<pjb> that's enough. You may also add a few custom commands to help.
<jobhdez> yea emacs what I use but for some reason never had the need to use slime but i have heard slime is wonderful
<pjb> jobhdez: for example: https://github.com/informatimago/rc/blob/1142888bb6f03dbc806dcbbfd404e6060f46a99b/emacs-slime.el#L812 to L896 can be used just with inferior-lisp. (independent of slime).
<ixelp> rc/emacs-slime.el at 1142888bb6f03dbc806dcbbfd404e6060f46a99b · informatimago/rc · GitHub
<jobhdez> thanks!
<pjb> jobhdez: there's even an older package named ilisp that may still work.
<ixelp> CLiki: ILISP
<pjb> on sourceforge, that says how old it is: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ilisp/
<ixelp> ILISP download | SourceForge.net
<jobhdez> ok thanks. do you use slime yourself pjb?
<pjb> Yes. Slime works reasonably well, on a wide range of implementations. This is an advantage. Notably the debugger, sldb has the same commands over all implementations.
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<Gleefre> I wrote a hack that enables symbol-links on sbcl at runtime so that they are easy to try out.
<Gleefre> Though defpackage is not patched
<ixelp> GitHub - Gleefre/symbol-links: This is a hack that enables symbol links (common lisp).
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<jcowan> But I do not, and that's my choice. Lisp is not tied to an IDE.
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<jcowan> s/do not/& use emacs
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