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<Josh_2> hi :trumpet:
<Josh_2> I have a print-object method specialized on a class X that uses ~T, I am trying to now have another print-object for a class Y that has an instance of X within it and I'm using ~S to display it, but how can I tabulate all of the output for X?
<Josh_2> I am not sure if that makes sense
<Josh_2> I use ~T in my print-object for Y to try and tabulate the display of instance X then only the first line is tabulated, I want to move all of the output over 10 spaces
<Josh_2> idk what am doin
<Josh_2> Okay I think I make more clear with example https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3819#3819
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<Josh_2> Is possible?
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<dnhester90> Hi, can anyone help me with a defsystem issue?
<dnhester90> I'm stuck in ASDF system definition failing me. I've tried reading and following examples from other projects to no avail...
<dnhester90> This is the error I'm getting:
<dnhester90> ```lisp
<dnhester90> debugger invoked on a ASDF/ACTION:CIRCULAR-DEPENDENCY in thread
<dnhester90> #<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {1001100073}>:
<dnhester90>   Circular dependency:
<dnhester90>      ((#<ASDF/LISP-ACTION:LOAD-OP >
<dnhester90>        . #<ASDF/LISP-ACTION:CL-SOURCE-FILE "myproject" "src" "models" "posts">)
<dnhester90>       (#<ASDF/LISP-ACTION:LOAD-OP > . #<ASDF/SYSTEM:SYSTEM "myproject">)
<dnhester90>       (#<ASDF/LISP-ACTION:LOAD-OP >
<dnhester90>        . #<ASDF/COMPONENT:MODULE "myproject" "src">)
<dnhester90>       (#<ASDF/LISP-ACTION:LOAD-OP >
<dnhester90>        . #<ASDF/COMPONENT:MODULE "myproject" "src" "models">))
<dnhester90> ```
<dnhester90> However, in my system definition it's not defined circularly:
<dnhester90> ```lisp
<dnhester90>  :components ((:module "src"
<dnhester90>    :components
<dnhester90> (defpackage myproject.models.posts
<dnhester90>  (:use :cl
<dnhester90>   :datafly
<dnhester90>           :sxql)
<dnhester90>  (:import-from :myproject.config :config)
<dnhester90>  (:import-from :myproject.db :db :with-connection)
<dnhester90>  (:import-from :mito)
<dnhester90>  (:import-from :cl-json)
<dnhester90>  (:import-from :sanity-clause)
<dnhester90>  (:import-from  :myproject.general-utils)
<dnhester90>  (:import-from  :myproject.model)
<dnhester90>  (:import-from  :myproject.model-utils))
<dnhester90> (in-package :myproject.models.posts)
<dnhester90> ```
<dnhester90> Can anyone help me??
<beach> dnhester90: Please use a paste site for more than one line of code.
<dnhester90> Sorry, just noticed it: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3820#3820
<dnhester90> Ah! @beach, how are you? I haven't been here for a while because I was busy with non lisp things, finally I'm back at it, and you helped me a lot a few years ago. Thank you!
<beach> Sure.
<dnhester90> Do you know any good guides (besides the official docs) for learning ASDF? I tried reading through the official docs but it wasn't so helpful in trying to debug my issue of a circular dependency...
<beach> I no of no good guides, unfortunately.
<beach> And, no, it does not have anything to do with package definitions.
<beach> To simplify your ASDF system definition, remove the :DEPENDS-ON and just say :SERIAL T at the top. If it is then still circular, then there is a circular dependency not between components, but between systems. Also, restart your image to make sure there is no stale stuff.
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<dnhester90> @beach thanks, I restarted the image a couple of times. I'll ad the serial option. But does that mean I have to manually set the compile order each time I add a file?
<beach> Yes. You stick the new file in after its dependencies.
<dnhester90> Thanks
<beach> It's not that hard. You will be warned by the compiler if something is undefined when a file is compiled.
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<dnhester90> I hear. If it turns out not to be a circular dependency after doing serial, does that mean the implementation of compiling based on system definition is broken? If so, where is it? Can I try to fix it? I haven't done this stuff in a while, but from what I remember it should just be doing depth first search on a Directed Acyclic Graph...
<beach> It means that your system depends on some other system S which in turn depends on your system. Or that S is itself circular.
<beach> If your system depends on no other system, I can't see how there could be any circular dependencies when you use :SERIAL T.
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<beach> Oh, sorry, misread...
<beach> If it is not circular after you do :SERIAL T it means that there is circularity in your :DEPENDS-ON, but I just don't see it.
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<dnhester90> Thanks, that's what I thought... I'm modifying it now to be serial... let's see if it works
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<dnhester90> @beach finally, it works! Turns out I had a `imports-from` statement in a defpackage in one of the files and that was the source, even though it wasn't the file being mentioned in the compiler error...
<beach> I don't see how ASDF can report a package problem.
<dnhester90> I don't know much about how this works, but I image if a package is being imported by a defpackage it must try to create a reference for that package at compile time for it to be available for any functions or variables used in the current file originating from that package, and that's why it breaks. It could be ASDF defines compile order, and the
<dnhester90> compiler itself when dealing with the defpackafe definitions was giving the error
<dnhester90> Do you usually do serial or depends-on when defining systems?
<dnhester90> is there a preferred practice?
<beach> The error message specifically mentions a circular dependency for ASDF.
<beach> I always use :SERIAL T, yes. My brain is too small to sort out the :DEPENDS-ON.
<dnhester90> "The error message specifically mentions a circular dependency for ASDF." I know, that's why I was stuck and didn't try to look into the package definitions so much based on the advice I found online...
<beach> What I am saying is that it can't possibly have anything to do with packages, because ASDF does not look at those.
<dnhester90> I would imagine it would be a great project to have a tool figure out compile order automatically and all the files and dependencies based on imports from defpackage, like it is in most languages, and at most exclude a file, or just point to the main file and not include anything not imported from the main start poing of the project...
<beach> There is such a thing already, but it imposes constraints that I can't live with.
<dnhester90> "What I am saying is that it can't possibly have anything to do with packages, because ASDF does not look at those." Ok, but that's what solved it. Removing a imports-from statement. So what can we say?
<beach> Package-inferred systems or something like that.
<dnhester90> What are the constraints or problems?
<beach> That a single file must contain all the code in a particular package, if I remember correctly.
<beach> Or that it doesn't have to be like that, but avoiding it is very complicated.
<beach> You don't need to quote me. My memory is not that bad (yet). I still remember what I uttered a few minutes ago.
<dnhester90> haha sorry, It's just that it's not always clear to which message I'm replying to. but ok, I'll refrain from doing so
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<ogamita> Josh_2: https://termbin.com/7nvw
<ogamita> dnhester90: you may use com.informatimago.tools.check-asdf to help you find the circles in your dependencies.
<dnhester90> @ogamita thanks will check it out
<beach> ogamita: That won't help if it is the package definition (which I still don't believe it can be, of course).
<ixelp> GitHub - informatimago/lisp: Clone of https://gitlab.com/com-informatimago/com-informatimago Informatimago Common Lisp L [...]
<ogamita> Well, with package definitions, you get other kinds of errors in case of circularity.
<ogamita> beach: unless, can you put a package definition in the asdf:defsystem form as seen in the paste? I assumed it was botched.
<beach> Maybe so.
<dnhester90> Thanks for the tip guys, this looks like it can be useful in the future
<Nilby> I have in the past seen possibly bogus circular-dependency errors that seemed to go away on recompiling, which may have been due to be a mismatch between versions of Quicklisp and ASDF.
<ogamita> Nilby: this sounds more like it disappeared because you double-loaded the sources.
<ogamita> a depends on b depends on a ; load a, fail; load b, ok; load a, ok.
<ogamita> This is the behavior you'd see with circularities in defpackage forms.
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<ogamita> notably, you can "build" those circularity when working in the image a long time, while loading successive versions. In the end, you only have the final versions of the files, and they have the circularity embedded so you cannot load them anymore from scratch.
<ogamita> load old-a ; load old-b ; load a ; load b -> when loading a, it can depend on the old-b, while old-a didn't. Next loading b it depends on a, and the circularity is established.
<Nilby> I understand that, but this was on a fresh image, and in cl-unicode, and went away when I got rid of old asdf versions.
<Nilby> Older debian and clisp have been know to supply quite old asdf.
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<phoe> Shinmera: aaaaaaa, someday
<phoe> I have no ability to do this at the moment
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<gilberth> I'm having a question about ~A. In it says "If arg is a string, its characters will be output verbatim." <https://novaspec.org/cl/22_3_Formatted_Output#sec_22_3_4_1> However of the Lisp implementation that I have all but CLISP and ECL invoke *print-circle* processing with ~A, even when the argument is a string. I get <https://termbin.com/bv53>
<ixelp> 22.3 Formatted Output | Common Lisp Nova Spec
<gilberth> The question is: Is it me reading the spec in a too naïve way, or is it the Lisp implementations being buggy here. Perhaps just saying PRINC with ~A.
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<beach> Hard to say.
<splittist> Aren't the implementations differing in how (many times) PRINT-OBJECT is called, not in how ~A works?
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<beach> Doesn't look that way since #<...> is output.
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<gilberth> This issue concerns me a bit. For two reasons, at times I am not brave enough for FORMAT and punt like (format stream "~S is ~A integer." x (if signed "a signed" "an unsigned")) This breaks with *print-circle*. The other is: You often see idioms like (format nil "~{~A~^, ~}" strings) to join a list of strings by commas. The latter also would break.
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<gilberth> splittist: The question is whether PRINT-OBJECT is invoked on ~A an argument at all, when that argument is a string.
<gilberth> That is whether pprint dispatch happens, whether *print-circle* processing happens. Or whether to take the spec verbatim and just invoke write-string with ~A when the argument is a string. Which is how I read that. But I'm not confident here, which is why I ask.
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<splittist> Ah - inside out rather than outside in.
<gilberth> And all those uses of FORMAT to craft strings from strings, e.g to generate some external representation would need to be wrapped around with-standard-io-syntax.
<gilberth> Let me put this question somewhat differently. Sould (format stream "~A" (the string x)) always be the same as (write-string (the string x) stream) or not?
<gilberth> Or should it rather be the same as (let ((*print-escape* nil) (*print-readably* nil)) (prin1 (the string x) stream)) ?
<scymtym> there seems to be a contradiction: ~A is supposed to output a string argument verbatim but ~S is supposed to be "just like ~A". i don't think both can be true since outputting strings verbatim prevents print-read consistency
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<gilberth> I don't see the contraction.
<scymtym> ah, no. "print-read consistency" doesn't mean what i thought it meant
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<gilberth> Yep, it just says that what is output is suitable for READ.
<gilberth> Anyhow, I'm at a loss here. Do I fix my code or do I fix my Lisp implementation? Who's to blame?
<gilberth> I first came across this with (format nil "~{~A~^, ~}" strings), which given that I'm lazy, I use a lot. I needed to turn on *print-circle* and my code broke.
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<gilberth> Here is another test, this time with ~:A printing NIL. Spec says "the colon modifier (~:A) will cause an arg of nil to be printed as ()". Doesn't happen either: https://termbin.com/y06j
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<gilberth> What about *print-pprint-dispatch* and ~A? <https://termbin.com/b2ds>
<gilberth> This is funny: <https://termbin.com/ro7kb> ;Note how SBCL special cases for (format nil "~a") and does not consult the pprint dispatch, while "~{~A~^, ~}" does. So someone, somewhen with SBCL share my interpretation. At least for some special case.
<yitzi> ~A is supposed to be like princ so it should use the dispatch table
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<gilberth> Yet the spec says that when the argument is a string that string should be printed verbatim. It also says that when the colon is present, NIL should print as (). This doesn't happen.
<yitzi> I don't think that is contradiction. It is just "pre-processing" by FORMAT's directives.
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<gilberth> It is. Not both claims "is printed with PRINC" and "If arg is a string, its characters will be output verbatim" can be true. Neither can the claim about NIL be true.
<gilberth> I read "An arg, any object, is printed without escape characters (as by princ). If arg is a string, its characters will be output verbatim." like "printed as with PRINC, but a string is printed verbatim." Likewise I read the following about ~:A printing NIL as () as an exception.
<gilberth> I don't read it like ~A is always like PRINC.
<yitzi> I agree
<gilberth> Good, then this is two of us. At least I am not the only idiot here. ;-)
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<yitzi> After digging around in the plumbing of the printer a fair amount I have come to the conclusion that there are some odd things that were brought into the spec from the XP printers, and at the same time almost no details of the pretty printer were brought into the spec. For example, there is no statement about what is in the initial dispatch table. It is very underspecified, IMHO.
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<jackdaniel> format is the foremost overengineered construct in cl standard
<jackdaniel> loop comes second to it
<jackdaniel> funnily enough neither is partably extensible in a convenient way
<jackdaniel> (opinionated take™)
<NotThatRPG> Anyone out there using cl-async? I am facing some code that uses it and am lost. The code invokes `cl-asyn:start-event-loop` which, as far as I can tell, should return, but instead it hangs.
<gilberth> The pretty printer dispatch isn't what concerns me here too much. It's *print-circle* that concerns me. And the use of format to stich strings together by means of ~A. The assumption that (format nil "~{~A~}" strings) would be like (concatenate 'string strings) is true or false depending on how you read the ~A spec.
<NotThatRPG> I mean by "hangs" if I invoke it in the REPL, it never returns, not that it literally hangs.
<yitzi> jackdaniel: completely agree.
<jackdaniel> :)
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<NotThatRPG> oh, I see: that code is just wrong. The event-loop won't terminate, and shouldn't.
<jackdaniel> bt:make-thread 'start-event-loop perhaps should do the trick
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<jeosol> Good morning all!
<jeosol> Hope everyone is doing well!
<jeosol> Is anyone aware of a library to write to GCP bucket from CL side?
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<gilberth> It gets funnier. https://novaspec.org/cl/v_print-circle says "If a user-defined print-object method prints to a stream other than the one that was supplied, then circularity detection starts over for that stream." Doesn't happen with SBCL, CMUCL, or ABCL. <https://termbin.com/504d>
<ixelp> *print-circle* | Common Lisp Nova Spec
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<yitzi> gilberth: I'd be surprised if any implementation does that. They all use a single group of dynamic variables to control it. If one implementation is different it could be CLISP. All the other implementations use either the original XP code or CMUCL's rewrite.
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<HamzaShahid> Hello Everyone!
<HamzaShahid> I wanted to create permutations of a list like (0 1 2) to ((0 1 2) (0 2 1) (1 0 2) (1 2 0) ...) lexecographically
<HamzaShahid> I came up with this recursive solution: https://termbin.com/nst4f
<HamzaShahid> Thing is... It kind of has a lot of annoying nested lists and all
<HamzaShahid> I am unable to make a function for that due to lack of skill
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<gilberth> yitzi: Have you looked at the results that I got?
<yitzi> Sorry, I didn't see that you did CLISP also.
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<gilberth> CCL, ECL, and ACL are fine too. It's CMUCL^WSBCL being lazy here.
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<yitzi> I'm not sure about CCL, ECL and ACL. CLASP is based on ECL it doesn't attempt make circle detection stream specific.
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<gilberth> So with CMUCL^SBCL, ECL, ABCL circle printing also is ineffective when you print somewhere else. Again CCL, CLISP, ACL getting it right. IMHO.
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<pjb> HamzaShahid: it's the same code to create permutations of 2 values as for n values! Just modify my function (trivially).
<pjb> HamzaShahid: (defun all-symbol-combinations (p n) (if (zerop n) '(()) (let ((rests (all-bit-combinations (- n 1)))) (mapcan (lambda (bit) (mapcar (lambda (rest) (cons bit rest)) rests)) (iota p))))) (all-symbol-combinations 4 3) #| --> ((0 0 0) (0 0 1) (0 1 0) (0 1 1) (1 0 0) (1 0 1) (1 1 0) (1 1 1) (2 0 0) (2 0 1) (2 1 0) (2 1 1) (3 0 0) (3 0 1) (3 1 0) (3 1 1)) |#
<pjb> HamzaShahid: sorry, bad renaming; here it is: (defun all-symbol-combinations (p n) (if (zerop n) '(()) (let ((rests (all-symbol-combinations p (- n 1)))) (mapcan (lambda (bit) (mapcar (lambda (rest) (cons bit rest)) rests)) (iota p))))) (all-symbol-combinations 4 3) #| --> ((0 0 0) (0 0 1) (0 0 2) (0 0 3) (0 1 0) (0 1 1) (0 1 2) (0 1 3) (0 2 0) (0 2 1) (0 2 2) (0 2 3) (0 3 0) (0 3 1) (0 3 2) (0 3 3) (1 0 0) (1 0 1) (1 0 2) (1 0 3) (1 1
<pjb> 0) (1 1 1) (1 1 2) (1 1 3) (1 2 0) (1 2 1) (1 2 2) (1 2 3) (1 3 0) (1 3 1) (1 3 2) (1 3 3) (2 0 0) (2 0 1) (2 0 2) (2 0 3) (2 1 0) (2 1 1) (2 1 2) (2 1 3) (2 2 0) (2 2 1) (2 2 2) (2 2 3) (2 3 0) (2 3 1) (2 3 2) (2 3 3) (3 0 0) (3 0 1) (3 0 2) (3 0 3) (3 1 0) (3 1 1) (3 1 2) (3 1 3) (3 2 0) (3 2 1) (3 2 2) (3 2 3) (3 3 0) (3 3 1) (3 3 2) (3 3 3)) |#
<pjb> HamzaShahid: since it can grow fast, you may want to do it incrementally. have a look at: https://gitlab.com/com-informatimago/com-informatimago/-/blob/master/common-lisp/cesarum/combination.lisp
<ixelp> common-lisp/cesarum/combination.lisp · master · com-informatimago / com.informatimago · GitLab
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<jackdaniel> pjb: please don't paste code directly on the channel
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<HamzaShahid> pjb: Thanks! Let me test it out
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<gilberth> So it looks like SBCL abandoms *print-circle* processing when doing output to another stream altogether, but for the top-level object printed to that other stream. I can see why they have chosen to do so. Watch <https://termbin.com/y6fs>. This time using ~S. When asking for ~20S however, CCL fails to do *print-circle* processing because it first prints the argument to a string.
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<gilberth> However, completely abandoning *print-circle* may make you face some infinite recursion. I don't like that.
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