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<beach> hayley: Did you write it in C?
<beach> Or, I guess if it is a garbage collector, in non-conforming C?
<hayley> C with dubious degrees of undefined behaviour.
<beach> Yes, I understand.
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<hayley> C++ would hurt marginally less (in particular, I use #define and #include as a lame template system), and I wasn't sure how to manage the MMTk library (written in Rust) as a build dependency.
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<puchacz> hi, which matrix library works in non-sbcl lisps? magicl, lisp-stat, numericals don't compile in abcl and clasp.
<puchacz> does not have to be fast
<puchacz> array-operations seem to work in abcl
<JoshYoshi> pjb: are you using copilot.el?
<JoshYoshi> oh
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<Josh_2> :sunglasses:
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<Shinmera> puchacz: Have you tried 3d-matrices
<Shinmera> I don't know if it works, but it might :)
<puchacz> Shinmera, no, thanks - I will try
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<flip214> CLHS 2.1.4 lists ":" as constituent character, like plus and alphanumerics. Can I tell the lisp reader to read a colon like any other alnum? so that (let ((*package* ...)) (read-from-string "foo:bar")) would return a symbol <some package>::|foo:bar|.
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<beach> You can configure Eclector to do that.
<puchacz> Shinmera - +1 for 3d-matrices, it works in abcl. and it has wolfram output format :)  thanks!
<Shinmera> yay :)
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<puchacz> will try clasp in a moment, it takes ages longer to compile
<puchacz> I saw the name before, but I dismissed it as I thought it was specialised for 3x3 matrices
<puchacz> and indeed it has a type for 3x3, but it also has any size matrices
<puchacz> so all good
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<flip214> beach: do you have an example? simply passing in a modified readtable doesn't work.
<beach> No, that stuff can't be configured by a readtable since : is not a macro character.
<beach> You need to stick a method on INTERPRET-TOKEN (the name might be wrong).
<flip214> I can see :package-marker in tokens.lisp, but #\: gets checked in other places as well...
<beach> If you override INTERPRET-TOKEN, the : should not be checked anywhere else.
<flip214> interpret-symbol-token ?
<beach> The default method on INTERPRET-TOKEN calls INTERPRET-SYMBOL, but you want to override the default method.
<flip214> well, interpret-token does quite a lot of stuff....
<beach> I think you can call CALL-NEXT-METHOD for the other cases.
<beach> Check whether there are any : in the token, and then call INTERN or something like that. If not, call CALL-NEXT-METHOD.
<beach> By "override" I mean, define your own CLIENT object and specialize to its class. Do not replace the existing method.
<beach> That way, both your method and the default method are applicable.
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<beach> Does that make sense?
<flip214> yeah, but.... I need to duplicate the whole logic checking whether the input is a float, a ratio, an integer, a string ... BEFORE I can hand over to the default method
<beach> Why?
<beach> If it contains : then it can't be any of those.
<flip214> and at least a string can always include a colon
<beach> But a string is not a token.
<beach> So INTERPRET-TOKEN will not be called for a string.
<flip214> okay, can I read that up somewhere?
<beach> Read up what? Whether strings are tokens?
<beach> In chapter 2 I think.
<beach> clhs 2
<ixelp> CLHS: Chapter 2
<beach> The reader algorithm tells you when there is a token. In those cases, Eclector calls INTERPRET-TOKEN.
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<puchacz> Shinmera, FYI, no luck with clasp - it seems to be looping forever when compiling 3d-matrices. for about 20 mins now
<Shinmera> Dang. Guess bike will want to know about that
<jackdaniel> looping or just compiling generic functions?
<puchacz> it is using CPU, but no new dots being printed
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<Shinmera> 3d-m doesn't use many generic functions
<puchacz> well, I can wait.
<Shinmera> it uses almost none, in fact
<flip214> beach: hmmm... a symbol without colon is a symbol too
<jackdaniel> the next method will surely catch that
<jackdaniel> s/that/on that/
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<beach> flip214: But then the default method will do the right thing.
<beach> flip214: I really don't see what the problem is here.
<flip214> (defmethod eclector.reader:interpret-symbol-token ...) looks much easier
<beach> Yes, but then you can't have any old configuration of : in your token.
<beach> flip214: Like you can't have X: or X:X:X.
<pve> flip214: Here are some eclector examples, perhaps they can help you? This one, for example, deals with colons (not very elegantly, but still):
<ixelp> eclector-access/examples/extended-package-prefix-syntax.lisp at master · pve1/eclector-access · GitHub
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<flip214> beach: pve: thanks... I need to think about what exactly should be allowed, and what should be the result.
<flip214> Like #:foo should be interned as |#:foo| in the same package as |bar:foo|? or not interned anywhere? or disallowed?
<flip214> and what about #\:? that currently gives me #:|| ....
<pve> flip214: it sounds like maybe you could get away with just an interpret-symbol method? Because i think the package-indicator parameter is going to be the "foo" part from your example. So you just call-next-method with a modified symbol-name and package-indicator.
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<flip214> pve: do you mean interpret-symbol-token?
<pve> flip214: let me check, it's been a while
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<beach> flip214: So, let me get the specification clear... If you have a token that does not contain a colon, you want it handled normally, and if it does, you want to do something else with it. Right?
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<beach> flip214: Because, if so, that is precisely what I suggested. Create an overriding (or perhaps the right word is "extending") method that checks for colon. If the token does not contain a colon, call CALL-NEXT-METHOD which will handle it normally, otherwise, do whatever you want in your overriding method.
<pve> flip214: something like this? https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3852
<pve> flip214: oh, that translate-symbol function is not needed, please ignore it
<pve> I'll remove it..
<flip214> beach: well, ":foo" should be interned in keyword, else in *package*. and it's not _that_ easy, because #\: gets handled wrong.
<puchacz> Shinmera, FYI 2 - clasp compiled 3d-matrices after all, and it seems to be working
<puchacz> it just took a very long time, more than 20 mins
<flip214> pve: I'll try that.
<puchacz> and it complained 3 times like:
<puchacz> (write-matrix (mat2) T :format :wolfram)
<puchacz> sorry
<puchacz> like this
<puchacz> note:
<puchacz> ; BUG: Serious condition during type inference of CORE:RECIPROCAL:
<puchacz> ; (SINGLE-FLOAT * (0.0f0)) is not of type CLASP-CLEAVIR::INTERVAL.
<puchacz> ; at /home/puchacz/quicklisp/dists/ultralisp/software/Shinmera-3d-matrices-20230316110429/ops.lisp 820:26
<puchacz> but anyway - I can try to use it :)
<pve> flip214: btw you need to "load" that example (not compile) because I didn't put in any eval-whens
<flip214> pve: well, just messing around interactively, anyway
<pve> cool
<flip214> pve: not that easy.... https://paste.debian.net/hidden/47d5f21b/
<ixelp> Debian Pastezone
<flip214> and running interpret-symbol instead of call-next-method is a loop
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<flip214> but I can drop the special client in the recursive call
<flip214> still, #:foo and #\: need to be handled as special cases...
<pve> I'm not sure what I'm looking at :)
<flip214> pve, beach: thanks for the help, I'll need to think some more
<beach> flip214: I don't get it. If you want :FOO to be a keyword, then intern it there in your overriding method.
<flip214> pve: error message from sbcl
<pve> did my example produce that?
<beach> flip214: How can : be handled wrong if you handle it yourself?
<flip214> pve: with some small modifications, yes
<flip214> beach: that is the point -- I *need* to handle it myself, and for that I need to find out where it is used and what I want to do with it in each case
<pve> flip214: Ok, I mean it does work as I pasted it
<flip214> pve: yes, it does. thanks a lot!
<flip214> my original idea "just make #\: a constituent like #\a" was restricted to symbol tokens, now I have a bigger set of tokens to think through
<pve> flip214: hm so what was your modification?
<beach> Ah, changing requirements.
<flip214> pve: I changed the target package, and (if (member package-indicator '(:keyword :current))
<pve> flip214: and that gave you the error you showed?
<flip214> with interpret-symbol there's another small problem - 3:4 and 3::4 get read identically, and 3:::4 is disallowed completely. maybe I need to use interpret-token after all.
<pve> checking for :keyword is good, I forgot to do that
<pve> you could check those cases in interpret-token, and maybe bind a special variable, and still handle it in interpret-symbol
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<ixelp> Debian Pastezone
<flip214> how to get that error
<pve> trying you method, I get the error too
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<pve> ah, is it because package-indicator is nil? And therefore of type null?
<pve> so we can't call-next-method with "CL-USER"
<pve> right, so package-indicator seems to be NIL for uninterned symbols
<pve> so maybe call-next-method in that case too?
<flip214> I just dropped the client argument for the "recursive" call
<pve> I added nil to the member check, worked fine
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<flip214> so there's just the question whether 3:4 should be EQ 3::4 after reading or not, and whether 3:::4 should be allowed or not....
<jackdaniel> I think that to answer this question you must elaborate what is the purpose of reading symbols this way?
<jackdaniel> i.e why are you doing this
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<flip214> long story
<flip214> wait for ELS24, perhaps
<jackdaniel> given the above insight imo 3:::4 seems totally legit
<flip214> well, eclector doesn't allow it, though
<flip214> hrmpf
<flip214> If I use eclector to READ-FROM-STRING, I can't use CL:LOAD any more
<pve> why? :)
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<Shinmera> puchacz: good to know, though bike might still want to know about it
<scymtym> flip214: to allow more than two package markers, you could use (handler-bind ((eclector.reader::symbol-can-have-at-most-two-package-markers #'eclector.reader:recover)) (call-next-method)) in an :AROUND method on INTERPRET-TOKEN
<scymtym> the actual interpretation of these tokens would need custom CHECK-SYMBOL-TOKEN and INTERPRET-SYMBOL-TOKEN methods, of course
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<fuwatou16> Hi, I am trying to compile sbcl-2.3.5 on windows using MinGW and having troubles. gcc complains about "conflicting types for select" (and a bunch of other types like timespec); I am not familiar enough about c to figure out how to fix that but it seems like MinGW helper files have some problems. Can anyone help me with this? thanks.
<beach> fuwatou16: I think there is also an SBCL-specific channel which might be better for this kind of problem.
<Gleefre> You could try building with clang
<fuwatou16> I was not aware of that. I'll try ask there.
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<fuwatou16> I have tried used clang and it yields error: internal compiler error which libtraceback cannot generate a trace
<fuwatou16> which I think is even more hopeless to dig in
<beach> Wow!
<jackdaniel> it seems that your compilation environment is broken one way or another; an easy fix is to replace windows with some saner operating system (and no, osx is _not_ saner ;)
<alcor> Building anything on Windows with just vanilla MinGW is a PITA. fuwatou16, try using MSys2 if you can, or if at all possible - cross-compiling.
<fuwatou16> I can use linux for development but at the end of the day I have to target windows (with sbcl). And I think it is not really reasonably possible to cross-compile using sbcl?
<fuwatou16> Yeah I am using MSys2 and tried to compile with different environments. Each failure is either internal compiler error or that conflicting type.
<jackdaniel> cross-compiling from linux actually worked fine for me when I needed to (but I did not bother with that for a few years already)
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<fuwatou16> Maybe I should look into cross compiling again, I tried and failed but I can't remember what caused it. Maybe things changed.
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<alcor> fuwatou16: How did you bootstrap SBCL? To compile SBCL, you need an existing CL compiler first (Which in this case could either be an older SBCL binary, or ECL/CCL)
<fuwatou16> I use sbcl-2.3.2 on windows
<fuwatou16> Somehow I need the newest version
<alcor> fuwatou16: If you want, you can try using a prebuilt sbcl-2.3.5 from the GitHub CI
<alcor> fuwatou16: An automated build of the 2.3.5 Tag is available here https://github.com/sbcl/sbcl/actions/runs/5104228127
<ixelp> 2.3.5: will be tagged as "sbcl-2.3.5" · sbcl/sbcl@4eec3b3 · GitHub
<alcor> fuwatou16: If I'm not mistaken, the "sbcl-windows-installer" archive under "Artifacts" should contain a binary distribution.
<fuwatou16> Oh, thank you. I will look into it.
<alcor> I haven't tried it myself, but https://github.com/sbcl/sbcl/suites/13201030782/artifacts/718837696 contains an MSI installer which should be installable on Windows.
<fuwatou16> Installing. looks promising.
<fuwatou16> Yeah it works. Thanks
<alcor> Happy hacking ✨. Lemonodor fame awaits! 🍬🍰🍧
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<MetaYan> Just noticed a new quicklisp release. 2023-06-18
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<alcor> MetaYan: Is the changelog available somewhere?
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<yitzi> alcor: An announcement is normally at http://blog.quicklisp.org/ or https://planet.lisp.org ... but its not there yet.
<ixelp> Quicklisp news
<alcor> yitzi: Thanks, will check later. I thought there should be a git tag somewhere, but I can't find that either.
<MetaYan> Thanks, yitzi , I was looking for an official announcement place.
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<ogamita> osx is saner: it's a unix system. But yes. Starting from MS-Windows, you may try first to use wsl. wsl --install ubuntu ; wsl ; apt-get install sbcl # I have 2.1.11.debian currently. Then you can use it to compile 2.3.2
<ogamita> or whatever.
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<jackdaniel> osx is like: "declaratively posix, but our api is yolo"
<Shinmera> fuwatou: FWIW I can reproduce your compiler issue on mingw.
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<alcor> Shinmera: Should we file a bug? Curiously, the SBCL CI does not do anything fundamentally different. It also attempts to build using MSys2: https://github.com/sbcl/sbcl/blob/master/.github/workflows/windows.yml
<ixelp> sbcl/.github/workflows/windows.yml at master · sbcl/sbcl · GitHub
<Shinmera> I already posted on #sbcl
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<Shinmera> alcor: It seems like a bug in gcc/msys, and it's possible the github CI caches older packages.
<Gleefre> `(,@10) = (append 10) = 10
<Gleefre> That's sad
<Shinmera> Such are the burdens of backwards compatibility
<Gleefre> Hm
<Gleefre> clasp throws an error
<Shinmera> It's explicitly allowed by the standard.
<Shinmera> > result---an object. This will be a list unless the last list was not a list and all preceding lists were null.
<alcor> Shinmera: It's possible. I couldn't tell from the CI log at https://github.com/sbcl/sbcl/actions/runs/5310811756/jobs/9613235615 (a windows build from earlier today) which snapshot of MSys2 is being used.
<ixelp> arm64: don't use a temporary in array accessors. · sbcl/sbcl@a15d1c2 · GitHub
<Gleefre> Well, it doesn't seems to be the case for backquote
<alcor> Shinmera: Although, one thing that is interesting is the use of SBCL 1.4.14 for bootstrapping. I'm not sure if that has any effect though.
<jackdaniel> Gleefre: ,@ is slightly underspecified
<jackdaniel> that said: "Anywhere ``,@'' may be used, the syntax ``,.'' may be used instead to indicate that it is permissible to operate destructively on the list structure produced by the form following the ``,.'' (in effect, to use nconc instead of append). "
<jackdaniel> true horrors begin when you start imagining that ,@,@ has any meaning
<jackdaniel> even worse, it will work on some implementations
<Gleefre> It says though "If a comma is immediately followed by an at-sign, then the form ... is evaluated to produce a **list** of objects.
<jackdaniel> (at the cost of some amazing bonkers when you return half-spliced objects)
<jackdaniel> that's why I've said that it is underspecified
<Gleefre> Sure
<Gleefre> It's just... Sad
<jackdaniel> I have witnessed sadder things than quirky edge cases ;)
<Gleefre> Sure
<Gleefre> It's just... sad. Not very sad.
<beach> Gleefre: You should see the collection of undefined behavior that we try to address with the WSCL project.
<beach> Gleefre: For example, did you realize that it is not specified what happens when AREF is given an object that is not an array.
<beach> So (AREF 'x) could very well return 234.
<Shinmera> iirc, you can also get whatever if you index beyond the range
<beach> I think that's true, yes.
<Gleefre> Oh, I heard about wscl some time ago, wasn't able to remember the name some time ago
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<_death> you can also get whatever if you index within the range, sometimes
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<jackdaniel> in other words don't use arrays, lists are all you need
<jackdaniel> (if that's not obvious - it is a joke :)
<yitzi> (TARS humor setting 75%)
<therepl> How is ,@ implemented in the language? is it a reader macro? so that means when the reader finds , it has to do a lookahead to see if the next char is @ and then unwrap the list ahead?
<jackdaniel> therepl: it varies between implementations
<jackdaniel> cltl2 proposes some fancy implementation that involves carrying the state, but the standard allows doing what you've said (and some implementations do exactly that)
<yitzi> therepl: comma is one of the standard macro characters
<yitzi> clhs 2.4
<ixelp> CLHS: Section 2.4
<beach> therepl: Usually, backquote results in a macro form, and comma in something determined by the implementation. It is the resulting macro that does the job.
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<beach> therepl: So the reader typically doesn't do very much.
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<beach> therepl: The macro is an ordinary macro, as opposed to the reader macros associated with backquote and comma.
<yitzi> therepl: What it results in is implementation dependent. SBCL has a class to represent. ECL, CLASP use something like (UNQUOTE bla)
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<fuwatou> therepl: Actually it would transform it into codes that unwrap the list. When does the code run depends on the usage. Usually it's not read-time though.
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<beach> fuwatou: How could that be done if that code is not a macro call? It has to be done before run-time.
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<therepl> thanks beach, yitzi, fuwatou
<beach> Sure.
<fuwatou> beach: I don't understand what you mean by macro call. The expanded code can run at runtime if the implementation is an interpreter (and a very inefficient one)
<therepl> doesn't ,@ need to unwrap the list into its elements at macro evaluation time itself? otherwise, we will have incorrect code for the run-time.
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<fuwatou> What I want to say is that most of time it won't the list won't be unwrapped immediately after the macro function of comma is invoked
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<beach> fuwatou: I guess you are right. I guess the right term for what I named "macro call" is "macro form".
<fuwatou> Yes, it is evaluated in the macro environment.
<beach> clhs
<ixelp> CLHS: Section
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<fuwatou> (although it can be used outside of a macro form)
<_death> the structure is often built at runtime, but sometimes it's possible to avoid that, so that the result may be a literal
<beach> _death: How would the structure be built at run-time if a compiler is used?
<_death> beach: the form will expand to calls to list, append, vector, etc.
<jackdaniel> `(,@x) will expand to (append x) for that instance
<jackdaniel> s/will/may/
<beach> How would it expand if it is not a macro?
<_death> beach: I did not assume that it's not a macro?
<beach> _death: Maybe not, but I asked specifically about a compiled environment, and then minimal compilation is required, so that no macro forms remain at run-time.
<_death> I agree with what you said earlier, that backquote reader macro often results in a macro form
<beach> _death: OK, but my question still remains. How is it just "often" rather than "always" in a compiled environment?
<_death> `(1 2 3) can result in a literal, like the result of '(1 2 3)
<beach> That's not my question.
<beach> _death: <_death> the structure is often built at runtime, ... and then I asked how that would work in a compiled environment.
<_death> I'm not sure I understand what you're asking
<beach> Never mind. Not important.
<jackdaniel> in some situations the reader may churn out a constant, and such constant may be used both in the compilation environment and in the runtime environment
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<beach> Sure, but "used in the runtime environment" is different from "built at runtime".
<beach> Again, not important. I'll stop now.
<ixelp> (defmacro xyz (a) (flet ((q (b) (etypecase b (string (list b :m)) - Pastebin.com
<fuwatou> I wrote some code to help illustrate. I think the one in defun is expanded in runtime in any possible implementation?
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<_death> no, it is possible that nothing is _expanded_ at runtime
<beach> fuwatou: The backquote form would be turned into calls to LIST and APPEND at compile time.
<fuwatou> _death: my mistake, should be "unwrapped".
<_death> I don't know what "unwrapped" means
<fuwatou> beach: yes i think we all agree on that.
<_death> the expansion is to code like beach just mentioned, something like say (append '(g) (funcall f))
<fuwatou> _death: nevermind, I agree with that.
<fuwatou> It seems to be lots of misunderstandings and wrong terms
<_death> (macroexpand ``(g ,@(funcall f)))
<fuwatou> macro transformation all finish at compile-time. that we all agree.
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<Gleefre> It seems to be quite lively here today
<Devon> Is anyone else getting a bad cert at https://CommonLisp.com?
<ixelp> Franz Inc. - Knowledge Graph and Common Lisp Solutions
<Gleefre> I do
<Gleefre> Shouldn't it be https://franz.com/ though?
<ixelp> Franz Inc. - Knowledge Graph and Common Lisp Solutions
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<flip214> scymtym: thanks!
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<Gleefre> While there is still a lot of smart people here... How do you think a symbol with an unprintable package should be printed? [ i.e. package name & nicknames were shadowed by PLN ]
<Gleefre> There are a number of not that ideal solutions: [1] use #. syntax, binding the *package* & using find-symbol/intern/read-from-string
<Gleefre> [2] Use a new syntax like #`foo:bar <-- reads without PLN or #:(foo bar) / #::(foo bar) <-- package is looked up in global namespace
<Gleefre> [2.5] Use an ugly syntax foo:::bar and foo::::bar
<Gleefre> [3] Print it unreadably (and signal an error when *print-readably* is T) #<SYMBOL IN A SHADOWED PACKAGE FOO:BAR>
<Gleefre> [4] ignore the problem :/
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<beach> 3 looks good to me.
<beach> Or, rather, 3 looks the least bad to me. :)
<_death> is the printer PLN-aware? (I don't have much experience with PLN use as I try to avoid them)
<beach> I think the suggestion is to make it so, no?
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<Gleefre> Mostly it is already, except for that case
<_death> beach: I guess one could interpret it that way, if it's not already a thing..
<Gleefre> At least on sbcl/ccl/abcl it prints with a local nickname where there is one
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<_death> Gleefre: so maybe another solution would be to avoid such awareness in the printer
<beach> Gleefre: And it uses solution 4 otherwise?
<Gleefre> IIRC sbcl tries to take a name that is not shadowed, but I'm not sure
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<Gleefre> Nope, it does not :/
<_death> Gleefre: it would hurt print-read consistency, but that's already not perfect..
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<beach> Maybe it should not be allowed to create a package-local nickname with a name that is already the name or the nickname of another package?
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<Gleefre> But that's the purpose of package-local nicknames
<_death> beach: what about a different order of operations.. can a package be created with a name that's used as a PLN for some other package?
<beach> Oh? I don't think so.
<Gleefre> To be able to use a nickname without thinking about others using it already
<_death> *in some other package
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<Nilby> 4 - because that's what is already the case with rename-package. more syntax sucks. unreadable things suck but are unavoidable.
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<Gleefre> I believe that [4] is worst :/ I would guess adding a simple check in the printer should not be too hard
<Gleefre> And it doesn't seems like it is critically important for performance, right? PLN are used mostly with the reader & in the REPL
<Nilby> I already deal with 4 all the time.
<Gleefre> It doesn't mean it is better though
<Gleefre> [4] is what mostly Allegro does [ probably because of their own hierarchial packages ]
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<Gleefre> Also ECL and CLASP, but it looks like PLN are generally not that well supported there
<Gleefre> I mean, basic reader stuff works, sure, which is enough most of the time
<ldb> I like [1]
<ldb> Which looks lispy to me
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<_death> given that (format nil "~S" 'some-nickname:foo) => "NOT-NICKNAME:FOO" behavior like (format nil "~S" 'some-pln:foo) => "NOT-NICKNAME:FOO" seems consistent to me
<ldb> I think, there should be a package to allow user to specify how to deal with things that are not printable
<beach> Gleefre: To me, package-local nicknames exist so that one can use a fairly short package prefix even when the name or the nicknames of a package are long enough to be unique. I would neither install an external package, nor create my own package with a name as short as a package-local nickname typically is. So I don't see why my suggested restriction is problematic.
<jackdaniel> beach: some pre-existing packages already have short names (i.e "GL")
<Gleefre> Well, for one there are older libraries with shorter nicknames
<Nilby> readability of symbols is a lie unless you want 9a7920f4-b9d2-4c76-b940-5a96f93c87e1::foo
<beach> jackdaniel: I am sorry to hear that. And I would not install such a package.
<jackdaniel> oh? how about xlib?
<jackdaniel> or clim
<beach> Those are unique, and I would not choose them as a package local nickname.
<jackdaniel> I don't see what is that unique about these names, but I'll just look harder at them and (possibly) acquire enlightenment
<beach> Yes, do that.
<Gleefre> The problem with some-pln:foo => home-package:foo is that with shadowing PLN you can get confusing output in the REPL session for example.
<_death> Gleefre: confusing how? if anything, that's de-confusing
<_death> Gleefre: then the confusability is just limited to READ and not PRINT ;)
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<Gleefre> Well, this exact example is not real-world, sure, but there is one in SBCL's manual
<Gleefre> (pkg my-pkg (:pln (#:foo #:bar) (#:bar #:foo)))
<Gleefre> When you have foo::x => bar::x and bar::x => foo::x, it sure is confusing
<_death> well, if you start from an initial state that screams confusion, not sure the move for the next state is to blame
<Gleefre> Also with global nicknames (eq 'nick:symbol (read-from-string (format nil "~S" 'nick:symbol))) is always T
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<Gleefre> But with PLN you easily can get NIL, which also is not very nice
<_death> yes, and (eq 'pln:a (read-from-string "PLN:A")) would also be T.. this one's not about printing, but reading
<jackdaniel> I think that you are looking for problems where they are not present
<Gleefre> I'm not sure, this is why I'm hoping to discuss it as fully as possible
<jackdaniel> you don't need package local nicknames to get yourself confused in common lisp (with a bit of creativity)
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<Gleefre> But that doesn't mean that PLN must be confusing
<Gleefre> Why make things more confusing?
<jackdaniel> but they are not confusing with their use case - they are to simplify writing code when the package name is too long
<jackdaniel> and to avoid name clashes
<jackdaniel> not to privide printer extensions (adding "features" will only make them more complicated)
<Nilby> if you want non-confusing, get your namespace right and just use-package
<Gleefre> PLN are also used in the REPL
<jackdaniel> I expect that the printer will print the real package name - not its nickname, nor its local nickname, just the package name
<jackdaniel> and that's not confusing, having it print something else (what you think may be right) _is_
<Gleefre> And in the REPL I like to have things [1] copy-paste'able [2] not printing long-long names
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<jackdaniel> you already lose that with #<surprise>
* jackdaniel gets back to writing his Common-Lisp-Instant-Messanging, clim for short :)
<jackdaniel> messaging*
<Gleefre> Well, what about macroexpand-1?
* jackdaniel if he were still here would ask "what about it?", but he's not
<_death> usually you would already have something like (let ((package (find-package "KEYWORD"))) ... print the stuff ...) so as long as keyword package doesn't use PLNs...
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<_death> (I meant binding *package*)
<Gleefre> Probably, right
<jackdaniel> macroexpand-1 when printed has plenty of uninterned symbols that are in fact eq
<jackdaniel> but when read back - they are not
<Gleefre> So... what about *print-readably* ?
<Gleefre> I'd think at least when *print-readably* is T (read-from-string (format nil "~S" <...>)) should either return eq / equal object or signal an error
<jackdaniel> (read (print 'clim:foo)) will work just fine, doesn't it?
<Gleefre> Not if you have a PLN for (#:clim #:clim-2)
<Nilby> language customization is the boon and bane of lisp
<Gleefre> Anyways, thanks you all for the discussion :D
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<_death> the uninterned symbol issue is solved with print-circle ;)
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<paulapatience> Is there a convention for the meanings of clone and copy methods? Meaning, is one normally a deep copy and the other shallow, or are they just arbitrarily used to mean the same thing?
<yitzi> clone and copy methods where? The word clone isn't used in the ANSI spec at all, as I recall. Just copy.
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<bike> i'm not familiar with them having particular diferent meanings.
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<paulapatience> Not in the spec, I mean in libraries. Authors sometimes use clone, e.g., Trucler has cloning-information and quasi-clone, and others use copy. I can't seem to find a consistent usage.
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<White_Flame> paulapatience: there's no standard definition of "clone". Each usage has its own implications about what data is assumed to be shared vs copyable
<White_Flame> same issue as the varying levels of equality
<White_Flame> and that's across all programming languages, not just a lisp thing
<White_Flame> shallow copy is the only thing that tends to be a well-known operation