jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
<doulos05> I'm trying to figure out a way to build and distribute a binary to make installation easier for non-techncial users.
<doulos05> It looks like I should be able to use Github actions and the `ros build` command to make such a binary.
<doulos05> But I just tested it on my development machine and the git commit that works correctly when I run from the command line fails when I run the downloaded binary with a memory-fault-error
<doulos05> My google searches for "roswell common lisp build github action" haven't turned up any working examples (just working examples for running tests).
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<Guest13> hii dear lispers,would you please tell me ,what ''mq" stands for in defmq function?
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<beach> There is no such function in Common Lisp.
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<Guest13> I read that defun stands for defMQ function
<beach> Where did you read that?
<beach> DEFUN stands for "define function".
<Guest13> A gentle intro to symbolic ......
<beach> Well, maybe it is a function defined in the book. Or perhaps, since the book was written before the standard was defined, something that the author thought would be part of the standard.
<Guest13> thank you
<beach> Perhaps if you can find a more complete phrase from the book?
<Guest13> is it an outdated misleading book?
<beach> Some people like it. I am not one of them. But then, I read it already knowing Common Lisp.
<beach> Practical Common Lisp is a better choice if you already know some programming in other languages.
<Guest13> ia m absolute beginner
<beach> Hmm, OK.
<beach> Then perhaps that book is for you, but be careful about differences with the standard.
<beach> So Common Lisp is your first language?
<Guest13> yes
<beach> Congratulations!
<beach> And welcome to Common Lisp.
<Guest13> thank you
<Guest13> my bro make fun of me ,h e tells me python is better choice but i want to  get ready to understand sicp!!
<beach> I see.
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<beach> Which is a better choice depends on your goals, and Python would not be good for SICP.
<Guest13> may i ask which language was the one you got familliar with programing concepts?
<beach> Me? Algol 60.
<beach> But it was a while ago.
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<Guest13> thank you ,for your time,i feel shy asking these trivial questions here
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<Demosthenex> you're polite about it ;]
<doulos05> Just pinging my question about roswell and github actions. Has anybody used Roswell to successfully generate a binary that you can distribute to other computers?
<splittist> doulos05: If I understand correctly, you would like something that, based on some github trigger, automatically builds a distributable binary from a repository of lisp code, and stores it at a known url so that 'non-technical' users can just click to download. Correct?
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<doulos05> Yes. Github actions has the ability to upload an asset to a release when you make a new release.
<doulos05> I have a yaml file here, which generated a lisp image, it just doesn't run on my dev machine (despite the fact that manually generating the same image on my machine does work)
<doulos05> https://github.com/jonathanabennett/megastrike/actions/runs/5677688382 The most recent successful run of my linux build action
<ixelp> Correct typo · jonathanabennett/megastrike@41a989b · GitHub
<doulos05> There's an "asset" beneath it which is a tarball you can download, extract, and (theoretically) run by just chmod +x megastrike && ./megastrike
<doulos05> I'm not married to using roswell and github actions, it was just the path down which my (limited) knowledge could carry me the farthest.
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<splittist> doulos05: have you looked at https://shinmera.github.io/deploy/ ?
<ixelp> Deploy
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<doulos05> Oh, no. I haven't tried that yet. Let me try that now
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<doulos05> Ok, I tried that and it's also giving me a memory error
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<doulos05> It keeps saying the integrity of the image is possibly compromised and then gives me an unhandled memory fault.
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<doulos05> Wait, I think I found the problem. Somehow the branch I used to do my testing was 14 commits behind my main (despite the fact that I thought I branched off of main).
<doulos05> Merging those commits in has fixed the problem. Which makes me wonder if it fixed the problem for my Github builds...
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<coderdan> I'm getting an SBCL crash when using cl-sdl2. The program abruptly exits and says "CORRUPTION WARNING in SBCL pid 14571(tid 0x7f95dddaf6c0): Memory fault at [...]." I've tried using handler-case but it doesn't stop the program exit. Is there any way to recover from this?
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<beach> If the image is corrupted, I don't see a way to recover.
<coderdan> I'm not sure if the image is actually corrupted. I'm attempting to free a data structure allocated by a foreign library (a surface allocated by sdl2-ttf). Without the free call, my program leaks memory. But adding the call results in the crash
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<beach> The warning seems to suggest corruption.
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<Shinmera> I mean if your image dies then yea, it was corrupted.
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<skin> o
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