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<bovid-19> Hi! I am running SBCL through Sly on Guix System. I assumed the correct way to load a system (without quicklisp) was `(require :system-name)'. This seemed to work so far, but now I tried to load `mito' without success (--> `Don't know how to REQUIRE MITO.'). `sbcl-mito' is installed. Am I using the wrong invocation to summon mito or it some other kind of problem?
<beach> Yes, use (asdf:load-system <system-name>).
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<bovid-19> Thank you, beach! I get another error now: `Component MITO not found'. But it might some kind of guix problem: I also tried inside a shell with just sbcl and sbcl-mito and got some other problem there: `#<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "file /gnu/store/4ich13ljrs6r569h8m32dx0mq06wwh58-sbcl-dbi-0.9.5-2.738a74d/lib/common-lisp/sbcl/dbi/src/utils.fasl" {1005B6B613}> is a fasl file compiled with SBCL 2.3.5, and can't be loaded into SBCL 2.3.2.'.
<bovid-19> So I'll try and see if I can get it to work there by including all the dependencies. It's weird though, this seems like the kind of problems guix was supposed to keep away. Anyway, thank you for the pointer!
<beach> bovid-19: You have to make sure ASDF can find the .asd file.
<beach> There are several ways of doing that. I put symbolic links in ~/quicklisp/local-projects to the directory where the .asd file lives and then execute (ql:register-local-projects).
<beach> You should not try to install FASL files compiled elsewhere.
<beach> The structure of a FASL file depends on the version of SBCL that created it.
<bovid-19> I thought Guix was supposed to to care of all that, and it seems to work for most systems. But yeah, maybe using quicklisp makes more sense than trying to figure out what's wrong while I'm actually trying to get something done. That seems to be what I did at some other point since I see I also have quicklisp installed. I've got to go. Thanks again!
<beach> Pleasure. Good luck!
<beach> I don't know Guix, so I can't help you there.
<bovid-19> Cheers!
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