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<nij-> Anyone here uses roswell? It's easy to switch between different versions of sbcl. But sometimes I want to use the cores I built as default. Wonder if that's possible.
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<nij-> For those who don't use roswell, I wonder how you handle many different versions of implementations and the cores built on top of them. Like, how do you quickly switch your default lisp? How does that work for your lisp scripts (e.g. those that start with `#!/bin/sbcl`)?
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<edwlan[m]> I don't really use cores
<edwlan[m]> I start an empty implementation and load the code I need into it from scratch
<nij-> edwlan What if you scripts need dependencies say from quicklisp?
<nij-> If you let it load the dependency every time, it slows down the start time drastically..
<edwlan[m]> Only the first time
<edwlan[m]> The second time, its in the cache
<nij-> ?! It's in the cache of what?
<edwlan[m]> ASDF ~/.cache/common-lisp
<edwlan[m]> But I don’t typically use scripts
<edwlan[m]> If I need that sort of thing I save an executable
<edwlan[m]> But even that is rare, I typically have a long-running lisp session going at any time
<edwlan[m]> And I use it like a shell
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<nij-> I have other tools like emacs or ranger where I can press a key on selected files and run a script against them.
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<edwlan[m]> Yeah, I sort of work the opposite way: I collect utility functions to let me query external systems and manipulate them in lisp
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<nij-> edwlan[m] Say, for example, you press a key in emacs, and you want it to feed the string at point to your lisp function.
<nij-> How would the workflow be?
<nij-> You somehow need to send the string to your running lisp (as a server).
<edwlan[m]> (slime-eval `(:printv ,(cl-map 'string 'identity (thing-at-point 'line))))
<edwlan[m]> Wrap something like that up in an emacs command
<edwlan[m]> (the complexity there is to strip text properties)
<nij-> Oh, yeah emacs have slime so it's easier.
<nij-> How about other programs like emacs, but without slime support? (I'm thinking of ranger.)
<edwlan[m]> But, even then, I typically try to get the data in CL directly
<nij-> ranger is a file manager that allows you to bind keys to actions too
<edwlan[m]> Yeah, you could use something like swank-client or cl-launch I think
<nij-> But if I want to send data from ranger to CL, I may have to write a shell script to do that..
<nij-> cl-launch doesn't let you talk to a running lisp server iirc..
<edwlan[m]> But I tend to have functions like this in my running lisp and use them instead of external tools: https://github.com/fiddlerwoaroof/dotfiles/blob/eff889f0b74956c9536bffffb9b71d9f65853f13/sbcl/utils.lisp#L85-L94
<ixelp> dotfiles/utils.lisp at eff889f0b74956c9536bffffb9b71d9f65853f13 · fiddlerwoaroof/dotfiles · GitHub
<edwlan[m]> Yeah, there was a similar tool that did, but I forget what it was called
<nij-> hmm
<edwlan[m]> (they will occasionally wrap external tools, but I don't tend to use the shell at all when working on lisp projects)
<nij-> Yeah, I don't like to use shell either but sometimes it's inevitable.
<nij-> For example, I'm in my web browser that want to send the selected string to my fav cl function.
<nij-> For another example, I
<nij-> I'm in my window manager or file manager, and want to send the selected file(s) to my fav cl function.. etc.
<edwlan[m]> What I've wanted to write but just haven't is a tool for doing this sort of thing that uses a unix socket or a named pipe
<nij-> You mean to send data to your running lisp?
<edwlan[m]> Yeah
<edwlan[m]> Just simple sequences of bytes to be interpreted as needed on the lisp side
<nij-> And we should use swank/slynk too, to avoid reinventing the wheel.
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<edwlan[m]> They solve different problems
<nij-> I mean, your running lisp probably has been listening using swank.
<edwlan[m]> In a lot of cases I want to be able to do something like ps ax | socat - unix-connect:/tmp/my.sock (or whatever) and then do (string-upcase (read-line comm))
<edwlan[m]> swank/slynk solve the "I want to interact with a networked REPL" problem
<nij-> Oh you want to use either a socket or a named pipe, but not localhost?
<edwlan[m]> Well, I could use localhost, but the point is that I don't care about sending code over the wire
<nij-> If you don't care about speed, then swank has been there listening on local host.
<nij-> All you need is to figure a way to wrap you string into payload swank likes, and send.
<edwlan[m]> But I have to build a valid swank event to use it
<nij-> Yeah
<nij-> Oh, it seems much easier than I thought.
<nij-> The actualy string that's sent to slynk is (format nil "000035(:emacs-rex (cl:list nil 1 1 (cl:+ 1 9)) nil t 2162)~%")
<nij-> This happens when I evaluate (sly-eval `(cl:list nil 1 1 (cl:+ 1 9))) in emacs.
<nij-> Or I can simply send the data to emacs using emacsclient, and then send to lisp using slime/sly... this sounds more robust.
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<wooldoor> Hello, I found something odd while using CLSQL and SBCL's save-lisp-and-die and I was wondering if anyone else ran into it
<wooldoor> Trying to create a new row in an SQLite database causes a memory fault when ran from a executable built with save-lisp-and-die but works fine when loaded normally
<knusbaum> Trying to switch to sly/slynk WHY IS SLIME STILL LOADING IN EMACS!?
<JonBoone[m]> byte compiled config files?
<jackdaniel> knusbaum: rm -rf ~/.slime
<jackdaniel> also check ~/.emacs or ~/.emacs.d/init.el and look for suspiciously looking strings involving "slime"
<jackdaniel> https://imgur.com/VQR8ewH.png \o/ (on the left -faceted plot, on the right no faceting) still much to do, but that's a start :)
<knusbaum> Beautiful graphs.
<jackdaniel> thanks!
<knusbaum> Removed ~/.slime, but still no good. I removed every reference to slime from init.el too. I'm worried roswell is importing stuff though.
* jackdaniel stays away from roswell
<knusbaum> Yeah, I'm starting to feel like I should as well.
<knusbaum> It seems to take over too much...
<jeosol> Good morning all!
<beach> Hello jeosol.
<jeosol> Hi beach, how is everything over there?
* knusbaum frowns
<beach> jeosol: Fine. And you?
<knusbaum> ripped out roswell. Still no luck.
<jeosol> beach: that's great. I am doing well, not bad, getting much warmer here. I haven't been here much lately
<knusbaum> Ok. Just deleted the slime packages from emacs. Now they're not messing with sly.
<beach> jeosol: Good to hear. And, yes, I noticed your absence.
<jeosol> beach: haha, I hope it a good way, and not that I was polluting the channel with my questions, haha
<beach> I don't recall any problems with your questions. Then again, my memory is terrible. :)
<jeosol> beach: For my project, I think I am mostly done with it (at least the features I wanted). I was trying to add some chatgpt frontend but that will take too much time, so think I will just leave it as is.
<beach> Congratulations!
<jeosol> beach: Thanks!!!
<beach> I am working on really boring stuff, but I think it is going to turn out to be essential, so I try to do a bit every day.
<jeosol> beach: As I stated in the past, had to do some with Python :-( and it's not easy working with it, after using CL. Yes, python makes a lot of things easy, but when it comes to version issues and code breaking, it's a pain. These are issues I don't experience much in the CL ecosystem.
<beach> I see.
<jeosol> beach: Yes, the key is 'incremental'. I don't think I could have been able to work on my project, it's was too much, but it was mostly a research too to help me do my computations for my research. It them took different forms and I didn't quite see how it will turn out.
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<beach> I think I understand.
<jeosol> Perhaps we need big investments in the CL space
<beach> Money? I fear we need to try to do without.
<jeosol> Yeah, I meant money. LIke investments towards developing specific capabilities and libraries
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* jackdaniel was about to make a joke that we also need to modernize the standard, but hestitated
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<jeosol> Is there currently a CL committee, albeit informal, that oversees or discuss the modernization issues. It's takes effor to add tooling and there are lot of libraries that does cool things.
<jackdaniel> before you build bureaucracy you need the enterprise going first
<beach> The only thing I know of is the very informal WSCL process, but that's a very modest modernization.
<jeosol> For example, while looking to event messaging, I found cl-bunny (works with RabbitMQ) and enables on to incorporate message queueing to CL applications.
<jackdaniel> doesn't that fact taht it is a library a living proof that there is no need for modernization (in this particular aspect)
<jeosol> jackdaniel: are you referring to my cl-buny comment?
<knusbaum> The only way modernizing the standard could help there would be to define some kind of (defclass fundamental-message-queue) to unify the various implementations interfaces. But I don't think that's actually very useful in this case.
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<jeosol> I often say, I am not a 'compiler' person, so most of my enhancements and improvement thoughts are on the "library side" to enable better integration with modern systems. I think a lot of the base tools are there.
<beach> I am not sure that libraries require changes to the standard. However, there is a lot of unspecified behavior in the standard, and that is not good at all. In my opinion, that aspect must be dealt with first.
<jeosol> and by 'modern systems', I mean having libs that allow one to stay in CL as much as possible. The event-messaging thing for me was huge, and I had realibility issues with lost connections using simple request-response workflow.
<beach> People use programming systems that don't have an associated language standard every day, and they are perfectly happy with it.
<beach> So I don't see what adding libraries to the Common Lisp standard would accomplish.
<jeosol> I agree. I am mostly referring to things layered on CL. But I imagine there are some features that may enable some better coding styles or enable somethings not currently possible. I don't know what those are because my layer is mostly on top the language and I just work with it as best as I can.
<Bike> i can imagine it being useful to add coroutines or something. that seems more appropriate for a language standard than libraries
<jeosol> beach: to be clear, I am not proposing add libraries to the standard, but libraries to build CL applications, I guess something like CLOG could be one.
<beach> jeosol: But that can happen only if there are people willing to work on those libraries. I don't see any other way to accomplish it.
<jackdaniel> well, some people build such thing day-by-day ,)
<jackdaniel> s/thing/things/
<jeosol> Case in point. I wanted to show a CL app to some people, needed some quick frontend (before CLOG), I had to use something based on python, called streamlit for the demo.
<beach> jeosol: So what you are suggesting is again more money?
<beach> I am all in favor, but I don't see where it would come from.
<jeosol> beach: haha, I agree, I see it does suggest that. Well if some university programs can be funded and the by-products put in opensource.
<jeosol> beach: I agree, the funding is the issue and most people would not want to use CL, especially when people aren't as familiar with the language in many settings.
<jackdaniel> we can also rob a bank
<jeosol> haha :-)
* jackdaniel leave the office, see you later \o
<gilberth> There are very few things that you cannot implement as a library. Of what you cannot what I miss most is a READ-SEQUENCE that would do short reads like read(2) together with a READ-CHAR-NO-HANG, a fixed LISTEN and some primitive to wait on a stream to be ready with a timeout like select(2) or poll(2) can do. And UNREAD-SEQUENCE or a buffer protocol. That's about streams.
<gilberth> Another puzzle piece that I miss and that you cannot implement with a library at all is: EVAL and COMPILE taking an environment argument. That's a showstopper to MACROEXPAND-ALL or any code walker.
<gilberth> In general I believe a more descriptive standard would some more reasonable approach. There are a few things that are great improvements and are universally supported now. E.g. relative package names^W^W^Wpackage local nicknames and the "R" number marker. As well as Gray Streams and multithreading.
<jeosol> gilbert: good points and this will also facilitate developments of application libs.
<gilberth> But as always this is a can of worms as everybody would want their favorite library listed there.
<jeosol> hence a committee :-)
<gilberth> I want the most conservative committee then.
<jeosol> that should be do-able I suppose, so we don't mess things up.
<Bike> the most conservative committee is kind of the idea behind wscl, but that means nothing like adding functions or changing apis
<gilberth> Historically things like LOOP, CLOS, FORMAT, the pretty printer and perhaps a few other things were just libraries. This is why when you look there is very much shared code between Lisp implementations.
<jeosol> I remember reading comments from someone here (I can't remember their nick) but they were in the ANSI committee, if I remember correctly.
<beach> jeosol: The only one I know of like that is masinter.
<jeosol> we can perhaps tap their experience
<jeosol> beach: Thanks. I think that's their nick.
<gilberth> My concern is show stoppers, like e.g. the fact that it is not possible to implement MACROEXPAND-ALL. Whether those stream deficiencies that are road blocks to implement network servers is of that class, perhaps is very subjective.
<beach> gilberth: When things like EVAL in a lexical environment are brought up, there are usually remarks (often from me) that it would make it very hard to write an optimizing compiler then. Can I therefore assume that you have figured out how to write such a compiler?
<gilberth> beach: MACROLET has sorted that out. My troubles are: 1. When CONSTANTP tells me something is constant, how to get its value? 2. I really would like to be able to fully macroexpand a form that I see in a macro or compiler macro. Given the latter I could do the former as well.
* beach is lost, not surprisingly.
<gilberth> I see no problem with having access to declarations (with the CLtL1 lexical environment API) and having access to local macros. Accessing a lexical variable is then forbidden or just UB.
<Bike> beach: pretty sure gilberth on means making macro environments available to eval
<beach> gilberth: I thought you were suggesting that something like (let ((x ...) ... (eval 'x))) would be possible.
<beach> Ah, OK.
<gilberth> beach: You have a lexical environment passed with an &environment argument, now create a new lexical environment from that augmented by a macro of your own from a closure you have. Can you do that?
<Bike> reifying a normal lexical environment is what makes compilation hard-to-impossible, but you can pass around environments without allowing that
<beach> So then I don't understand what it means for eval to take an environment argument. But that's just because I would need a very long time to figure it out from what was said.
<Bike> eval and compile are actually sort of the odd ones out, since pretty much every other function that deals with forms also lets you pass an environment, even stuff like make-load-form where it barely matters
<gilberth> Well, without it I cannot implement MACROEXPAND-ALL. Not when I need to macroexpand-all within a given lexical environment.
<beach> I think I need to read what Bike wrote to get a clue.
<Bike> beach: the environment passed to eval could have local macro definitions which would then be used during evaluation, for example
<beach> Yes, I see.
<beach> Thanks.
<Bike> cltl2 has a function that lets you accomplish this indirectly, ENCLOSE
<gilberth> beach: Take the CONSTANTP. I say (defmacro foo (x &environment env) (if (constantp x env) :win :lose)), and then (macrolet ((blah () 42)) (foo (blah)) might as well return :WIN.
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<gilberth> Now suppose that in a compiler macro I want to get at the value of that constant. CONSTANTP returns T, but I still can get at the value.
<gilberth> Testing with (CONSTANTP form NIL) and then say (EVAL form) is IMHO just wrong. There might be macros in place that shadow things.
<Bike> constant-form-value would be another nice standard function to have, on that note
<beach> gilberth: I admire your patience, but there is no way I am going to understand the issue without going away to think about it for a long time.
<Bike> although i suppose eval-with-environment subsumes it
<gilberth> EVAL would do. And it would also make it possible to implement a code walker or a macroexpand-all.
<gilberth> beach: IRC is too limiting to really communicate some good example well.
<Bike> i think for a code walker you need to strengthen the restrictions so that implementations can't add their own weird special operators
<gilberth> Bike: Indeed. But there aren't really too many of those. You can care for that with a few #+. That's not by show stopper.
<gilberth> s/by/my/
<gilberth> The most prominent is some named lambda.
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<beach> I guess the short answer, as Bike hinted, is that the environment in question would contain only compile-time bindings, similar to the restriction for MACROLET.
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<gilberth> Oh, some other missing puzzle pieces: I cannot tell whether a given s-expr names a type or not. And so I cannot tell whether (DECLARE (FOO X)) is a type declaration.
<beach> That's a good one, yes.
<gilberth> beach: That was my idea.
<gilberth> IIRC it indeed is MACROLET which lists the restrictions. But I am too lazy to check right now.
<beach> gilberth: But since you didn't say that, you confused the hell out of me.
<Bike> i have some semi-baked proposals written up for expanding type introspection, but they've been on the back burner
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<gilberth> beach: I was just assuming that nobody would believe that I want lexical variables in the lexical environment exposed. They don't exist at compile time. Only some information about them like type declarations.
<beach> gilberth: There is a lot of work going on that you may have missed. Not with the standard, but with first-class global environment and better compile-time environment support.
<beach> gilberth: I doubted that you would want that, but I had to make sure.
<Bike> i've done some experiments with exposing lexical variables. it's not totally impossible or anything (just mostly)
<char[m]> gilberth: I believe you can try to parse the type specifier with ctype. If it fails then it is not a valid type specifier.
<gilberth> What's ctype?
<Bike> it's a library i made for type parsing
<gilberth> And what is there to parse with FOO?
<Bike> but it needs implementation specific hooks
<Bike> it'll do (type-expand 'foo), and then if foo is a derived type it will return the expansion
<Bike> so said implementation hooks are still appropriate for inclusion in a revised standard
<gilberth> And what if it is a structure type or some other builtin type?
<ixelp> GitHub - s-expressionists/ctype: CL type system implementation
<Bike> it assumes that structure types correspond to classes (which is true, as far as i know), and builtin types it will parse into an object representing the type specified
<Bike> i think it is probably overkill if you just want to know if a symbol names a type
<beach> gilberth: We have solved many of those problems, but not in the context of the standard. We create libraries (that may need support from each implementation) that handle such things.
<gilberth> Well, I was not talking about a practical problem. I can always find the internal lisp implementation specific way to figure out. But about the fact, that I would.
<nij-> Any de facto library for deep-copying stuctures (like list, hash tables, arrays, and objects)?
<beach> But one of the libraries like ctype makes it unnecessary for each application to consult the implementation. Dependency is concentrated to the library.
<beach> nij-: Deep copy is not well defined.
<nij-> Right, there are several ways to "copy". So I'd imagine a de facto lib lets the user choose and even extend the copying procedure.
* gilberth continues hacking his noffi.
<pve> Hey, is there an easy way to configure fuzzy completion in slime to include matching external symbols from other packages when doing tab completion? I mean if I type "with-gen" TAB, the list of fuzzy suggestions would include "alexandria:with-gensyms".
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<char[m]> pve: that's default for me at least in sly.
<pve> char[m]: really.. hmm
<pve> maybe slime and sly differ in this regard
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<edwlan[m]> I like how slime scopes completions to the package.
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<char[m]> gilberth: Why do you say it is not possible to implement MACROEXPAND-ALL?
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<gilberth> char[m]: You already have some lexical environment and now your MACROEXPAND-ALL faces a MACROLET, how would you make a new environment derived from the original that includes the new macro?
<gilberth> Actually that applies to different special forms that enter new things into the lexical environment, too.
<char[m]> What if you just have a environment state that is independent from the &environment environment stuff.
<Bike> inner macrolets can refer to definitions in outer macrolets
<Bike> so you need to be able to process source into a macroexpander function in an environment with the outer macrolet definitions
<char[m]> So, nested macrolets?
<Bike> that's what i said
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<gilberth> Not only that but in general the case that you want to macroexpand-all in a non-null lexical environment. Think a macro or compiler macro, which wants to have a very close look at one of its arguments.
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<gilberth> You might want to have a look at <http://clim.rocks/gilbert/meall.lisp>. Note the process-in-env function, which is the missing puzzle piece. I could have been just an EVAL with an environment argument. Which CCL, ECL, and Allegro provide.
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<nij-> How to check if an object is circular? (e.g. a circular list, a circular hash table)?
<beach> nij-: With a circular top-level list, you can use the slow/fast pointer method. For more general circularity, you need to keep a hash table to see what you have already visited.
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<knusbaum> Having trouble iterating a hash-table whose values are hash tables themselves: https://bpa.st/EFHSW
<ixelp> View paste EFHSW
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<knusbaum> I've tried type annotations with no luck.
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<Bike> knusbaum: you probably meant "with ht2 = (gethash k ht)". using for will reevaluate the gethash on every loop. i think that is causing the problem since "for" variables will start out being NIL.
<jackdaniel> knusbaum: this is because ht2 is not bound when the iterator is created
<jackdaniel> (or, to be precise, it is bound to nil)
<jackdaniel> [being the hash-keys X] is resolved before the loop first iteration is executed
<Bike> knusbaum: also, rather than doing that you can write "for k being the hash-keys in ht using (hash-value ht2)"
<jackdaniel> so ht2 is not bound yet
<jackdaniel> (again, not 'not bound' but 'is nil'
<jackdaniel> )
<knusbaum> AHH
<knusbaum> You all are right.
<knusbaum> I meant "with". I only define ht2 because I want to use it later too and it's clearer to me if I don't repeat the gethash
<yitzi> Why not just get the hash value with LOOP?
<jackdaniel> do, do hash, do hash keys
<yitzi> Or use maphash to avoid the verbosity of the LOOP hash table clause.
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<knusbaum> Yes, actually hash-values would be much clearer here.
<knusbaum> Good idea.
<knusbaum> Well, for the real code, I still need hash-keys in the inner loop, because I need to (setf (gethash ...) ...)
<knusbaum> But hash-keys in the outter loop reduces a line
<yitzi> You can do at least for k being the hash-keys in ht using (hash-value ht2) in the outer loop to avoid the WITH.
<knusbaum> I did "for ht2 being the hash-values in ht" in the outter and "for k being the hash-keys in ht2" in the inner.
<knusbaum> no more "with"
<knusbaum> Why do I keep putting 2 't's in "outer"?
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<knusbaum> Is there an equivalent to subtypep that will climb the class hierarchy to determine if class A has class B somewhere in its precedence list? It seems subtypep only looks at direct superclasses.
<Bike> subtypep looks through the entire precedence list.
<Bike> what are you seeing?
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<Lycurgus> otherwise it would be misnamed
<knusbaum> Hmm, something very strange. I assumed it was a subtypep issue, but it looks like with (defclass A (B) ...) I'm getting (subtypep 'A 'B) => NIL T
<knusbaum> I must have messed up some state. Reloading the lisp and package fixed it.
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<nij-> Bike beach Thanks. I now know it's not as trivial.
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<jackdaniel> I've always found loop syntax for hash tables forgettable (hence hard to use)
<jackdaniel> (dohash ((key val) ht) ...) ;-> (flet ((cont (key val) ...)) (maphash #'cont key val)) ; is quite handy to me
<Bike> yeah i have to look it up literally every time
<knusbaum> I usually like a functional style, but for some reason I reach for loop a lot.
<knusbaum> I think I find the syntax of map and others problematic, since I like to use lambdas, and having the SEQUENCE argument at the end sort of obscures it.
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<yitzi> jackdaniel: Hash table LOOP syntax is terrible. It overlaps with the package syntax and is verbose as heck.
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<edwlan[m]> for being the hash-… of h-t
<edwlan[m]> Ive always liked it
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<char[m]> gilberth: if your macroexpand-all has, and takes, a state that has macrolets and other info and is not an environment (perhaps it is extensible. You make this state available to the macrolet expanders. Then they can call the custom macroexpand-all with the state. If the state is not available, they can fall back to the regular environment.
<Bike> macro functions take an actual environment as an argument. you can't pass them your own state thing.
<Bike> e.g., you want to macroexpand-all `(macrolet ((foo ...)) (loop ...))`. The macro function for loop probably calls macroexpand, and it needs an environment with foo in it to do that correctly.
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<Bike> you can start doing workarounds like having your own loop macro, but that's how things start getting stupid. it would be better if the language protocol was just good enough
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<char[m]> Is that how the scoping rules for macrolet work; more like let*? It seems like it might just not be the best idea to call macroexpand-all within a macro expansion.
<Bike> huh? what are you talking about? i didn't say anything about calling macroexpand-all inside a macro expansion.
<Bike> i said the loop macro function probably calls cl:macroexpand
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<Bike> and i don't know what let* has to do with anything. i wrote a macrolet with jut one binding
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<char[m]> Oh wow. I see that now. In that case why would loop need to manually call cl:macroexpand instead of just expanding to (foo ...) and letting macrolet do it's thing?
<Bike> well, it doesn't really matter, the point is that it can. a more straightforward example is SETF, which needs to call macroexpand-1 if it runs out of other options
<Bike> e.g. (macrolet ((foo (x) `(car ,x))) (setf (foo y) z))
<Bike> it can't just leave (foo y) to be macroexpanded because it needs to return a form that mutates the cons
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<knusbaum> Anyone know of a library for validating a schema for a form? Like if I want my input to a function to be a nested list with certain properties?
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