jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<hayley> To my knowledge the byteswap is done off-line though; I think Xerox should have just picked an endianness and had the VM byteswap at some convenient time (like we do with every network protocol).
<ldb> At least Plan 9 is designed with the potential endianess difference in mind
<jcowan> Yes, apparently it is done offline. I had forgotten that.
<jcowan> I also didn't know that Fujitsu had abandoned SPARC in favor of ARM
<jcowan> There remains z/Arch, though
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<pve> Hi! Does anyone want to check out my latest Emacs utility? It's mainly for CL programming. I even made a video!
<ixelp> GitHub - pve1/form-cycle
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<edgar-rft> the characters in the video are so small that I can see barely nothing at all
<edgar-rft> not even in full-screen mode :-(
<pve> edgar-rft: oh, that's not good.. are you using a phone?
<jackdaniel> looks good on 4k
<pve> this is basically my first time making a video :)
<edgar-rft> pve: 1280x1024 pixel VGA
<pve> ok, I guess I should have used a bigger font..
<pve> I'll try to remember that in case I make a new video
<edgar-rft> pve: it turns out that it's the shitty github video player, if I download the video and watch the local copy from harddisk I can see everything
<pve> phew!
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<paulapatience> Shinmera: If I'm just using pathname-utils for native-namestring, i.e., I'm not specifically using dos-native-namestring on a Unix platform, can I use UIOP's native-namestring instead? Or is UIOP's version lacking in some respects?
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<Shinmera> uiop's is not as strict. For instance, it'll parse a namestring with a Nul character, even though that's not allowed for unix namestrings. uiop's also doesn't handle things like ~/../ correctly, while p-u does.
<Shinmera> that's just from me looking at the source.
<paulapatience> Shinmera: Ok, thanks. I do recall from UIOP's documentation that its pathname functions are not to be used with untrusted input. I'll use pathname-utils then.
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<ogamita> Shinmera: ~/../ works niceley in CL: (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative :up) :defaults (user-homedir-pathname)) (user-homedir-pathname)) #| --> #P"/home/" |#
<Shinmera> wow cool thanks, I told you to never talk to me again and once more you go and don't respect my wishes.
<Shinmera> so here's a fun thing: I'm a mod of this channel
<Shinmera> if you talk to me again I will ban you again.
<Shinmera> got that?
<Shinmera> good.
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<ogamita> I wonder why somebody wouldn't want me to talk to him again…
<ogamita> Also, for IRC newbies, be them mod or not, it doesn't work like this. There's not a /donottalkto command, there's an /ignore command. Type /ignore ogamita !!!
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<Shinmera> Thanks for making the choice easier on me
<Shinmera> any other alt nicks of his that I'm missing?
pjb was kicked from #commonlisp by Shinmera [pjb]
<Shinmera> lmk if he uses another alt
<Shinmera> For those that may think my actions are rather drastic, rest assured I have plenty of other reasons to believe it is better for this channel to be free of his presence
<yitzi> Shinmera: You don't need to defend yourself. The logs are available for those curious....at least for a sampling.
<yitzi> s/defend yourself/defend your actions/
<Shinmera> Sure, though I understand not many would want to trawl through years of history to get a good picture :)
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<White_Flame> I think this +b was the case back on freenode, too?
<Shinmera> it was reverted by request, though I wasn't present when that request happened
<Shinmera> In funner news, still working on Trial's 3D support. https://mastodon.tymoon.eu/@shinmera/110729082390530233
<ixelp> Shinmera: "" - TyNET
<Shinmera> There's so much still left to do though
<Shinmera> Especially 3D collision/physics are very underbaked
<Shinmera> And that's currently roadblocking me from making actual progress on the game
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<aeth> oh, yes, 3D collision.
<aeth> kind of hard to do a rough "good enough, come back to it later" in 3D... so easy to get caught in corners
<aeth> I mean, literally. Not corner cases, corners.
<aeth> Maybe it's one of those things where you have to do it properly from the start.
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<jcowan> Shinmera: Thank you. A better justification is not that he personally annoys you but that he's a troll. An occasionally very helpful troll, but still a troll.
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