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stipa: there we go :) I'm reworking my code and my file is down to 1 kb with use of loops and array instead of how I was doing things before. And as it turned out this ... thing that kept happening and didn't let me go back to the prompt was because I had not entered paste mode with ctrl+e before
Xogium: cool man
you're coding
functions were invented to save some space back in the day, they are things that would repeat in loop over and over again and take up space
sort of…
I'm kinda more or less following my instinct and grabbing some random code that seems to do what I want and trying to change it for my use
that's it, yeah
I still don't like the syntax
bunch of chunks working together
i don't like synthax of any programming language
it's just necessary evil
but python can do alot
thats probably why it looks like that
but soon you'll be making your own functions or stealing them form someone else
you'll notice chunk of code that's repeating inside of the loop
that's a candidate for function
idk, maybe python compiler deals with that to save some flash space, but to be sure making functions is one of the ways to save some flash
there is mpy-cross which compiles python to the equivalent of .pyc
except it is .mpy
but this code is now so tiny I won't need it
the whole intro of the song plus setup of required stuff before makes the file only 547 bytes
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could share it when I'm done if you guys are interested
just for the fun
sure ,why not
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i cant seem to find any information out there, but i am assuming its easy enough to replace my 2gigs of ram with more ram
the ic's do not seem to be stuck down, and looks easy enough to remove and put in some new ones with my air station
parabyte: what SoC?
i think that one only supports 2gig,but i could be mistaken
haha sounds like a challenge i got no work on today!
lanefu, i was well disappointed to learn my board has 100megabit ethernet not 1gig
ha yeah that's _very_ tvbox
lanefu, the 905x datasheet says 100megabit, is like the phy on the soc or something?
yeep phy on soc
s905x still better then the h3+ board i as playing with
sunxi stuff is very crude
oh yeah much faster....
sunxi stuff is weird. it's good and bad lol
better open firmware etc exists
i had to read the emmc off a sunxi device with uboot in tiny segments at a time 8gig emmc 1gig ram. was fun!
no matter what the sunxi board will not boot anything via sdcard or usb
but i can use fel to bootstrap uboot
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orange pi one plus (h6). sorry for question, but how add script to power button on this board? acpid method work?
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f476: someone did add power button to his sbc here but i can't remember who
try searching channel history
Logs: -> irc.armbian.com"
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@stipa: need add bash script for speedtest network, not power function :)
but thx for answer, i try search on irc log armbian
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f476: right, my bad, maybe adding additional tactile button to the IO pin on GPIO is not a bad idea
for that speed network thing
maybe it's better not to mess with power button
if it's avialble to the kernel
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f476: have you looked in the datasheet of your board?
no, but i try it tomorrow. before try i question there, think people use this button :)
maybe it works
but if you modify that switch to use some other comand instead of 'shutdown h now' it could work
it should start firefox if you press power button
or your speedtest script
make network tester for work. speedtest, duplex. and add on screen result speedtest with speedtest-cli. and i wait when on armbian update ethtool package for option "cable-test" for add this info on screen.
for example, the only distro that runs on my macbook from 2009 is KDE Plasma
Hjalfi ports Fuzix to the ESP8266: #15: ...and it's done
i saw some port before but it was slow like crap
not usable
debian dont work on your macbook 2009?
ubuntu no
it works but it has problems with booting
majority of cases it doesn't boot
with kde plasma it boots every time
something with nvidia
it runs manjaro kde plasma
sleeping and that crap doesn't work
but at least it boots every time
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on my dell netbook crap amd gpu hardware dont sleep mode one year, only after get new version driver sleep worked :D
at least it works for you, for me not even after 11 years :D
but it is a known issue noone knows to fix
lanefu, im looking at my ripped android firmware from my s905x box and i cant seem to figure out where the dtb data is?
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GSM towers are buggy as hell
the nearst to me slows me down like to less than 8Mbs after few hours, the one further away doesn't
the slower one is on south and faster on the west
5G, reptiloids, bill gates and george soros, and so on...
from my location
nekomancer[m]: no 5G man, still on 4G
they hides
fuck man, i ironed all bugs in my network and fucking 4G tower is fukcing with me
you should see my 4G modem, it looks like a satellite
wrapped in foil to focus waves in one direction
not omni like it should be
go get wires!
so that it doesn't connect to the cell on the south that is nearer...
cat6 ether, of fiber optics, or docsis, or xdsl
there is optic infrastucture at my place but i have one home where i don't have net so i need 4G to save some money
i can't net at both places so 4G is perfect solution
have net*
i could afford it but i can live with shitty 4G
carry traffic on hdd and usb flashes to wire connected site
as at early 90[
* as at early 90x
money... root of all evils :(
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nekomancer[m]: what is wire connected site?
something like an internet caffe?
It's about place you sayed about "there is optic infrastucture at my place"
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nekomancer[m]: oh, you man there were not internet everywhere, just at some places?
you mean*
just a bad joke :( sorry.
i don't get it
i came to internet around 2000
bunch of porn dailers
you know, if you visited porn site in 2000 you got a porn dailer
wich called isp in some far country and bill was like 200 $
earlier many people have expensive and very limited internet access, then fast download as mych as possible, send ready emails and posts, and go home with downloaded files, pictures, music and webpages. to read it at home without "time is money" pressure, and write new posts and letters.
those things were on every computer that had dailup modem
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nekomancer[m]: sounds like renting internet
200$ was something miracle in our country in y2k times, then telecom providers just made impossible so expensive calls :) nobody can pay such bills :)))
200$ was not very high, but good enough month salary.
yeah, it was nuts
people were sueing telecom
beacuse of the viruses they got on porn sites
fun times
like can you fix my computer, yes i can, i run the antivirus program and porn dailers start to pop up all over the screen
nuts. yes.
i sad "Dont go to porn sites anymore and everything will be fine"
after that divix came
and porn on divix cds
no morn porn dailers lol
no more*
yeah, ads changed everything
flat fast internet, it was nuts when it came
torrents all over the place
clogging traffic
it was so bad that people couldn'd sent an email
porn torrents all over the network
porn torrents! lol
people actually download porn via torrents stipa ?
i thought people consumed it via a web browser
you have people that build porn databases
they collect porn
they have like porn from each era of porn
but porn torrents, yeah
you can see some even today in torrent download folder even if they're easily available in browsers
go to some torrent site
and see top torrents
before torrents era was gif, tiff,jpeg for porn and mp3.
audiogalaxy and napster, and "direct connect"
and ftp with stuff
then kazaa and emule.
yeah, soulseek
and only after them world dominated by torrents
yeah, sick tech
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Parabyte you're beyond my expertise now
speaking to ghosts
though I bet it's using some legacy thing on TV Box
nmight mean you probably have to dump the firmware and then use a tool to extract
I forget the exact tool but if you search you can find it