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buZz, yes dd armbian image to emmc worked fine, sorry for late reply
buZz, s905x board, i used the le potato image. got no wifi or ethernet, but will figure that out tomorrow with correct dtb for the board
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what is the latest version of armbian and where can i find it? thanks in advance!
gotcha, i see it, the first one on the link
i guess i couldnt find the link
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yeah, idle temperatures depend on environement temperature
now for my case they're 5 C higher
outside it's 34 C
93 F
i gues they rise proportinonally with the rise of environment temperature
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got some logs for my mysterious time and netowork problem. its so weird.. you can see the nic freakout and like ahalf th e services restart https://armbian.lane-fu.com/linx/adjfmrli.txt
and teh time goes backwards.. from 19:50 to 19:17 in the logs
buZz, lanefu i can confirm that writing armbian s905* image via dd works fine
lovely :D
found a accurate dtb yet?
i used libreelec as a bootstrap for the process as libreelec uses vfat directory and uboot does its magic via that via usb and no other boot mechanisms work
buZz, yeah i got its firmware ripped from the box, ill get the dt information off that later
i even found some useful config stuff for lirc and lcdproc
ah , the lcd is lcdproc supported? nice
very kinda buZz i might rip apart its driver later and inspect
i have been playing with ghidra for a few years
buZz, its a really really crappy lcd module that isnt really a lcd module
HD44780 lcd?
but driven by a common ic that i cant remember its name
sort of chinese junk pile
all lcds are chinese
its lcd has segments that light up
either chinese , or overpriced
its not really a lcd
its kinda of a lcd
has a clock on it!
you mean, not a dotmatrix lcd
yes buZz
but a segmented one
still, very cool
kinda be cool to see the time on it i guess
or time remaining on current video
thats not a bad idea buZz
or some sort of indication of something!
buZz, i am honestly surprised how easy it was to get armbian on the board
was a little too easy!
i cant even remember what flavour of armbian i wrote the to the device! i just wanted to see if it would work
it seems to have no xorg installed by default
or wayland?
i literally only poked around the system for 10 minutes last night before bed
wayland! urgh i dont know anything about wayland
:) thats ok, nobody does
i got a really unusual use case for my android tv box, kinda weird anyway
instead of it displaying tv, it will be serving up dvb tv via tv headend
i have 7 individual dvb-t adaptors in a old laptop that sits in my server closet
via usb
i got the power issue sorted so the s905 box doesnt have to supply power to these dvb receivers, but i wonder if the box has the bandwidth!
buZz, do these box's have gigabit ethernet?
iv not checked!
oh shit
its not got gigabit ethernet
not sure
i just checked datasheet
dvb-t is offline here :(
sigh thats a deal breaker for me
i need dvb-t2 hardware
parabyt1: if it has usb3 , you could put a gbps adapter on that
ill probably convert it into a librelec box, or maybe run kodi on top of armbian?
lol usb3 its a really cheap chinese android box
usb 2 buZz
and it has a plastic ethernet socket!
what else would it be made of? conductive material so it'll short out the pins? :P
ceramics? :D
they kindly put labels on its uart
dont forget to hookup a GND connection for the uart too
buZz, well its not a nice ethernet socket like found on say a pc
i dno, my current laptop has no ethernet
lol what
and thinkpad next to me has a black plastic one
i wouldnt buy a laptop without ethernet unless your laptop was free?
it was free :) 8core exynos 32bit with 4GB ram
its a 'chromebook' but runs arch now
are you good with your hands and soldering? maybe you could kludge an ethernet adaptor to the board?!?
no need whatsoever
i own >1 computer , lol
yeah usb adaptor i know
this is just my carry-along irc tool
i flashed the firmware to coreboot on my old desktop and all its fans stopped working, so i kludged a i2c pwm fan controller to the motherboards i2c bus
really wild shit buZz with help from a really friendly core dev guy, i patched my sources to work with my random i2c pwm controller and i now have fans on my board!
libreboot / coreboot is really nice, still need to flash this x230 for that
for some reason my superio pwm broke
and i -THINK- i can reflash this chromebook too , to get rid of the last google blob on it
cant you just put github main branch build of uboot on there?
where i usually go
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parabyt1: good deal glad it works.... i do similar for most of my test farm.. u just curl http://image | dd and then cut the power lol
lanefu, i actually used netcat -l blah blah blah | dd blah blah blah but yeah works a treat
be back later, i have to get back to work! im a mundane network installer, about 28c in this building, no air con thats due to be installed next week! urgh!
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remember dd status=progress <- gives you some progress and speed data :)
lanefu: that's one scary log
what's angrybear?
error performing RPC to server
Jun 22 19:17:03 blipsqueak kernel: [ 5.397768] dwmac-sun8i 5020000.ethernet: Error applying setting, reverse things back
Jun 22 19:17:07 blipsqueak nomad[987]: ==> Error starting agent: client setup failed: fingerprinting failed: Error while detecting network interface during fingerprinting: No default interface found
Jun 22 19:52:55 blipsqueak nomad[1743]: client.fingerprint_mgr.network: error calling ethtool: error="exit status 75" path=/usr/sbin/ethtool device=wlan0
and board has some dhcp trouble, cant get ip like the first time it wants it
it contacts angrybear.com for it i guess
if the time is changed maybe that's time that ti gets from NTP server ?
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stipa hahaa angrybear.com is a domain i've owned since late 90s
i use it for internal stuff mostly
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lanefu: i see it's dead on wan
so it must be internal yeah
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do you know how to start the error manually?
i would catch some dhcp and ntp traffic to make sure that problem is not elswhere
but in the board itself
you never know with networks
one machine tripping other out
and wierd stuff like that
bad driver on one machine tripping someting in another machine
best would be to catch all traffic
practically you should check or osi layers for strange stuff
all osi*
just to be shure the error is in the sbc
you should have an idea what could be wrong
also you'll know if there's a bug in nic driver i guess
board is sending some datat o dhcp server but it could be wrong
even better would be to put a bridge in betweene bard and network and do sniffing on that machine that runs the bridge
board and*
not on the actual board itself
but you'll have to sync their times
to match bad board logs time with times of the packets
so that you know which packets correspond to which kernel error
smthn like that
some traffic logging on the fault board itself wouldn be bad to do as well
for example faulty board could register it's sending soumething out through nic but the machine with bridg doesn log it, etc...
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so, someone feeling like helping with a python function ? Trying to use that code copied from internet, yeah I know bad practice
when I paste it in the prompt it just prints ... so I think something is missing
that website sometimes has trouble to load but if you insist it shows up
Xogium: you have example lower
on the page
try to run that one
do we ? I must have missed it
it should beep
jingle bells
below it is also one song more called Hanukkah Tune
some math how he did it and that's about it
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but in whole examples you can see how that variable is meant to be used
ah found it
24 liner
jingle bells
Hanukkah Tune 18
but more htan half of the code is just notes
I'm toying with a seeeduino xiao with its expantion board :D
so I have a passive buzzer to toy with
I also have to make a very small code because it is giving me only 40 kb of space to store both code and libraries in
but should be ok for what I try to do ;)
sounds like a fun project
hehe fun but not very useful
trying to make it play 'a lanister always pays his debt' song from game of thrones
and I have perfect pitch so fsck music sheets
i've watched funny video about perfect pitch today and charlie puth
I managed quite good with simpleio lib so far, but I need to make this code smaller, it's almost 5 kb
some gals made fun of him
Xogium: damn, idk, could it run micro python maybe?
sometimes I really really hate having perfect pitch
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hello, is there a possibility to have an sysv-init version of armbian-zram-config and armbian-ramlog systemd services distributed in the armbian-bsp-cli-odroidhc4 package ?
that was fast
stipa: upython doesn't support this board
Xogium: yeah, micro python is a thing now, maybe it has smaller code, dunno
yeah I definitely meant micropython
just typed u instead of micro
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Xogium: idk, perfect pitch is cool to have
there's basic support in a pr apparently, but it's probably not complete and the readme for the port/samd folder only mention support for repl in features x.x
ahah yeah it is useful and nice to have but honestly
sometimes it just gets on my nerves
like when people keep tapping their fork on their plate
i haven't got expirience with upython, maybe just the python binaries are smaller maybe it's a code as well
or oh, that's the filter for the pool, buzzing away at 60 hz
it makes sense that brain uses auditory system in more capacity in your case
since the focus is bigger on hearing
focus of the mind*
I litterally learned the name of the notes once, and never forgot. Also if I hear a noise that make a frequency like a note or buzzing etc. I tend to amuse myself imitating that sound, including pitch
kewl, i had trouble learning, i mean categorizing sounds into bands
the spectral qualities
like is it a 100Hz or 30 Hz
that took me like a decade to learn
my music teacher at school always made us not listen from one ear because apparently that helps with not going off key when singing
but he went like, huh, you got perfect pitch, you have no need to do that
yeah, mono is cool
if i do mono sounds i do it with one speaker
if there are two there's too much coloration due two sound sources
yes and it was made even worse due to the fact we had no headphones on, and it was room speaker
so natural echoes
yes, it can mess with actual pitch of the source
when it travels from the source to the ears
this xiao packs one hell of a punch though
48 mhz cpu with 32 kb of ram and 256 kb of flash
it's fine
classic embedded chip specs
though the reset stuff on my board is broken
that is the reset button just doesn't work
so I actually had to flash a program on it that would force it into bootloader mode in the first place, so I could flash python on it
the uf2 bootloader expect double reset for getting into bootloader mode
it must be upython
i doubt regular one could fit on 256k
there's something called "Circuit Python" that can go on it
you probably have that
yes I flashed circuit python
you could attach some ultrasonic sensors to that board and detect boundaries with it
they're used in robots alot so that they don0t end inside of the wall
there's a bunch of it on ebay
in kits and such
yep and the seeed grove connector is neat too
I just wish reset was not broken
since you're already messing with sound yoll know how to combine it all
Xogium: I think reset it just hinky
its probably something that takes some practice and its more difficult since the only way you know is by LEDs which you can't really see
my thought was something like you should cut off two of those dupon cables and get someone to solder them to the reset pads
possibly but in fact I looked at the schematics of the expantion and xiao with my friend and it looks like the reset button is actually resetting through the pogo pins
so to reset you just have to connect the cable with another dupont cable
would make it a lot easier for you
it's not just by led… It's also by sound if the buzzer doesn't stop playing
We need to find someone there close to you in France who would be willing to do some soldering for you for a few things ;op
then we could get you in a place where things are a bit easier
also for those Nano boards
speaking of, mine arrive today
ah good
well at least python runs on this thing fairly good and I have no complain so far
on that side
Xogium: I am gonna test using it like you would by just placing headers in board and testing with dupont cables and see if I can come up with a way you may be able to make that useful in the interim
yeah speaking of that, how do I connect uart to this thing ?
is it through the gpio ?
yeah that would be my observation so far
huh, tricky
once my new ones get here I will pull out my dupont cables and such and see what I can get from it
since now I will havd sdcard and I can burn an image for it
ah yes
should mean I can boot that Debian and get an idea
also the extra wtzzz thing on this board is for whatever reason my version of circuit python is… In french
it's litterally the first time I see python printing a stack trace in french
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Any suggested US retailers for a nanopi r2s?
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