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Hi, I'm trying to use commands v4l2-ctl --list-ctrls and v4l2-ctl --list-ctrls-menus on an Armbian PineCube. These commands work out of the box on NixOS, what preparation is necessary on Armbian?
num: so... what are the problems with the commands you experiencing?
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I enter the command but there is no output, just blank prompt.
num: pinecube is not supported. we don't do anything with it
IgorPec: from what I'm reading... not many do yet
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Hi, I'm trying to use commands v4l2-ctl --list-ctrls and v4l2-ctl --list-ctrls-menus on an Armbian PineCube. These commands work out of the box on NixOS, what preparation is necessary on Armbian?
armbean: the pinecube isnt supported
No, but v4l2-ctl --list-ctrls works under NixOS
(02:26:25 PM) IgorPec: num: pinecube is not supported. we don't do anything with it
that was posted earlier when someone asked
OK - no advice then?
Yep that was me
aask a nix channel
thats my advice
armbean: i think it would be better to ask about this on the pine irc server.
or a nix channel indeed
ikmaak: and a #nix channel
is what I recommend to them
i agree with your advice :)
nix is an "interesting" creation
I just thought it might be something tweakable in the kernel or compilable. Thanks anyway.
armbean this has also absolutely nothing to do with nixos.
it jast happen that the one that is playing with this pinecube, likes nixos userland